
The mission of this forum is to realize “A world of possibilities” for all. 

It enhances the knowledge and skills for empowerment, produces evidences, and delivers all over the world, with clients, residents, practitioners, researchers, educators, and policy makers, etc. It expands network using self, peer, community empowerment, to make a better world. 


(1) Empowerment Lab:

Evidence based implementation in society using cohort study, index development, etc. Dream workshop for future.

(2) Empowerment Café:

voluntary communication session for all

(3) Empowerment Colloquium:

discussion with the frontier professionals

(4) Empowerment Education:

learning course for empowerment

(5) Empowerment WEB:

interactive WEB for empowerment

(6) Empowerment Forum:

basement of empowerment activities

Cover Field

(1) Topic:

Diversity (multi-culture, immigrant, disabilities), Family, Community, SDGs

(2) Function:

Practice, Education, Policy, Research, Information, Network, AI

(3) Lifespan:

Child, Adolescent, Adult, Elderly, Intergeneration

(4) Country:

Japan, China, Mongolia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Angola, Nepal, Tanzania, Brazil, Pakistan, Algeria, Uganda, EU, US et.al.


(1) Meister Course 

(2) Coordinator Course

(3) Supporter Course


(1) Basic Empowerment

(2) Applied Empowerment

(3) Practice and Empowerment 

(4) Education and Empowerment 

(5) Management and Empowerment

(6) Facilitate and Empowerment

(7) Advocate and Empowerment

(8) Community Development and Empowerment

(9) Research/Innovation and Empowerment

(10) Others

Expected outcomes

(1) Realization of “A World of Possibilities”

(2) Creation of a community of well-being where people can live together

(3) Exchange basements of Empowerment

(4) Distribution of Authentic Empowerment Information

(5) Education of Empowerment Human Resource

(6) Enhance to Empowerment Innovation

(7) Promotion of Empowerment Research


(1) Empowerment Lab of Tsukuba University

(2) Evidence-based Childcare, Empowerment Skills for Childcare Professionals Society

(3) International Conference of Systems and Empowerment Sciences for Lifespan Development