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12. Yokota, T. and Nishikawa, N.: Somatotopic organization of trigeminal neurons within caudal medulla oblongata. Anderson, D. J. and Matthews, B. (Eds.): Pain in the Trigeminal Region. Elsevier/North-Holland. pp. 243 - 257, 1977.
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14. Yokota, T., Nishikawa, N. and Nishikawa, Y.: Brain stem mechanism of oral facial pain. Kawamura, Y. and Dubner, R. (Eds.): Oral-Facial Sensory and Motor Functions. Quintessence, Tokyo/Berlin/Chicago/ Rio de Janeiro. pp. 121 - 132, 1981.
15. Yokota, T. and Koyama, N.: Responses evoked in the caudal medulla by stimulation of neck muscle afferents. Matthews, B. and Hill, G. R. (Eds.): Anatomical, Physiological and Pharmacological Aspects of Trigeminal Pain. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam/Oxford/Princeton. 103 - 118, 1982.
16. Yokota, T. and Nishikawa, Y.: Responses evoked in the cat caudal medulla by stimulation of tooth pulp. Matthews, B. and Hill, R. G.(Eds.): Anatomical, Physiological and Pharmacological Aspects of Trigeminal Pain. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam/Oxford/Princeton. pp. 119 - 135, 1982.
17. 横田敏勝: 神経系の構成、 感覚。古河太郎、本田良行編: 現代の生理学。金原出版、東京。135 - 189, 1982.
18. Yokota, T.: Oral Facial Pain. Kawamura, Y. (Ed.): Frontiers in Oral Physiology. Karger, Basel, pp. 33 - 54, 1983.
19. 横田敏勝: 病態生理. 胸痛 ー 各科領域からみた診断と治療. 現代医療社、東京. pp. 1 - 19, 1983.
20. 横田敏勝: 痛覚. 大村裕他編: 脳の構造と機能. 医学書院、東京. 下巻、pp. 486 - 503, 1984
21. 横田敏勝: 痛覚. 入来正身他編: 生理学. 文光堂、東京. pp. 363 - 376, 1986.
22. 横田敏勝: 三叉神経脊髄路核と視床の痛み受容. 高木博司他編: 脳の生体警告系. 東京大学出版会、 東京. pp. 57 - 70, 1986.
23. 横田敏勝: 感覚. 岩瀬善彦編: やさしい生理学. 南江堂、東京. pp. 273 - 320, 1986.
24. Anderson, S. and Yokota, T.: Pathophysiological and biochemical aspects of pain. Anderson, S., Bond, M., Mehta, M. and Swerdlow, M. (Eds.): Chronic Non-Cancer Pain. MTP Press, Lancaster/Boston/The Hague/Dordrecht. pp. 17 - 30, 1987.
25. 横田敏勝: 腹痛の生理学的機構. 腹痛 ー その臨床と基礎. 現代医療社、東京. pp. 289 - 295, 1987.
26. Yokota, T., Masuda, T., Taguchi, H. and Koyama, N.: Viscerosomatic convergence onto nociceptive neurons in the shell region of nucleus ventralis posterolateralis. Schmidt, R. F., Schaible, H. -G. and Vahle-Hinz, C.: Fine Afferent Nerve Fibers and Pain. VCH Verlags-gesellschaft, Weinheim. pp. 429 - 437, 1987.
27. 横田敏勝: 疼痛の生理学的機構. 豊倉康夫編: 神経難病. 東京. pp.133 - 141, 1988.
28. 横田敏勝.痛みの中枢内機構.高倉公朋他編: Pain−痛みの基礎と臨床. 朝倉書店,東京. pp.47 - 62, 1988.
29. Yokota, T., Nishikawa, N., Nishikawa, Y., Koyama, N., Taguchi, H., Masuda, T., Nomura, T. and Asato, F.: Thalamic mechanisms of nociception: Nociceptive neurons in VPL of cat thalamus. Takagi, H., Oomura, H., Ito, M. and Otsuka, M. (Eds.): Biowarning System in the Brain. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo. pp.17 - 30, 1988.
30. 横田敏勝: 痛覚. 田崎京二、小川哲朗編: 新生理科学大系9、感覚の生理学. pp. 320-332, 1989.
31. Yokota, T.: Mecanismos de nocicepcion: Neuronas nociceptivas en el caparazon del complejo ventrobasal del talamo. Molina, F. J. (Ed.): Dolor. Cientifica Interamericana, Buenos Aires. 60 - 66, 1988.
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33. Yokota, T., Koyama, N., Horie, H. and Nishikawa, Y.: Thalamic mechanism of visceral pain: ascending inhibition of responses to visceral afferent input of VPL and intralaminar nociceptive neurons. Inoki, R. et al.(Eds.): Processing and Inhibition of Nociceptive Information. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam/London/New York/Tokyo. pp. 135-140, 1992.
34. 横田敏勝: 痛みのメカニズム. 山中学他編: 痛みの科学. 富士レビオ、東京. pp. 18 - 29, 1992.
35. 横田敏勝: 感 覚. 岩瀬善彦、森本武利編: やさしい生理学. 南江堂,東京. pp.183-207, 1995.
36. Nishikawa, Y., Koyama, N., Yoshida, Y. and Yokota, T.: Effects of intravenous morphine on responses of thalamic nociceptive neurons in cats. Morimoto, T., Matsuya, T. and Takada, K. (Eds.): Brain and Oral Functions. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam/ Lausanne/ New York/ Oxford/Shannon /Tokyo. pp. 617-620, 1995.