- Kumi Watanabe, Manabu Sakayori, Koichi Uruno, Mitsuko Uruno, Tokie Anme, The Effect of Exercise with Music on the Subjective Well-Being of Nursing Care Users, International Journal of Nursing Science, 2017
- Yuri Nurdiantami, Kumi Watanabe, Emiko Tanaka, Julianty Pradono, Tokie Anme, Association of General and Central Obesity with Hypertension, Clinical Nutrition, 2017
- Kumi Watanabe, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Wencan Chen, Bailiang Wu, Sumio Ito, Rika Okumura and Tokie Anme, Association between the older adults’ social relationships and functional status in Japan, Geriatrics & Gerontology International (GGI), 2016
- Cunyoen Kim, Bailiang Wu, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Kumi Watanabe, Wencan Chen, Sumio Ito, Rika Okumura, Tetsuaki Arai, Anme Tokie, Association between a Change in Social Interaction and Dementia among Elderly People, International Journal of Gerontology, 10(2):76-80, 2016.
- Kumi Watanabe, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Wencan Chen, Bailiang Wu, Sumio Ito, Rika Okumura, Tokie Anme, Association between Social Relationships and Cognitive Function among the Elderly,Scientific & Academic Publishing,6(2): 59-63, 2016.
- Tokie Anme, New Empowernment Model on practical strategies for wellbeing, Empowerment: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Strategies and Psychological Benefits Nova Science Publishers, 7(2), 2016.
- Toshio Munesue,Hiroyuki Nakamura,Mitsuru Kikuchi,Yui Miura,Noriyuki, Takeuchi, Tokie Anme, Eiji Nanba, Kaori Adachi, Kiyotaka Tsubouchi,Yoshimichi Sai, Kenichi Miyamoto, Shinichi Horike, Shigeru, Oxytocin for male subjects with autism spectrum disorder and comorbid intellectual disabilities: A randomized pilot study, Frontiers Psychiatry, 7(2), 2016.
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- Tokie Anme, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Kentaro Tokutake, Yukiko Mochizuki, Etsuko Tomisaki, Bailiang Wu, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugizawa, CH. TADA, Tokinari Matsui, S. Asada, Wood Products Improve the Quality of Life of Elderly People in Assisted Living , International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, 9(1):515-522, 2013.
- Tokie Anme, Kentaro Tokutake, Emiko Tanaka, Yukiko Mochizuki, Bailiang Wu, Taeko Watanabe, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, H. Kawamichi, Norihiro Sadato, Validity and Reliability of the Index of Active Listening (IAL) , Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 2(2):21-29, 2013.
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- 田畑真優、渡辺多恵子、田中笑子、渡辺久実、安梅勅江、川口英夫, 筆跡情報を用いた高齢者の運動機能の定量化と転倒リスク予測法の開発, 可視化情報, 2016
- 冨崎悦子、平野真紀、田中笑子、渡辺多恵子、伊藤澄雄、奥村理加、安梅勅江, コミュニティ・エンパワメント展開のためのニーズ把握-3年間での推移-, 厚生の指標, 2016
- 安梅勅江, Intergenerational Activities and Aging Well: Plasticity as a Fundamental Strength of Lifespan Development, 日本保健福祉学会誌, 2015
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- 安梅勅江, 生涯発達エンパワメントとあそび, 生存科学, 25(1), 2014
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- 片倉直子, 佐藤泉, 安梅勅江2001.高齢者の第一次集団のかかわりと生命予後に関する研究,日本保健福祉学会誌,8(1),P61-68.
- 鈴木英子, 丸山昭子, 原田亮子, 安梅勅江2001. 利用者主体に関する意識の実態とその関連要因に関する研究,日本保健福祉学会誌,7(2),P73-79.
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