Empowerment Science Forum, founded in 1990, aims to realize a society in which people have the ability to make significant contributions and can experience the joy of living. We cooperate with members of the International Society for System Sciences on Health Social Services (SYSTED) and the Japan Health and Welfare Society to engage in many research projects. This cooperation fuses research and practice in regard to health promotion, medical care, welfare, education, government, business, NPO, and urban development. The collaboration also targets theorization of cohort practice, exploring new research methods of the subject parties, community empowerment, and forming the platform foundation by utilizing World Wide Web.
With a large-scale research project from the perspective of lifelong development dynamics, we explore the empowerment science constructed by plasticity, diversity, and holistic measures. Along with the activation of peer empowerment, such as symposiums and study camps, we spread our outcomes worldwide using the two-way World Wide Web.
We also have many foreign students from abroad, and the graduates who have obtained master’s or doctoral degrees continue to play an active part in various fields.
Activities by year are as follows:
1990 | Research | Public Long-Term Care Insurance, Universal Design, International ComparativeStudy for Health Social System |
1991 | Research | Tobishima Healthy Longevity Study (Regional Cohort Study, ongoing) Kitakyusyu / Sendai/ Tochigi Rehabilitation System Study |
Inauguration | Tokie Anme, appointed as Steering Member of International Society for SYSTED | |
1994 | Publish | “Aging in Place with Dignity” “Child-Rearing and Childcare Environment in a Time of Low Birthrates” |
Development | “Home Observation for Measurement of Environment Japanese version (HOME-J)” | |
Dissertation | Kiuku Om, “Study on the Welfare Policy-Making Process for the Elderly in Korea” | |
1997 | Degree | Takayuki Yamamoto, Yoko Shimada, Toshiyuki Kasai, Ryoko Harada, Yuko Sawada, Eiko Suzuki, Akiko Maruyama, Mitsuko Imai, Yuichi Watanabe, and Takashi Shiraogawa, obtained master’s degree |
1998 | Research | Childcare Cohort Study (Panel Cohort Study, ongoing) International Comparative Study of Social Rehabilitation |
Publish | “Health Social Services” and “Care Sciences of Health Social Services” | |
1999 | Dissertation | Chiho Shimada, “Measuring Outcome of Health-Social Services for Elderly Jay, Ou, “Development of Assessment for Child Care Environment Scale in Korea” |
2000 | Research | Elderly and Child Abuse Prevention Research |
Publish | “Care Sciences on Aging” and “Empowering Frail Elderly People” | |
Development | “Development Checklist in Child Care” “Childcare Environment Checklist” “Checklist for Child with Difficulties” “Social Skill Checklist” |
2001 | Research | Establishment of Empowerment Science Study Group |
Publish | “Focus Group Interview I: Basic skills” Empowerment Research Society | |
Study Camp | Introduction of Empowerment Sciences (Lake Hamana) | |
Degree | Naoko Katakura, Izumi Sato, Yoshikazu Tanaka, and Hideko Nakamura, obtained master’s degree |
2002 | Study Camp | Expansion of Empowerment Sciences (Dune Nakatajima) |
Degree | Etsuko Fuchita, obtained master’s degree, Hisako Arai | |
2003 | Publish | “Focus Group Interview II: Practice application” |
Dissertation | Kasai Toshiyuki, “Relations between Release Hippocampus Histamines by Enteron Stimulation and Anxiety for Rat” | |
Degree | Hiroshi Tanaka, Hatsue Sakai, Kayo Ieiri, Katunobu Miyazaki, Tokie Shoji, and Tomoko Takabayashi, obtained master’s degree, Emiko Tanaka | |
Study Camp | Empowerment of Health and Social Services (Itou) | |
2004 | Publish | “Care Sciences for Empowerment” “Evidence-Based Child Care: Enhance Quality of Care and Environment” |
Development | “Question Version of HOME, Index of Child Care Environment (ICCE)” “ICCE Simple Version” |
Degree | Di Zhang, Liu, Gao, obtained master’s degree | |
Study Camp | International Health and Empowerment Sciences (Lake Hamana) | |
2005 | Research | Japan Child Study (Birth Cohort Study) |
Publish | “Professional Skills of Community Empowerment” | |
Development | “Interaction Rating Scale (IRS)” | |
Dissertation | Yuichi Watanabe, “Community Empowerment” Naoko Katakura, “Development of Education Program for People with Mental Health Problems” |
Study Camp | Empowerment with Party in Charge (Kiyose) | |
2006 | Inauguration | International developed care:Empowerment Science Lab in University of Tsukuba |
Development | “Social Skills Scale SSS” and “Interaction Rating Scale between Children (IRSC)” | |
Dissertation | Eiko Suzuki, Factors Affecting Rapid Turnover of Novice Nurses in University Hospitals” | |
Degree | Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Sumio Ito, and Junko Kobayashi, obtained master’s degree, Shiori Otsuki | |
Study Camp | Community Empowerment (Izu) | |
2007 | Research | Childcare Environment Evaluation |
Inauguration | Tokie Anme appointed as Director-General Assistant of Cohort Study | |
Publish | “Empowerment for Healthy Longevity” and “Evidence-Based Child Care: Basic Skills” | |
Development | “Interaction Rating Scale Advanced (IRSA)” | |
Study Camp | Support of Empowerment (Mt. Tsukuba) | |
2008 | Publish | “Culture, Care and Community Empowerment” “Evidence-Based Child Care: Practice Application” |
Development | “Interaction Rating Scale Advanced Short Form (IRSA-Brief)” | |
Degree | Emiko Tanaka, Kozomu Saito, Yuko Takashita, and Akiko Osono, obtained master’s degree | |
Study Camp | Empowerment Evaluation (Lake Kawaguchi) | |
2009 | Research | Empowerment and Management, Takahashi Yusuke, “Excellent Paper Award”、Japan Education and Psychology Conference |
Inauguration | Tokie Anme, Japanese Association of Educational Psychology Award Yuka Sugisawa and Lian Tong appointed as JST Special Research Fellow |
Publish | “Evidence-Based Empowerment for Child and Child Care” “Early Detection and Support for the Children with Difficulties“ |
Degree | Taeko Watanabe and Yoko Onda, obtained master’s degree | |
Study Camp | Empowerment and Professional Skills (Oarai) | |
2010 | Research | Empowerment of Childcare Society Study of WEB Support System for Child Wood Education Study, Social Brain Study International Comparative Cohort Study for Development Aimed at Child Growth and Childcare Empowerment |
Inauguration | Tokie Anme appointed as Steer of Japan Society of Children Councilor of Japanese Nursing Science Society |
Publish | “Brain Science for Children,” “What is the Motivation of Working?” ”Focus Group Interview III: Thesis and Report” ”Advanced Initiatives in Inter-Professional Education” |
Dissertation | Ryoji Shinohara, “Parent’s Praise and Child’s Social Development” Yuka Sugisawa, “Implications of Child Social Competence Development” Yuko Sawada, “Social Interaction and Health Decline in Community-Dwelling Elderly” |
Degree | Yukiko Mochizuki and Yuri Kawashima, obtained master’s degree | |
Study Camp | Enhance Interdisciplinary Teamwork Among Various Professions (Lake Biwa) | |
2011 | Research | Organized International Systems Sciences for Health Social Services 2011 (SYSTED11) Empowerment Study for Disaster Region Study of Woody Environment Effect Social Competence Evaluation Study for High-Functioning Autism Research on the Role of Social Welfare Corporation Childcare Study for Children with Disabilities Study on Evaluation of the Environment of Foster Home |
Inauguration | Tokie Anme appointed as President of Japan Health and Welfare Society Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, and Yuko Sawada appointed as Research Fellow Amarsanaa Gan-Yadam appointed as Special Research Fellow for JST |
Publish | “Healthy longevity Study with Community Empowerment Skills” | |
Dissertation | Lian Tong, “Two Cohort Studies Predicting Preschooler’s Social Competence Development from Maternal Parenting Behavior and Attitude” Monika Wilinska, “Spaces of (Non)Ageing: A Discursive Study of Inequalities We Live By” Etsuko Fuchita, “A proposal and Analysis of Practice Guidelines for Nursing Home Care of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia” |
Degree | Mayumi Namba, obtained master’s degree | |
Study Camp | SYSTED Study Camp: Enhance Health-Social System Sciences (Hakone) Children with Disabilities Joint Childcare Study Camp: Toward the Expansion of Joint Childcare (Mt. Tsukuba) Study Camp: Empathy and Symbiosis (Tama) |
2012 | Conference | Organized the 9th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Children |
Research | Research on the Role of Welfare Corporation for Community Empowerment JOSO Happy Research | |
Inauguration | Lian Tong appointed as Research Fellow Emiko Tanaka appointed as the Special Research Fellow of JST |
Publish | “Psychology of Gender Differences,” “Parenting,” and “Enhance Partnership between Childcare Professionals and Parents” | |
Dissertation | Emiko Tanaka, “Early Parenting Behavior and Child Care in Social Development During Preschool Years: Longitudinal Perspective” Kentaro Morita, “Oral Health and Mortality: Longitudinal Perspective” Akiko Maruyama, “Implications of Burnout for Mothers with Preschool Children” |
Degree | Misako Matsumoto and Chihiro Sugita, obtained master’s degree | |
Study Camp | Empathy and Symbiosis II (Lake Yamanaka) | |
2013 | Research | International Comparative Cohort Study for Multi-Generational Community Empowerment Social Competence Evaluation Study for Low-Functioning Autism |
Inauguration | Tokie Anme appointed as the President of International Society for Systems Sciences for Health Social Service (SYSTED) Tokie Anme awarded International Environmental and Scientific Society (Eco-Science) Award Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Toshiyuki Kasai, and Junko Kobayashi appointed as Research Fellow |
Publish | “Introduction for Empowerment Sciences” | |
Dissertation | Taeko Watanabe, “Development of a Comprehensive Childcare Record System Using Internet Documentary Information” Amarsanaa Gan-Yadam, “Community Empowerment in Mongolia” Etsuko Tomisaki, “Child Sleep and Social Competence Development” |
Study Camp | Empathy and Symbiosis Power-Up (Tsukuba) | |
2014 | Research | Branding Study for Multi-Generational Community Empowerment Emiko Tanaka, Best Presentation Award, Japanese Society of Public Health, Japan Health and Welfare Society Misako Matsumoto, Outstanding Publication Award, Japan Health and Welfare Society Etsuko Tomisaki appointed as Research Fellow Tokie Anme appointed as the Operation evaluator of Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) |
Publish | “Self Empowerment, Social Empowerment, System Empowerment” “Health and Welfare Study: Construction and Practice of the person concerned-based system science” “Empower Skills for Child Care Professionals:Application” “A night Child Care and Children” |
Dissertation | Yukiko Mochizuki, “Development of abuse checklist : Focus on early detection, early support in child care support organization” Bailiang Wu, “A study of social competence applied in China: a review and a development of assessment with a sample of university students” |
Degree | Shiori Arioka, Chunyan Jin, Yixin Sun, Zhu Zhu obtained master’s degree | |
Study Camp | Study with Health and Longevity Practice (Tobishima) | |
2015 | Research | International Comparative Study for Multi-Generational Community Empowerment |
Inauguration | Watanabe Kumi, Best Presentation Award, Japan Health and Welfare Society Bailiang Wu appointed as Research Fellow Tokie Anme appointed as the Collaborate Professor of LUND Unitiversity in Sweden |
Publish | 「New Empowerment Models on Practical Strategies for Wellbeing, Nova science Publications」 「Parent-Child Interactions and Child Social Competence: Longitudinal Evidence Using the Interaction Rationg Scale(IRS), Nova Science Publications」 |
Degree | Watanabe Kumi,WenCan Chen obtained master’s degree | |
Study Camp | Lifelong Development and Empowerment(Tsukuba) | |
2016 | Research | Five Senses Stimulation Study for Multi-Generational Community Empowerment Robot Practice Research for empowerment efficacy Future Empowerment Cafe Watanabe Kumi, Best Presentation Award, Japanese Society of Public Health |
Degree | Yuri Nurdiantami 、Keiko Kato、Ayaka Kamata、Miki Sakata、Hanae Ito、Ouyang Lingling、Yashu Yang、Meiryandah Hilda | |
Study Campus | Realization of Incluship Society (Tsukuba) | |
2017 | Research | Multi-generation community empowerment research Tanaka Shoko awarded Most Excellent Publish Award Japan Public Health Conference |
Degree | Junyu Jiang、Jingying Sun、 He Zhao、Huijuan Yu、 Sano Chihiro | |
Study Campus | teamwork and empowerment (Tsukuba) | |
2018 | Research | Empowerment Research and Education Forum Cohort Research Consortium Comprehensive Community Empowerment Research Future Empowerment Cafe |
Degree | Tomomi Toshino、Aya Tsubota、Chen Wei、Haihan Liu | |
Dissertation | Hiromi Arakawa, “Research of the effectiveness of the nursing experience study program for cognitive impairment supporters on their willingness of activities” Chunyan Jin, “Associations between physical activity, social interaction, and cognitive impairment among elderly individuals in China” |
Study Campus | teamwork and empowerment (kitakyushu, Tokyo Campus) | |
2019 | Research | Mirai Empowerment Cafe Regional Comprehensive Empowerment Research Empowerment Childcare Research Forum Childcare Power Up Research Meeting East Asia Child Development Forum International IRS Training Seminar Tanaka Emiko, Best award, Japanese Society of Human Science of Health-social services |
Publish | “Creating Empowerment in Community: Theory and Practice from an International Perspective” “Interactive Community Empowerment program and Adaptation of ICT for Health Promotion: Life Course Approch with Longitudinal Cohort Study” “Open children’s future, Empowerment science” |
Dissertation | Watanabe Kumi, “The effects of social relationships on Instrumental Activities of Daily living and mortality among Japanese community dwelling older adults” | |
Degree | Chen Panpan, Tao Xiaoyue, Cui Xiao | |
Study Camp | Teamwork and Empowerment (University of Tsukuba) | |
2020 | Research | Multi-generation community empowerment research |
Publish |
“A theory of mind as an implication of empowerment” |
Degree |
Li Xiang, Chen xiaoyu, Boutefnouchet Sana |
Study Campus |
Let’s talk with each other for the present and the future! -To regain the smile of the profession! – |
2021 | Research |
Special Interview – Academic Milestones – The Power of Learning Survival Science and Mirai Empowerment Cafe |
Publish |
“Empowerment Based Co-Creative Action Research” |
Dissertation |
Ammara Ajmal:Impact of Physicians’ Commitment on Performance in Public Health Sector, Pakistan |
Degree | Alpona Afsari Banu, Zhang Jinrui | |
Study Campus | Discussing and sharing ideas on how to better interact with COIVD-19 ~ Toward the creation of a safe and secure community ~ | |
2022 | Research |
Special Interview – Academic Milestones – The Power of Learning Survival Science and Mirai Empowerment Cafe |
Publish |
“Empowerment Magic” |
Dissertation |
Jiao Dandan: Multimorbidity and Functional limitation in the Community-dwelling Older Adults: Moderating Mechanism of Social Relationships |
Degree |
Wang Yanlin, Qian Meiling |
Study Campus |
“Let’s regain our daily lives through empowerment ~ Create a vibrant community ~ |
2023 | Research |
Special Interview – Academic Milestones – The Power of Learning Survival Science and Mirai Empowerment Cafe |
Dissertation |
Zhu Zhu: The relationship between parental physical discipline and children’s self-control: Evidence from Japanese and Chinese preschool sample Munenori Matsumoto: Development of a subjective well-being scale for caregivers of children with disabilities at home and examination of its reliability and validity Yantong Zhu: Bidirectional Relations Between Self-control and Cooperation Among Japanese Preschoolers: The role of age entry into childcare |
Degree |
Smarika Shrestha |
Study Campus |
“Intergenerational transmission of empowerment” |