Empower people and community to realize "A world of possibilities" for all

Empower people and community to realize "A world of possibilities" for all

Empower people and community to realize "A world of possibilities" for all

Empower people and community to realize "A world of possibilities" for all
The mission of this forum is to realize
“A world of possibilities” for all.

It enhances the knowledge and skills for empowerment, produces evidences, and delivers all over the world, with clients, residents, practitioners, researchers, educators, and policy makers, etc. It expands network using self, peer, community empowerment, to make a better world.

Image Song

English Video

Chinese Video

Empowerment Song

Japanese (You can download the lyrics here! )

Chorus (You can download the chorus musical score here! )

English (You can download the lyrics here! )

Chinese (You can download the lyrics here! )

Hawaiian Style Version

Samba Version


This page introduces the main activities of the Empowerment Education and Research Forum.


This page introduces the past activities and history of the Empowerment Education and Research Forum.