
(えるう゛ぇしうす Helve'tius, Claude Adrien)

The whole study of the moralists consists in determining the use that ought to be made of rewards and punishments, and the assistance that may be drawn from them in order to connect the personal with the genral interest. This union is the masterpiece which moralists ought to propose to themselves. If citizens could not procure their own private happiness without promoting that of the public, there would be then none vicious but fools.

---Helvetius, De l'Esprit

フランスの思想家(1715-71)。 ヒュームに影響を受け、 道徳哲学を実験科学として捉えてたらしい。 彼の主著『精神論』(De l'Esprit)は、 とりわけベンタムに大きな影響を与える。 (04/26/99)

KODAMA Satoshi <kodama@ethics.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Last modified: Fri Jan 28 02:10:58 JST 2000