Japan Rabbit Bioscience Association

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Japan Rabbit Bioscience Association 



Welcome to visit to the homepage of J-RABIA. J-RABIA, founded in 2012, is an organization to study rabbit characteristics for biomedical science research. Rabbit is an unique experimental animal and has been used for many research in biological and medical sciences. Rabbit is mostly used animal for the production of antibodies in the world. In addition, due to appropriate size and tame features, rabbits have been used in studying human diseases such as infectious disease, metabolic disease, atherosclerosis, cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease. Rabbits are especially valuable for the study of human atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular disease because their lipid metabolism and cardiovascular system are similar to human. The purpose of J-RABIA is to spread the use of rabbits for biomedical research. For this undertaking, we have established a system to generate transgenic rabbits and knock-out rabbits, preserve rabbit sperms, and provide different kinds of rabbits to researchers in the world. In collaboration with US and China, we were successfully made a genomic sequencing of Japanese White rabbits, New Zealand White rabbits and Watanabe Heritable Hyperlipidemia rabbits in 2016. In addition, we have close relationship with EU rabbit working group. The major activities include domestic symposium and international rabbit biotechnology symposium biannually. The next international rabbit biotechnology symposium will be held in China in 2019. We welcome all of you who are interested in rabbits to join J-RABIA.

Jianglin Fan, MD, Ph.D.

President of J-RABIA

    Chairman and Professor

Department of Molecular Pathology

University of Yamanash

Contact: 5-1-1 Nabeshima, Saga 849-8501, Japan

        (in Division of Biological Resources and Development,

             Analytical Research Center for Experimental Sciences, Saga University)

        E-mail: jrabia.office1 (at) gmail.com