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Faculty Position at the Faculty of Science
Shizuoka University
    We seek to appoint one full-time academic staff member who can contribute to the Creative Science Program at Shizuoka University. We especially seek candidates with research experience in theoretical physics.   
    The Creative Science Program aims to nurture students who have a strong awareness of global issues. Our program aims to educate students who will contribute to innovative research and social development overseas. To achieve this goal, the Creative Science Program conducts unique educational programs such as active learning-style classes, classes to teach presentation and paper writing skills in English, and study abroad.   
1. Position description  
(1) Be in charge of developing and teaching the physics curriculum in the Creative Science Program.
(2) Lead a research laboratory as Principal Investigator and conduct research in theoretical physics (Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics, or Condensed Matter Physics).
(3) Deliver course lectures and supervise students in the graduate school of the Department of Physics in Shizuoka University.
2. Job status  
(1) Associate Professor, Junior Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor (1 position).
(2) Employment Status: Permanent.
(3) Starting date: The successful applicant can start on April 1, 2025.
3. Location  
  Shizuoka Campus of Shizuoka University  
   Shizuoka University (Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan) is a leading institution located in the picturesque city of Shizuoka, known for its rich cultural heritage and beautiful natural surroundings. The Faculty of Science is committed to fostering an environment of academic excellence and innovation.   
4. Salary  
(1) Annual salary system
(2) Allowances, including those for dependents, management, housing, commutation, special work and overtime work will be provided in accordance with the Shizuoka University guidelines(
5. Your skills and experience  
(1) Hold a PhD in the field of physics.
(2) Fluency in English and excellent communication skills for teaching and research supervision in English.
(3) Skills in the Japanese language sufficient to make an active contribution to university administration.
6. Application documents  
(1) Hold a PhD in the field of physics.Application form (curriculum vitae, photograph, past achievements and research funds, impact factor and citation count of individual paper); Form01 (WordPDF)
(2) Summary of previous research (two pages, A4 size); Form02 (WordPDF)
(3) Plan of proposed research for five-year period (one page, A4 size); Form03 (WordPDF)
(4) Experience and aspiration for teaching in physics and Creative Science Program (one page, A4 size); Form04 (WordPDF)
(5) Copies of up to five most important scientific publications (journal articles, books; PDF).
7. Application Procedure  
(1) Form 01, 02, 03, 04 (Word and PDF) together with (5) will be set in one folder.
(2) Compress the folder in Zip format.
(3) Upload the zip-file "" from the application site below.
* Dcuments submitted by E-mail will not be accepted.
* Application documents will not be returned.
  * Aplication Site (Secure Form)
* Recruit-Information Site (
8. Deadline  
  Applications must be submitted by 24:00, September 23, Japan time.  
9. Selection Procedure  
   Candidates who pass the document review will be contacted for an interview. The first interview will be conducted online, and the second interview will be conducted in person (online for those living overseas).   
10. Further details  
(1) To promote internationalization in both education and research, in the case of equal evaluations, priority will be given to candidates of non-Japanese citizens or those who have obtained a degree abroad.
(2) Shizuoka University promotes gender equality and the hiring of female faculty members based on the basic policy of the Shizuoka University Gender Equality Charter and will give priority to female candidates in the selection process when the evaluations are equal. For more information, please visit the website ( or feel free to contact the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ( ).
(3) If you would like consideration to be given to periods of interruption to research due to maternity leave, paternity leave, or childcare leave, you may provide a description in the application (Form01).
(4) Expenses associated with the move will be covered in accordance with the Shizuoka University guidelines.
(5) Based on the notice of the Director-General of the Higher Education Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology dated November 22, 2022, Shizuoka University will check the history of candidates for disciplinary action against students due to sexual harassment, sexual violence, etc. If it is discovered after employment that you have falsified your resume, you will be subject to disciplinary dismissal.
11. Inquiry  
   Makoto Kusakabe, Professor
In charge of Creative Science Program
Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University.

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 ● Creative Science Course, Shizuoka University ●
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