Division of Early Clinical Development for Cancer (DECDC)
About the DECDC
DECDC Director, Takayhiro Kogawa

Genetic-panel testing to identify therapeutic targets, as exemplified by cancer genomic medicine, is now offered under national health coverage. Because existing drugs can rarely be used and clinical trials leading to therapeutic selections are infrequent, we develop promising molecularly targeted drugs when targets are identified. Furthermore, we will identify both genetic mutations and biomarkers for novel drugs and develop novel drug combinations.
Compared to Western countries, the drag lag has been resolved, but there is still room for improvement. We hope to contribute to the development of drugs for the international community by offering an attractive clinical trial site for Japanese and foreign companies to address the aging society of the future. Our team can propose treatment options, such as corporate trials and investigator-sponsored clinical trials, keep up to date with information on new drugs and clinical trials in daily clinical practice, and listen to each patient’s wishes.

(Director, Takayhiro Kogawa)

Division of Cancer Immunotherapy Development (DCID)
About the DCID
DCID Director, Shigehisa Kitano

In recent years, the indications for immune checkpoint inhibitors have expanded to include multiple cancer types, and they are now being used in clinical practice. While these cancer immunotherapies have been a promising option for many patients, for some they are insufficiently effective, and further improvements in treatment outcomes are needed. Currently, cancer immunotherapy accounts for most of the development of new drugs in the field of oncology, and the development of combination therapy with various drugs, including cancer immunotherapy (so-called combination cancer immunotherapy), has become a global competition. To become an international center for the development of cancer immunotherapy we promote clinical development focused on early stage clinical trials, translational research, and fostering of the next generation of human resources, including oncologists and researchers specializing in oncology and immunology, and various medical professionals). Our team is dedicated to being able to offer more options to cancer patients.

(Director, Shigehisa Kitano)

Division of Cancer Genomic Medicine Development (DCGMD)
About the DCGMD
DCGMD Director, Takayuki Ueno

Decoding changes in the genome is the first step in understanding the nature of cancer, and is a necessary basis for implementing Precision Medicine. In close collaboration with the CPM Center, we promote the development of advanced cancer diagnostic technologies based on advanced genomic analysis, such as liquid biopsy, to enable optimal treatment options for individual patients. Also, to develop highly effective drugs based on individual genetic changes, we are actively promoting clinical trials for new therapies in close collaboration with the DECDC and DCID. We see changes in the tumor genome not as individual changes but as biological systems, and we contribute to the development of advanced medicine through practice of genomic medicine.

(Director, Takayuki Ueno)