Integrated Service Areas Network
The ISA Networks expands

The ISA network is an informal initiative by experts from Germany, Switzerland and Netherlands and was started in 2009. It focuses on Integrated Service Areas as a concept which helps older people to live independently in a normal residential area as long as possible. The aim of the network is (a) to describe and analyse best local practices in relation to the national context (b) organise annual expert meetings on the spot and (c) publicize the results on the website At the Eching conference in June 2012 it was decided to extend the network with European partners from Sweden and if possible also from the UK and Denmark, but also with overseas members from the US and Japan.
ISA-Platform visit
Eching project visit (PDF|en)
Community Empowerment in Japan

This framework of community empowerment was initially devised in Japan, but it can also be useful for other actors creating communities, that can meet their own needs. Through the understanding and incorporation of cultural values the general framework for empowerment can be effective in different contexts. Equally important are the methods used to evaluate the effects of such programs to ensure the real progress is being made. Learn more about the framework…
Learn more about the framework
The Japanese Society of Human Science
of Health-Social Services

Our main purpose is to make great contributions to health and welfare through our study, contacts and cooperation among society members and other numerous medical societies.
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