高嶋 直敬

2000年、神戸大学医学部卒業。2006年 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科修了。
- Relationship of leisure-time and household physical activity level and type with cardiovascular disease: secondary analysis of the Takashima Study data.Iwase H, Tanaka-Mizuno S, Takashima N, Kadota A, Matsui… 続きを読む: Relationship of leisure-time and household physical activity level and type with cardiovascular disease: secondary analysis of the Takashima Study data.
- Association between C-Reactive Protein Levels and Functional Disability in the General Older-Population: The Takashima Study.Takashima N, Nakamura Y, Miyagawa N, Kadota A, Saito Y,… 続きを読む: Association between C-Reactive Protein Levels and Functional Disability in the General Older-Population: The Takashima Study.
- The 21-Year Trend of Stroke Incidence in a General Japanese Population: Results from the Takashima Stroke Registry, 1990-2010.Takashima N, Arima H, Turin TC, Nakamura Y, Sugihara H,… 続きを読む: The 21-Year Trend of Stroke Incidence in a General Japanese Population: Results from the Takashima Stroke Registry, 1990-2010.
- Association between Stress-Coping Strategy and Functional Disability in the General Older Adult Population: The Takashima Study.Takashima N, Nakamura Y, Miyagawa N, Kadota A, Tanaka-M… 続きを読む: Association between Stress-Coping Strategy and Functional Disability in the General Older Adult Population: The Takashima Study.
- Dairy Intake and All-Cause, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Risk in A Large Japanese Population: A 12-Year Follow-Up of the J-MICC StudyMiyagawa N, Takashima N, Harada A, Kadota A, Kondo K, M… 続きを読む: Dairy Intake and All-Cause, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Risk in A Large Japanese Population: A 12-Year Follow-Up of the J-MICC Study
- Polygenic risk score for blood pressure and lifestyle factors with overall and CVD mortality: a prospective cohort study in a Japanese population.Fujii R, Hishida A, Nakatochi M, Okumiyama H, Takashima… 続きを読む: Polygenic risk score for blood pressure and lifestyle factors with overall and CVD mortality: a prospective cohort study in a Japanese population.
- Association between consumption of small fish and all-cause mortality among Japanese: the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study.Kasahara C, Tamura T, Wakai K, Tamada Y, Kato Y, Kubo Y… 続きを読む: Association between consumption of small fish and all-cause mortality among Japanese: the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study.
- 富田先生の論文「Seven-plus hours of daily sedentary time and the subsequent risk of breast cancer: Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study.」が掲載されましたTomida S, Koyama T, Ozaki E, Takashima N, Morita M, Sak… 続きを読む: 富田先生の論文「Seven-plus hours of daily sedentary time and the subsequent risk of breast cancer: Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study.」が掲載されました
- GWAS of folate metabolism with gene-environment interaction analysis revealed the possible role of lifestyles in the control of blood folate metabolites in Japanese - the J-MICC Study.Tsukamoto M, Hishida A, Tamura T, Nagayoshi M, Okada R,… 続きを読む: GWAS of folate metabolism with gene-environment interaction analysis revealed the possible role of lifestyles in the control of blood folate metabolites in Japanese - the J-MICC Study.
1980年、1990年の循環器疾患基礎調査、2010年の国民健康・栄養調査の参加者を対象に追跡調査を行っている研究です。詳しくはNIPPON DATAのホームページをご覧ください。
- Association between alcohol intake and death from cardiovascular diseases and its subtypes stratified by dyslipidemia in Japanese men: 20-years follow-up of NIPPON DATA90.Hirata T, Hirata A, Torii S, Takashima N, Kadota A, Cho… 続きを読む: Association between alcohol intake and death from cardiovascular diseases and its subtypes stratified by dyslipidemia in Japanese men: 20-years follow-up of NIPPON DATA90.
- Predictors of lower limb fractures in general Japanese: NIPPON DATA90.Saito Y, Miura K, Arima H, Hayakawa T, Takashima N, Kit… 続きを読む: Predictors of lower limb fractures in general Japanese: NIPPON DATA90.
- Epidemiology of Acute Aortic Dissection in a General Population of 1.4 Million People in Japan - Shiga Stroke and Heart Attack Registry.Higo Y, Sawayama Y, Takashima N, Harada A, Yano Y, Yama… 続きを読む: Epidemiology of Acute Aortic Dissection in a General Population of 1.4 Million People in Japan - Shiga Stroke and Heart Attack Registry.
- Incidence and In-Hospital Mortality of Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Report from a Population-Based Registry in Japan.Sawayama Y, Takashima N, Harada A, Yano Y, Yamamoto T, … 続きを読む: Incidence and In-Hospital Mortality of Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Report from a Population-Based Registry in Japan.
- Control of Diabetes Mellitus and Long-Term Prognosis in Stroke Patients: The Shiga Stroke and Heart Attack Registry.Tram HTH, Tanaka-Mizuno S, Takashima N, Khan K, Arima H… 続きを読む: Control of Diabetes Mellitus and Long-Term Prognosis in Stroke Patients: The Shiga Stroke and Heart Attack Registry.
- Population-Based Incidence Rates of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Japan: The Shiga Stroke and Heart Attack RegistryShitara S, Tanaka-Mizuno S, Takashima N, Fujii T, Arima… 続きを読む: Population-Based Incidence Rates of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Japan: The Shiga Stroke and Heart Attack Registry
- Long-Term Survival after Stroke in 1.4 Million Japanese Population: Shiga Stroke and Heart Attack Registry.Takashima N, Arima H, Kita Y, Fujii T, Tanaka-Mizuno S,… 続きを読む: Long-Term Survival after Stroke in 1.4 Million Japanese Population: Shiga Stroke and Heart Attack Registry.
Japanese Population-based Osteoporosis (JPOS)研究は、日本人女性の骨折、骨粗鬆(しょう)症の予防をめざして1996年に開始された研究です。詳しくはこちらのホームページをご覧ください。
- Inter-prefectural and urban-rural regional disparities in lung cancer surgery: a Japanese nationwide population-based cohort study from 2017 to 2019.Kido M, Okada S, Takashima N, Yan L, Uchibori A, Sensak… 続きを読む: Inter-prefectural and urban-rural regional disparities in lung cancer surgery: a Japanese nationwide population-based cohort study from 2017 to 2019.
- Premature Atrial Contractions and Their Determinants in a General Population of Japanese Men.Ahmed S, Hisamatsu T, Kadota A, Fujiyoshi A, Segawa H, … 続きを読む: Premature Atrial Contractions and Their Determinants in a General Population of Japanese Men.
- Ventricular Premature Complexes and Their Associated Factors in a General Population of Japanese Men.Ahmed S, Hisamatsu T, Kadota A, Fujiyoshi A, Segawa H, … 続きを読む: Ventricular Premature Complexes and Their Associated Factors in a General Population of Japanese Men.