English Page
November 7, 2021
Dear participants of the 20th ARSR congress,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for your participation and contribution to the 20th Asian Research Symposium in Rhinology (ARSR).
Due to the travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 20th ARSR was held as a hybrid meeting on September 25 (onsite presentation and online, live streaming), along with on-demand streaming from October 7 to November 6. There were more than 110 registered delegates from foreign countries, Korea, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Malaysia, and USA, who contributed to 20 keynote lectures, 18 oral presentations and 26 e-poster presentations.
Thank you again for your support to the 20th ARSR.
I am looking forward to seeing you in person at our future congresses.
Please stay safe and healthy.
Takeshi Shimizu
Congress president of 20th ARSR,
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, Japan
Welcome Message

Takeshi Shimizu
Congress President Joint Meeting of
The 60th Annual Meeting of Japanese Rhinologic Society and
The 20th Asian Research Symposium in Rhinology
Professor and Chairman
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,
Shiga University of Medical Science
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my great honor and pleasure to invite you to the 20th Asian Research Symposium in Rhinology (ARSR) which will be held at Biwako Hotel and Otsu Civic Hall in Otsu from September 23 to 25, 2021. The conference will be held as the joint meeting of 20th ARSR and 60th Annual Meeting of Japanese Rhinologic Society.
ARSR was founded by Late Prof. Yasuo Sakakura (Japan) and Prof. Yang-Gi Min (Korea) who had the foresight and vision to develop the clinical and basic research of Rhinology in Asian countries and to establish the intimate relationship among Asian Rhinologists. In 1996, the first ARSR was held in Suzuka, Japan under the leadership of Prof. Sakakura, and the second ARSR in Seoul, Korea under the leadership of Prof. Min. Subsequently, ARSRs were held almost every year in different Asian countries, and has been the major academic gathering for Asian Rhinologists. ARSR has lots of clinical programs such as live surgery and cadaveric dissection course in addition to research sessions. We are proud to have the opportunity to host ARSR the fourth time in Japan after the successful conference in Tokyo, 2013.
Japan Rhinologic Society (JRS) was founded in 1962, and the number of the society members exceeds more than 2000 now. JRS contributes to the development of the field of Rhinology by (1) having an annual academic meeting, (2) editing Japanese Journal of Rhinology and publishing guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, (3) supplying educational courses in the conference, (4) encouraging junior and senior members with awards, (5) extending mutual friendships among nationwide societies, (6) cooperating with other international societies, and (7) making educational programs for citizens.
With "From Japan to Asia and the World" as the theme of this conference, we have special lectures, keynote lectures, instruction courses, and free paper and poster sessions. To encourage the young colleagues, best presentation awards will be prepared for under 40-years old participants. Hands-on seminars for basic research, basic ESS and advanced ESS courses were popular and were crowded every year in this conference. We would like many participants to apply for these seminars in advance.
Otsu is a neighbor city of Kyoto, a famous old capital city of Japan, and it takes only 10 minutes from Kyoto station to Otsu station by JR train. Shiga prefecture is famous for the Japanese largest lake, Lake Biwa, and we can see beautiful landscape from the lake-side conference venue. Otsu is the location of many famous temples and historical sites, including the world heritage site, Enryaku-ji temple on Mount Hiei. I am quite sure that you can enjoy the conference and your stay in Otsu.

Organizing CommitteesPage Top
ARSR International Committee members
- Founders
- Late Yasuo Sakakura (Japan), Yang-Gi Min (Korea)
- Congress President
- Takeshi Shimizu (Japan)
- Secretary General
- Ruby Pawankar (Japan/India)
- Advisory Board Members
- Harumi Suzaki (Japan)
Yoshitaka Okamoto (Japan)
Yuichi Kurono (Japan)
Hun-Jong Dhong (Korea)
Chao-Seo Rhee (Korea)
Sung-Wan Kim (Korea)
Luo Zhang (China)
Raymond Tsang (Hong Kong SAR China)
Sheen-Yie Fang (Taiwan)
Ramesh Deka (India)
Gil Vicente (Philippines)
Marie Encilla (Philippines)
Sanguansak Thanavirathananich (Thailand)
Supinda Chusakul (Thailand)
David Chin (Singapore)
Prepageran Narayanan (Malaysia)
Deasi Anggraini (Indonesia)
Budi Sutikno (Indonesia)
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung (Vietnam) - Asian Rhinology Journal Editor
- Ruby Pawankar (Japan/India)
Chaweewan Bunnag (Thailand) - Editing manager
- Perapun Jareoncharsi (Thailand)
- Past Presidents
- 1st ARSR: Yasuo Sakakura, Japan
2nd ARSR: Yang-Gi Min, Korea
3rd ARSR: Yasuo Sakakura, Japan
4th ARSR: Gil Vicente, Philippines
5th ARSR: Chaweewan Bunnag, Thailand
6th ARSR: Anthony Po Yuen, Hong Kong
7th ARSR: Damayanti S, Indonesia
8th ARSR: Sheen Yie Fang, Taiwan
9th ARSR: Ruby Pawankar, India
10th ARSR: Balwant Gendeh, Malaysia
11th ARSR: Joong-Saeng Cho, Korea
12th ARSR: Benjamin SA Campomanes Jr., Philippines
13th ARSR: Perapun Jareoncharsri, Thailand
14th ARSR: Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung, Vietnam
15th ARSR: Jin-Keat Siow, Singapore
16th ARSR: Harumi Suzaki, Japan
17th ARSR: Luo Zhang, China
18th ARSR: Prepagaran Narayanan, Malaysia
19th ARSR: Retno S Wardani, Indonesia
JRS Committee members
- President
- Shin-ichi Haruna
- Congress President
- Takeshi Shimizu
- Board members
- Yasuaki Harabuchi
Hiromi Takeuchi
Takaki Miwa
Shoji Matsune
Shigeharu Fujieda
Nobuo Ohta
Mitsuhiro Okano
Nobuyoshi Otori
Sachio Takeno
Mikiya Asako - Auditors
- Kensei Naito
Hideyuki Kawauchi - Advisors
- Hiroshi Takenaka
Mitsuru Furukawa
Koji Yajin - Organizers
- Manabu Nonaka
Daiju Sakurai
Kenji Kondo
Hideaki Shiga
tsuo Nakajima
Noriaki Aoi
Tomokazu Matsuoka
Masayoshi Kobayashi
Ken-ichi Kanai
Akihiro Katada - Congress Secretary
- Hideaki Kouzaki
Ichiro Tojima
Congress secretariatPage Top
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Shiga University of Medical Science.
Seta-Tsukinowa, Otsu, Shiga 520-2192, Japan
Phone : +81-77-548-2261
FAX : +81-77-548-2783
E-mail : jrs60@kyodo-cs.com
General InformationPage Top
September 23-25, 2021
Biwako Hotel
2-40 Hamamachi, Otsu, Shiga 520-0041 JAPAN
URL: https://www.keihanhotels-resorts.co.jp/biwakohotel/english/
Otsu Civic Hall
14-1 Shimanoseki, Otsu, Shiga 520-0042 JAPAN
URL: https://www.otsu-kaikan.jp/
Official Language
Takeshi Shimizu, M.D.
Professor and Chairman
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Shiga University of Medical Science
Congress Secretary
Ichiro Tojima, M.D.
Associate Professor,
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Shiga University of Medical Science
RegistrationPage Top
Registration fee (JPY 3,000) includes online live streaming on September 25 (Sat) and on-demand online streaming from October 7 (Thu) to November 6 (Sat).
Registration period: April 19 (Mon)-November 6 (Sat)
Registration Fee : JPY 3,000
Payment Method : Credit Card only.
The due date for the payment is November 6, 2021.
Cancellation Fee : No refund on or after September 15, 2021
Deadline for Registration
23:59 of November 6, 2021, Japan Standard Time (GMT+9)
Inquiries for Registration
JTB Corp. Shiga Branch
E-mail: m_wada591@jtb.com
Abstract SubmissionPage Top
Accepted abstract will be presented in oral or e-poster session. The secretariat will further contact you after the abstract acceptance. Please note that we are asking all presenters to create the slides with audio as mp4 video files and to submit the presentation data in advance.
Abstract submission period: April 19 (Mon)-May 21(Fri)
Call for Abstracts
Abstracts can only be submitted via the online submission system.
Abstracts submitted by post, facsimile or email will not be accepted.
Deadline of Abstracts
23:59 of May 21, 2021, Japan Standard Time (GMT+9)
Abstract Submission
- Select your presentation preference, oral presentation, or e-poster.
- All abstracts must be written in English, in Times New Roman 12-point font, and saved as *.doc,*.docx files.
- Single space all text. Do NOT place blank lines between paragraphs.
- The abstract title: maximum of 25 words in UPPER CASE.
- The abstract text: maximum of 250 words.
- If you are submitting more than one abstract, the abstracts may NOT overlap significantly in content.
- Do NOT mention support of work by a research grant within the body of the abstract. Do NOT underline, bold, or use capitals for emphasis in the abstract text.
- Do NOT place hard returns at the end of each line; use hard returns only to start a new paragraph.
Review procedures
- All abstracts are reviewed by the conference program committee.
- Any oral submission not chosen for an oral presentation will receive e-poster presentation.
Inquiries for Submission
JTB Corp. Shiga Branch
E-mail: m_wada591@jtb.com
AccessPage Top
Access to Otsu Station from Airport

Access to Biwako Hotel and Otsu Civic Hall from Otsu Station

Hands-on seminarPage Top
Hands-on seminar (Basic Research)

Hands-on Seminar (Basic ESS course)

Hands-on Seminar (Advanced ESS course)