原田奈穂子研究室「R最速スキルゲットハンズオンセミナー」開催 Nahoko Lab. Hosts “R Fastest Skill Acquisition Hands-on Seminar”






博士前期課程 野口幸洋

On June 29th (Saturday) and 30th (Sunday), 2024, the “R Fastest Skill Acquisition Hands-on Seminar” was held, led by Dr. Masahide Koda, Okayama University.

Embarrassingly, I started from the point of “What is R??”. During the first half of the first day, faced with content full of seemingly magical numbers and symbols, I almost gave up thinking “This is impossible.” However, in just two days, we were able to gain an overview of “R” and learned that we could utilize “R” without much difficulty by leveraging generative AI, which we’ve recently become accustomed to using. By the end of the two-day seminar, I was filled with dreams and hope, thinking “I might be able to do this too.”

As graduate students, we must interpret numerous previous studies and “correctly” use the data from our own research. We came to understand that “R” is an important tool for deriving these accurately and efficiently, and this training allowed us to stand at the starting line of mastering these skills as our own.

Now, all that’s left is practice. I intend to train by analysing “R” with familiar data more and more.

The Nahoko Lab. often hosts such special seminars, providing many events that encourage graduate students to dedicate themselves to their research!!

Yukihiro Noguchi, Master’s Program Nahoko Lab., Department of Nursing Science, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems Okayama University