
The Department of Physiology is part of the School of Medicine at Dokkyo Medical University (DMU). The department started as Physiology (II) in 1973, and it has overseen education and research in the field of neurophysiology. The department has been led by Dr. Kenji Kansaku since 2018. The department started to oversee education in all field of medical physiology since 2020.
          Dr. Kansaku started his career as a neurosurgeon, and throughout his neurosurgical residency, he observed that impaired brain function caused critical problems. Therefore, he decided that physicians should understand human brain function scientifically to overcome these problems. Since 1997, he has conducted neurophysiology/systems neuroscience research at four government institutes: three in Japan (AIST, NIPS/NINS, NRCD) and one in the US (NINDS/NIH). This research has involved close collaborations between neurophysiologists/systems neuroscientists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychologists, information scientists, and engineers. In 2018, he joined DMU as a professor and became chair of the department.
          The main goal of the Department of Physiology is to overcome problems caused by impaired brain function. To this end, our department pursues neurophysiology/systems neuroscience research to understand brain function and also to apply scientific knowledge to medical practice. We focus on the representation of abstract concepts such as “time, space, and number” or “body image and sense of self”, as well as practical neuroprosthetics. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches are taken in the department.



Kenji Kansaku,

Professor and Chair

Masao Kakoki,

Associate Professor

Eiko Kato,

Assistant Professor

Toshimitsu Takahashi,
Dr Eng

Assistant Professor

Teruyuki Fukushima,

Assistant Professor

Shiho Tanaka

Technical Assistant

Mizuki Tomii

Technical Assistant

Ayaka Sugawara

Technical Assistant

Norihisa Ishikawa

Research Assistant

Mutsuko Kimura

Research Assistant

Yasuko Mamada

Research Assistant

Yusuke Uchiyama,
Dr Eng

Dokkyo PhD course

Yuki Muto,

Dokkyo Residency Program

Visiting Members

Kenji Kawano,

Visiting Professor, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto Univ

Takanori Uka,

Visiting Lecturer, Professor at Yamanashi Univ

Koichi Nakajyo,

Visiting Lecturer, Professor at Jichi Medical Univ

Satoko Koganemaru,

Visiting Lecturer, Associate Professor at Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical Univ

Toshihiro Kawase,

Visiting Researcher, Associate Professor at Tokyo Denki Univ

Tasuku Kitajima,

Co-researcher, Medical Doctor at Nagasaki Prefectural Center of Medicine and Welfare for Children

Jun Nakano,

Co-researcher, Visiting Professor at Kanazawa Institute of Technology

Yoshinori Higuchi,

Co-researcher, Professor at Chiba University

Kyoko Aoyagi,

Co-researcher, Department Director at Chiba Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center

Selected Publications

Research and Review Articles (selected)

・Okahara, Y., Takano, K., Odaka, K, Uchino, Y,, Kansaku, K. Detecting passive and active neural response in patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome. Neuroscience Research, 196:23–31, 2023. 
・Nomoto K, Kansaku K. Chronic corticosterone deteriorates latrine and nesting behaviours in mice. Royal Society Open Science, 10(2): 220718, 2023. 
・Soomro, A., Khajehei, M., Li, R., O’Neil, K., Zhang, D., Gao, B., MacDonald, M., Kakoki, M., Krepinsky, J.C. A therapeutic target for CKD: activin A facilitates TGFβ1 profibrotic signaling. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 28(1): 10, 2023. 
・Wada, M., Takano, K., Ide, M., Sano, Y., Shinoda, Y., Furuichi, T., Kansaku, K. Task-related c-Fos expression in the posterior parietal cortex during the “rubber tail task” is diminished in Ca2+-dependent activator protein for secretion 2 (Caps2)-knockout mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 15:680206, 2021. 
・Kansaku, K. Neuroprosthetics in systems neuroscience and medicine. Scientific Reports, 11:5404, 2021. (editorial)
・Ito, H., Fujiki, S., Mori, Y., Kansaku, K. Self-reorganization of neuronal activation patterns in the cortex under brain-machine interface and neural operant conditioning. Neuroscience Research, 156: 279-292, 2020.  (review)
・Koganemaru, S., Kitatani, R., Fukushima-Maeda, A., Mikami, Y., Okita, Y., Matsuhashi, M., Ohata, K., Kansaku, K., Mima, T. Gait-synchronized rhythmic brain stimulation improves post-stroke gait disturbance: a pilot study. Stroke, 50(11):3205-3212, 2019.
・Okahara Y, Takano K, Nagao M, Kondo K, Iwadate Y, Birbaumer N, Kansaku K. Long-term use of a neural prosthesis in progressive paralysis. Scientific Reports, 8:16787, 2018.
・Sato Y, Kawase T, Takano K, Spence C, Kansaku K. Body ownership and agency altered by an electromyographically-controlled robotic arm. Royal Society Open Science, 2018 5(5): 172170.
・Takemura Y, Kobayashi S, Kato E, Yamaguchi S, Hori Y. Peripheral nerve injury-induced rearrangement of neural circuit in the spinal dorsal horn revealed by cross-correlation analysis. Neuroscience Letter. 662:259-263, 2018.
・Kawase T, Sakurada T, Koike Y, Kansaku K. A hybrid BMI-based exoskeleton for paresis: EMG control for assisting arm movements. Journal of Neural Engineering, 14(1):016015, 2017.
・Wada M, Takano K, Ora H, Ide M, Kansaku K. The rubber tail illusion as evidence of body ownership in mice. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(43):11133-11137, 2016.
・Sakurada T, Kawase T, Komatsu T, Kansaku K. Use of high-frequency visual stimuli above the critical flicker frequency in a SSVEP-based BMI. Clinical Neurophysiology, 126: 1972-1978, 2015. 
・Bushara K.O., Hanakawa, T., Immisch I., Toma, K., Kansaku, K., Hallett M. Neural correlates of cross-modal binding. Nature Neuroscience, 6(2): 190-195, 2003. 
・Kansaku, K., Yamaura, A., Kitazawa, S. Sex-differences in lateralization revealed in the posterior language areas. Cerebral Cortex, 10(9): 866-872, 2000.


・Kansaku, K. (Ed) Neuroprosthetics in systems neuroscience and medicine; Guest Edited Collections of Scientific Reports, Springer Nature, 2021. (
・Kansaku, K., Cohen L.G., Birbaumer, N. (Eds) Clinical Systems Neuroscience, Springer, 2015. (ISBN: 978-4431550365)
・Kansaku, K., Cohen L.G. (Eds) Systems Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, Springer, 2011. (ISBN: 978-4431539988)

Event Information

Join us! It will only take a minute

6th Dokkyo
Neurophysiology Seminar

Friday, December 20, 2024

“Bayesian Inference, Reinforcement Learning, and the Cortico-Basal Ganglia Circuit”
Kenji Doya, Ph.D.
Professor, Neural Computation Unit,
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University

5th Dokkyo
Neurophysiology Seminar

Thursday, January 11, 2024

“A new look at the brain: Free energy principle”
Toshio Inui, Ph.D., M.Eng.
Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University

4th Dokkyo
Neurophysiology Seminar

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

“Sapient Paradox: Neurobiological bases of the Great Journey and the Cognitive Revolution”
Atsushi Iriki, D.D.S., Ph.D., D.M.Sc.
Team Leader, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research

3rd Dokkyo
Neurophysiology Seminar

“Change of sensorimotor environment and the patients’ brain”

Thursday, December 19, 2019

“Dynamic brain maps in phantom pain and implications for treatment”
Herta Flor, PhD
Professor, Department of Cognitive and Clinical….

2nd Dokkyo
Neurophysiology Seminar

“Artificial intelligence, brain and medicine”

Saturday, July 6, 2019

“Artificial Intelligence and Neurophysiology: Modeling visual information processing in brain for Brain-Machine Interface systems”
Ryusuke Hayashi, PhD
Senior Researcher, Human Informatics Research Institute…

1st Dokkyo
Neurophysiology Seminar

Friday, March 22, 2019

“Time in the brain.”
Shigeru Kitazawa, MD, PhD
Professor, Dynamic Brain Network Laboratory, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences/ Department of Brain Physiology, Graduate School of Medicine,
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Rm 325/ Basic Res Bldg, Dokkyo Medical University

Contact Information

Department of Physiology,
Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine

880 Kitakobayashi, Mibu, Shimotsuga,

Tochigi 321-0293, Japan
Ph: +81-282-86-1111
Fx: +81-282-86-2011
e-mail: dokkyo-physiol2 (at mark)
