1. | May 20-22, 1964 Australian Physiological Society. Monash University, Victoria.Hubbard, J. I., Schmidt, R. F. and Yokota, T.: An explanation for "Backfiring" from mammalian nerve terminals. |
2. | April 11-16, 1966 50th Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Atlantic City, New Jersey.Yokota, T. and MacLean, P. D.:Interation of fornix and fifth nerve at thalamic level in squirrel monkey. |
3. | April 9-14, 1967 51th Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for ExperimentalBiology, Chicago. |
4. | Yokota, T., Reeves, A. G. and MacLean, P. D.: Intracellular response of hippocmpal neurons inawake, sitting squirrel monkey. |