"Proteinuria screening and risk of bone fracture: a retrospective cohort study using a nationwide population-based database"
Okada A, Honda A, Watanabe H, Sasabuchi Y, Aso S, Kurakawa KI, Nangaku M, Yamauchi T, Yasunaga H, Chikuda H, Kadowaki T, Yamaguchi S
Clin Kidney J 17, 1, sfad302 (2024).
"Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Check-ups in 2021 and 2022: A Nationwide Follow-up Survey of Healthcare Facilities in Japan Society of Ningen Dock"
Yamaguchi S, Atarashi T, Okada A, Nasu S, Yamauchi T, Arase Y, Aizawa T, Nangaku M, Kadowaki T
Jma j 7, 1, 94-105 (2024).
"Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Check-ups: A Nationwide Questionnaire Survey in 639 Healthcare Facilities in Japan Society of Ningen Dock"
Yamaguchi S, Atarashi T, Okada A, Nasu S, Yamauchi T, Arase Y, Aizawa T, Nangaku M, Kadowaki T
JMA J 6, 3, 321-31 (2023).
"Effect modification of the association between temperature variability and hospitalization for cardiovascular disease by comorbid diabetes mellitus: A nationwide time-stratified case-crossover analysis"
Okada A, Yamana H, Pan R, Yamaguchi S, Kumazawa R, Matsui H, Fushimi K, Honda Y, Nangaku M, Yamauchi T, Yasunaga H, Kadowaki T, Kim Y
Diabetes Res Clin Pract 202, 110771 (2023).
"Comparison of bleeding complications after pediatric kidney biopsy between intravenous sedation and general anesthesia: a nationwide cohort study"
Okada A, Ikeda Kurakawa K, Harita Y, Shimizu A, Yamaguchi S, Aso S, Ono S, Hashimoto Y, Kumazawa R, Michihata N, Jo T, Matsui H, Fushimi K, Nangaku M, Yamauchi T, Yasunaga H, Kadowaki T
BMC Pediatr 23, 1, 33 (2023).
"Diagnostic ability using fatty liver and metabolic markers for metabolic-associated fatty liver disease stratified by metabolic/glycemic abnormalities"
Okada A, Yamada G, Kimura T, Hagiwara Y, Yamaguchi S, Kurakawa KI, Nangaku M, Yamauchi T, Matsuyama Y, Kadowaki T
J Diabetes Investig 14, 3, 463-78 (2023).
"Effect of Branched-Chain Amino Acid Infusion on In-Hospital Mortality of Patients With Hepatic Encephalopathy and End-Stage Kidney Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using a National Inpatient Database"
Okada A, Yamana H, Yamaguchi S, Kurakawa KI, Michihata N, Matsui H, Fushimi K, Nangaku M, Yamauchi T, Yasunaga H, Kadowaki T
J Ren Nutr 32, 4, 432-440 (2022).
"Impact of body mass index on in-hospital mortality in older patients hospitalized for bacterial pneumonia with non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease"
Okada A, Yamaguchi S, Jo T, Yokota I, Ono S, Ikeda Kurakawa K, Nangaku M, Yamauchi T, Kadowaki T
BMC Geriatr 22, 1, 950 (2022).
"A Machine Learning-Based Predictive Model to Identify Patients Who Failed to Attend a Follow-up Visit for Diabetes Care After Recommendations From a National Screening Program"
Okada A, Hashimoto Y, Goto T, Yamaguchi S, Ono S, Ikeda Kurakawa K, Nangaku M, Yamauchi T, Yasunaga H, Kadowaki T
Diabetes Care 45, 6, 1346-1354 (2022).
"Major complications after percutaneous biopsy of native or transplanted liver in pediatric patients: a nationwide inpatient database study in Japan"
Kurakawa KI, Okada A, Bessho K, Jo T, Ono S, Michihata N, Kumazawa R, Matsui H, Fushimi K, Yamaguchi S, Yamauchi T, Nangaku M, Kadowaki T, Yasunaga H
BMC Gastroenterol 22, 1, 395 (2022).
"Potassium concentration in initial fluid therapy and in-hospital mortality of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis"
Okada A, Yamana H, Morita K, Sato Y, Yamaguchi S, Kurakawa KI, Michihata N, Matsui H, Fushimi K, Nangaku M, Toshimasa Y, Yasunaga H, Kadowaki T
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2021).
"Association between nutritional guidance or ophthalmological examination and discontinuation of physician visits in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes: A retrospective cohort study using a nationwide database"
Okada A, Ono S, Yamaguchi S, Yamana H, Ikeda Kurakawa K, Michihata N, Matsui H, Nangaku M, Yamauchi T, Yasunaga H, Kadowaki T
J Diabetes Investig (2021).
"Clinical characteristics and incidences of benign and malignant insulinoma using a national inpatient database in Japan"
Kurakawa KI, Okada A, Manaka K, Konishi T, Jo T, Ono S, Uda K, Michihata N, Matsui H, Fushimi K, Yamaguchi S, Yamauchi T, Nangaku M, Yasunaga H, Kadowaki T
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2021).
"Factors associated with long-term care certification in older adults: a cross-sectional study based on a nationally representative survey in Japan"
Momose A, Yamaguchi S, Okada A, Ikeda-Kurakawa K, Namiki D, Nannya Y, Kato H, Yamauchi T, Nangaku M, Kadowaki T
BMC Geriatr 21, 1, 374 (2021).
"Effects of Prophylactic Antibiotics on Length of Stay and Total Costs for Pediatric Acute Pancreatitis: A Nationwide Database Study in Japan"
Ikeda Kurakawa K, Okada A, Jo T, Ono S, Bessho K, Michihata N, Matsui H, Yamaguchi S, Fushimi K, Kadowaki T, Yasunaga H
Pancreas 49, 10, 1321-6 (2020).
"Outcomes of lactulose plus branched-chain amino acid infusion and lactulose alone for hepatic encephalopathy: A retrospective cohort study using a national inpatient database"
Okada A, Yamana H, Yamaguchi S, Ikeda Kurakawa K, Matsui H, Fushimi K, Nangaku M, Kadowaki T, Yasunaga H
Hepatol Res 50, 6, 693-703 (2020).