About the Journal
International Journal of Analytical Bio-Science (Int J Anal Bio-Sci), official journal of The Society of Analytical Bio-Science (https://plaza.umin.ac.jp/~e-jabs/OurSociety.html), publishes fully refereed papers of international authorship that contribute
to existing knowledge in all fields of studies relating to the development
of biotechnology with special emphasis on analytical methods used for evaluating
biological specimens.
Journal Contact
Principal Contact and Journal Subscription
Office, The Society of Analytical Bio-Sciencee Suzuka University of Medical Science
1001-1, Kishioka, Suzuka-city, Mie, 510-0293, Japan
e-mail: bio19bunseki -§-jafsra.or.jp replace the "-§-" with "@".
Support Contact: Admin of Journal Basic Science and Technology
Professor Yoshiaki Nishiya, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief
Setsunan University
e-mail: jabs-jnl -§- umin.ac.jp replace the "-§-" with "@".
e-mail: nishiya -§- lif.setsunan.ac.jp replace the "-§-" with "@". |