We will conduct expeditious and solid clinical research and clinical trials.
We will conduct safe and efficient trials through collaboration and cooperation between university hospitals with outstanding achievements, to supply drugs or medical devices that have high medical needs.
We will actively cooperative in developing drugs to address unmet needs of intractable and rare diseases by taking advantage of the university hospital's characteristics.
We aim to function as an ARO to coordinate investigator-initiated clinical trials.
University conducts research in various areas and has the potential of developing new drugs by nurturing the seeds of research. We will foster alliance network as an ARO by sharing resources and experience that becomes difficult for one member university, thereby step up as an organization that will contribute to new drug development.
Clinical Research Promotion Division
Gr1 |
Seeds Development Committee |
Aims to explore and support nurturing of the drug and medical device seeds.
Propose environment building towards clinical application based on medical needs.
Center for Clinical Research
Gr2 |
Ethics Education Committee. Joint Ethical Review Committee Installation Working Group |
Aims to ensure that all clinical investigator receive high quality ethics education and
clinical trials are conducted correctly.
We will also consider the possiblity of installing joint ethics committee so that trials are implemented smoothly.
Clinical Research Support Center
Gr3a |
Researchers and Professional Staff Development Committee |
We will build educational program to train investigators and professionals to properly conduct clinical trials.
Also offer e-learning program and setup workshops.
Clinical Research Center
Gr3b |
Committee for Nurturing Researchers & Professionals |
Gr5 |
Clinical Development Promotion Committee |
We will cultivate human resources to perform clinical trial monitoring within the university and promote exchange activities between the monitors.
We will examine and establish clinical trial system and implement trials through mutual cooperation between the personnel.
In addition, we will develop responsibility-sharing system and create price list for clinical trials.
Clinical Investigation and Research unit
Gr6 |
Case Series Study Committee |
We will cooperate in implementing targeted patients survey for clinical study and conduct survey on rare disease cases.
We will also connect hospital-hospital and hospital-clinic cooperation by setting up a patient referral system.
Clinical Research Promotion Center
Tsukuba Clinical Research & Development Organization
Gr7 |
Project Promotion and Quality Control Committee |
Gr3a |
Researchers and Professional Staff Development Committee |
We will carry out mutual enlightenment activities on the progress of collaborative projects and quality control thereby establishing a system to implement safe and efficient clinical trials.
Will foster professional staff for the development of medical device.
Clinical Research Center
Gr8 |
Public Relations and Enlightenment Committee |
We will renew PR medium and rebuild our website into a public-relations conscious site and develop strategy for effective utilization of PR medium.
We will reconsider information intended for researchers and promote resource development.
Furthermore, we will promote the steady-state availability of information to the general public by developing information provision strategy.
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