
(ぎるばーとらいる Ryle, Gilbert)

The workings of minds had to be described by the mere negatives of the specific descriptions given to bodies; they are not in space, they are not motions, they are not modifications of matter, they are not accessible to public observation. Minds are not bits of clockwork, they are just bits of non-clockwork.

---Gilbert Ryle

20世紀英国の哲学者(1900-1970)。 『心の概念』(The Concept of Mind, 1949)において、 デカルトの心身二元論を 「機械の中に幽霊がいるという教義」(the dogma of the Ghost in the Machine) と呼び、「精神を物質と類比的に考えるのはカテゴリーミステイクだ」 と言ってけちらした。




Gilbert Ryle, The Concept of Mind, Penguin Books, 1949, p. 21.

KODAMA Satoshi <kodama@ethics.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Last modified: Wed May 31 15:50:07 2000