Health Communication Week Organization

日 本 語

Health Communication Week 2022, Nagoya

Online venue and date: To be determined
Real venu and date: Kinjo Gakuin University, 1-2 Octobar 2022
President: Keiko Abe (Kinjo Gakuin University)

Health Communication Week 2022 is a joint conference of the following Conferences:

Health Communication Week 2022, Nagoya HP(Coming soon)

Health Communication Week 2021, Hiroshima

Online venue and date: Internet ondemand and live, 29 Sep.- 5 Oct. 2021
Real venu and date: (Canceled)Hiroshima University Kasumi Campus, 2-3 Octobar 2021
President: Hiroyuki Kawaguchi (Hiroshima University Hospital)

Health Communication Week 2021 is a joint conference of the following Conferences:

Health Communication Week 2022, Nagoya HP(Coming soon)