1. | Fujimori, B., Yokota, T., Ishibashi, Y., and Takei, T.: Analysis of the electroencephalogram of children by histogram method. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol., 10: 241 - 252, 1958. |
2. | Yokota, T., Takahashi, T., Kondo, M. and Fujimori, B.: Studies on diphasic wave form of the galvanic skin reflex. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol., 11: 687 -696, 1959. |
3. | 横田敏勝: 皮膚の電気抵抗に関する生理学的研究. 綜合医学, 17: 723 - 737, 1960. |
4. | 横田敏勝: 正弦波によるGSR測定の一方法. 綜合医学, 18: 867 - 870, 1961. |
5. | Yokota, T. and Fujimori, B.: Impedance change of the skin during the galvanic skin reflex. Jpn. J. Physiol., 12: 200 - 209, 1961. |
6. | 横田敏勝: 主としてネコの肢蹠の電位変動を通じてみた交感神経系の中枢機序. 生体の科学, 13: 272 - 283, 1962. |
7. | Yokota, T. and Fujinori, B.: Mechanism of reversal of vasomotor reflexes produced by stimulation of the sciatic nerve. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 78: 381 - 389, 1963. |
8. | Fujimori, B. and Yokota, T.: Central and peripheral mechanisms of galvanic skin reflex. Acta Neurovegetativa, 24: 241 - 249, 1963. |
9. | 横田敏勝: 交感神経刺激によるネコの肢蹠の電位変動に関する研究. 日本生理学雑誌, 25: 157 - 163, 1963. |
10. | Yokota, T., Sato, A. and Fujimori, B.: Inhibition of sympathetic activity by stimulation of limbic system. Jpn. J. Physiol., 13: 138 - 144, 1963. |
11. | Yokota, T., Sato, A. and Fujimori, B.: Analysis of inhibitory influence of bulbar reticular formation upon sudomotor activity. Jpn. J. Physiol., 13: 145 - 154, 1963. |
12. | Yokota, T. and Fujinori, B.: Effects of brain-stem stimulation upon hippocampal electrical activity, sudomotor reflexes and autonomic functions. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol., 16: 375 - 382, 1964. |
13. | Andersen, P., Eccles, J. C., Schmidt, R. F. and Yokota, T.: Slow potential waves produced in the cuneate nucleus by cutaneous volleys and by cortical stimulation. J. Neurophysiol., 27: 7 8 - 91, 1964. |
14. | Andersen, P., Eccles, J. C., Schmidt, R. F. and Yokota, T.: Depolarization of presynaptic fibers in the cuneate nucleus. J. Neurophysiol., 27: 92 - 106, 1964. |
15. | Loeyning, Y., Oshima, T. and Yokota, T.: Site of action of thiamylal sodium on the monosynaptic spinal reflex pathway. J. Neurophysiol., 27: 408 - 428, 1964. |
16. | Hubbard, J. I. and Yokota, T.: Direct evidence for an action of acetylcholine on motor nerve terminals. Nature, 203: 1072 - 1073, 1964. |
17. | Andersen, P., Eccles, J.C., Schmidt, R.F. and Yokota, T.: Identification of relay cells and interneurons in the cuneate nucleus. J. Neurophysiol., 27: 1080-1095, 1964. |
18. | Devanandan, M.S., Eccles, R.M. and Yokota, T.: Presynaptic inhibition induced by muscle stretch. Nature, 204: 996-998, 1964. |
19. | Devanandan, M.S., Holmqvist, B. and Yokota, T.: Presynaptic depolarization of group Ia muscle afferents by contralateral afferent volleys. Acta Physiol. Scand., 63: 46-54, 1965. |
20. | Devanandan, M.S., Eccles, R.M. and Yokota, T.: Depolarization of afferent terminals evoked by muscle stretch. J. Physiol. (Lond.), 179: 417-429, 1965. |
21. | Devanandan, M.S., Eccles, R.M. and Yokota, T.: Muscle stretch and the presynaptic inhibition of the group Ia pathway to motoneurone. J. Physiol. (Lond.), 179: 430-441, 1965. |
22. | Hubbard, J.I., Schmidt, R.F. and Yokota, T.: The effect of acetylcholine upon motor nerve terminals. J. Physiol. (Lond.), 181: 810-829, 1965. |
23. | Darian-Smith, I., Isbister, J., Mok, H. and Yokota, T.: Somatic sensory cortical projection areas excited by tactile stimulation of the face of the cat. J. Physiol.(Lond.), 182: 671-689, 1965. |
24. | Darian-Smith, I. and Yokota, T.: Cortically evoked depolarization of trigeminal cutaneous afferent fibers in the cat. J. Neurophysiol., 29: 170-184, 1966. |
25. | Darian-Smith, I. and Yokota, T.: Corticofugal effects on different neuron types within the cat's brain stem activated by tactile stimulation of the face. J. Neurophysiol., 29: 185-206, 1966. |
26. | Yokota, T., Reeves, A.G. and MacLean, P.D.: Intracellular olfactory response of hippocampal neurons in awake, sitting squirrel monkeys. Science, 157: 1072-1074, 1967. |
27. | Yokota, T. and MacLean, P.D.: Fornix and fifth nerve interaction on thalamic units in awake, sitting squirrel monkeys. J. Neurophysiol., 31: 358-370, 1968. |
28. | MacLean, P.D., Yokota, T. and Kinnard, M.A.: Photically sustained on-responses of units in pposterior hippocampal gyrus of awake monkey. J. Neurophysiol., 31: 870-883, 1968. |
29. | Yokota, T. and Voorhoeve, P.E.: Pyramidal control of fusimotor neurons supplying extensor muscles in the cat's forelimb. Exp. Brain Res., 9: 96-115, 1969. |
30. | 横田敏勝: スパイク放電の二項型式テスト. 日本生理学会雑誌, 31: 697 - 699, 1969. |
31. | Yokota, T., Reeves, A.G. and MacLean, P.D.: Differential effects of septal and olfactory volleys on intracellular responses of hippocampal neurons in awake, sitting monkeys. J. Neurophysiol., 33: 96-107, 1970. |
32. | 横田敏勝: Barbituratesのシナプスにおける作用. 1. 単シナプス反射抑制の機序. 麻酔, 19: 289 - 294, 1970. |
33. | 横田敏勝: Barbituratesのシナプスにおける作用. 2. Group Ia fiber終末部に対する作用. 麻酔, 20:- 300, 1971. |
34. | 横田敏勝: 終盤電位脱落数によるquantal content平均値の推定法. 日本生理学会雑誌, 31: 430 -434, 1972. |
35. | 横田敏勝: 三叉神経系の電気生理学的研究. 第1報, 下歯槽神経の大脳皮質投射. 歯科基礎医学雑誌, 14 :316 - 322, 1972. |
36. | Yokota, T.: Trigeminovagal reflex elicited by tactile stimulation in cats. Jpn. J. Physiol., 22: 533-543, 1972. |
37. | 横田敏勝: 三叉神経系の電気生理学的研究. 第2報, 体性感覚領SIIIの機能構築. 歯科基礎医学雑誌, 14 : 530 - 538, 1972. |
38. | Yokota, T., Nakano, K. and Suzuki, K.: Reflex control of extrinsic tongue muscle activities by lingual mechanoreceptors. Jpn. J. Physiol., 24: 73-91, 1974. |
39. | 横田敏勝: Platform techniqueによる単位ニューロン活動の研究法. 日本生理学会雑誌, 35: 1 - 7, 1974. |
40. | Yokota, T.: Excitation of units in marginal rim of trigeminal subnucleus caudalis elicited by tooth pulp stimulation. Brain Research, 95: 154-158, 1975. |
41. | Yokota, T.: Two types of tooth pulp units in the bulbar lateral reticular formation. Brain Research, 104: 325-329. |
42. | Yokota, T. and Hashimoto, S.: Periaqueducatal gray and tooth pulp interaction on units in caudal medulla oblongata. Brain Research, 117: 508-512, 1976. |
43. | Yokota, T.: Trigeminal subnucleus caudalis neurons excited by tooth pulp stimulation. Adv. Pain Res. Ther., 1: 171-176, 1976. |
44. | Yokota, T.: Differential inhibitory effects of volleys from dorsal raphe nucleus upon spinal and spino-bulbo-spinal reflexes. Neurosci. Lett., 17: 291-294, 1978. |
45. | Yokota, T., Nishikawa, N. and Nishikawa, Y.: Somatotopic trigeminal projection onto the caudal medulla oblongata. Part. I. Tactile representation within pars magnocellularis of the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis. Integrative Control Funtions of th Brain, 1: 109 - 111, 1987. |
46. | Yokota, T., Nishikawa, Y. and Ohno, S.: A hypoglossal reflex elicited by mechanical stimulation of the mandibular mucosa in the cat. Jpn. J. Physiol., 28: 659-667, |
47. | Carstens, E., Yokota, T. and Zimmermann, M.: Inhibition of spinal neuronal responses to noxious skin heating by stimulation of mesencephalic periaqueductal gray in the cat. J. Neurophysiol., 42:558-563, 1979. |
48. | Yokota, T., Nishikawa, N. and Nishikawa, Y.: Effects of strychnine upon different classes of trigeminal subnucleus caudalis neurons. Brain Research, 168: 430-434, 1979. |
49. | Yokota, T. and Nishikawa, Y.: Action of picrotoxin upon trigeminal subnucleus caudalis neurons in the monkey. Brain Research, 171: 369-373, 1979. |
50. | Yokota, T., Nishikawa, N. and Nishikawa, Y.: Trigeminal nociceptive neurons in the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis and bulbar lateral reticular formation. Adv. Pain Res. Ther., 3: 211-217, 1979. |
51. | Yokota, T., Nishikawa, N. and Nishikawa, Y.: Somatotopic trigeminal projection onto the caudal medulla oblongata. PART. II. Nociceptive representation within the marginal layer of the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis. Integrative Control Functions of the Brain, 2: 101 - 103, 1979. |
52. | 西川 望,横田敏勝: 中脳中心灰白質刺激による脊髄後角侵害受容ニューロン活動の抑制. 脳と神経., 31: 61-70, 1979. |
53. | Yokota, T. and Nishikawa, N.: Reappraisal of somatotopic tactile representation within trigeminal subnucleus caudalis. J. Neurophysiol., 43: 700-712, 1980. |
54. | Carstens, E. and Yokota, T. : Visceromotor convergence and responses to intestinal distension of neurons at the junction of midbrain and posterior thalamus in the cat. Exp. Neurol., 70: 1980. |
55. | Yokota, T., Nishikawa, N. and Nishikawa, Y.: Differential effects of strychnine and picrotoxin on different classes of trigeminal neurons in the caudal medulla oblongata. Integrative Control Functions of the Brain, 3: 94 - 96, 1980. |
56. | Yokota, T. and Nishikawa, N.: Effects of picrotoxin upon response characteristics of wide dynamic range neurons in the spinal cord of cat and monkey. Neurosci. Lett., 28: 295-263,1982. |
57. | Tsubaki, T. and Yokota, T.: Heat-evoked responses of dorsal horn nociceptive neurons in the monkey. Jpn. J. Physiol., 33: 249-267, 1983. |
58. | Takahashi, M. and Yokota, T.: Convergence of cardiac and cutaneous afferents onto neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord in the cat. Neurosci. Lett., 38: 251-256, 1983. |
59. | Yokota, T. and Matsumoto, N.: Somatotopic distribution of trigeminal nociceptive specific neurons within the caudal somatosensory thalamus of cat. Neurosci. Lett., 38: 125-130, 1983. |
60. | Yokota, T. and Matsumoto, N.: Location and functional organization of trigeminal wide dynamic range neurons within the nucleus ventralis posteromedialis of the cat. Neurosci. Lett., 39: 1983. |
61. | Yokota, T. and Koyama, N.: Identification of neurons relaying trigeminal nociceptive input on to subnucleus reticularis ventralis in the cat. Neurosci. Lett., 36: 273-278, 1983. |
62. | Yokota, T.: Neural mechanisms of trigeminal pain. Adv. Pain Res. Ther., 9: 211-232, 1985. |
63. | Yokota, T., Koyama, N. and Matsumoto, N.: Somatotopic distribution of trigeminal nociceptive neurons in ventrobasal complex of cat thalamus. J. Neurophysiol., 53: 1387-1400, 1985. |
64. | Nishikawa, N. and Yokota, T.: The morphology of trigeminal nociceptive neurons in the caudal bulbar lateral reticular formation of the cat. Brain Research, 347: 166-168, 1985. |
65. | Sonoda, H., Ikenoue, K. and Yokota, T.: Periaqueductal gray inhibition of viscerointercosta and galvanic skin reflexes. Brain Research, 369: 91-102, 1986. |
66. | Yokota, T., Nishikawa, Y. and Koyama, N.: Tooth pulp input to the shell region of nucleus ventralis posteromedialis of the cat thalamus. J. Neurophysiol., 56: 80-98, 1986. |
67. | Nishida, Y. and Yokota, T.: Neurons in and near the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis excited by mechanical stimulation of the cornea. Neuro-ophthalmol. Jpn., 3: 500-507, 1986. |
68. | Taguchi, H., Masuda, T. and Yokota, T.: Cardiac sympathetic afferent input onto neurons in nucleus ventralis posterolateralis in cat thalamus. Brain Research, 436: 240-252, 1987. |
69. | Yokota, T., Koyama, N. and Nishikawa, Y.: Nociceptive neurons in the shell region of the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus. Neurol. Neurobiol., 30: 305 -312, 1987. |
70. | Yokota, T., Nishikawa, Y. and Koyama, N.: Distribution of trigeminal nociceptive neurons in nucleus ventralis posteromedialis of primates. Pain Res. Clin. Manag. 3:1988. |
71. | Nishikawa, Y., Koyama, N. and Yokota, T.: Ipsilateral somatosensory tongue representation within the lateral subdivision of the nucleus ventralis posteromedialis parvocellularis of the cat thalamus. Brain Research, 458: 394-396, 1988. |
72. | Yokota, T., Asato, F., Koyama, N., Masuda, T. and Taguchi, H.: Nociceptive body representation in nucleus ventralis posterolateralis of cat thalamus. J. Neurophysiol., 60: 1714-1727, 1988. |
73. | Yokota, T., Koyama, N., Nishikawa, Y. and Hasegawa, A.: Dual somatosensory representation of the periodontium in nucleus ventralis posteromedialis of the cat thalamus. Brain Research, 187-191. |
74. | Asato, F. and Yokota, T.: Responses of neurons in nucleus ventralis posterolateralis of the cat thalamus to hypogastric inputs. Brain Research,488: 135-142, 1989. |
75. | Koyama, N., Terada, M. and Yokota, T.: Electrophysiological changes in the fasciculus gracilis of the cat following chronic clioquinol administration. J. Neurol. Sci., 94: 271-282, 1989. |
76. | Pamplin, P. J., Chua, A. T., Koyama, N., Horie, H. and Yokota, T.: Stimulation produced inhibition of nociceptive neurons in the nucleus ventralis posterolateralis of the cat. Pain Research, 5: 1-8, 1990. |
77. | Horie, H. and Yokota, T.: Responses of nociceptive VPL neurons to intracardiac injection of bradykinin in the cat. Brain Research, 516: 161-164, 1990. |
78. | Yokota, T., Koyama, N., Nishikawa, Y., Nishikawa, N., Nishida, Y., Hasegawa, A. and Fujino, Y. : Trigeminal nociceptive neurons in the subnucleus reticularis ventralis. Response properties and afferent connections. Neurosci. Research, 11: 1-17, 1991. |
79. | Yokota, T., Koyama, N., Nishikawa, Y. and Hasegawa, A.: Trigeminal nociceptive neurons in the subnucleus reticularis ventralis. Ascending projection. Neurosci. Research, 11: 18-27, 1991. |
80. | Horie, H. and Yokota, T.: Responses of viscerosomatic VPL neurons to intracardiac bradykinin. Pain Research, 6: 71-76, 1991. |
81. | Nishikawa, Y., Koyama, N., Hasegawa, A., Fujino, Y. and Yokota, T.: Functional properties of trigeminal nociceptive neurons in the subnucleus reticularis ventralis of the cat. Pain Research, 6: 77-86, 1991. |
82. | Takashima, A., Yokota, T., Maeda, Y. and Itoh, S.: Pretreatment with caerulein protects against memory impairment induced by protein kinase C inhibitors in the rat. Peptides, 12: 1991. |
83. | Nishida, Y. and Yokota, T.: Corneal representation within the trigeminal subnucleus caudali and adjacent bulbar lateral reticular formation of the cat. Jpn. J. Physiol., 41: 551-565, |
84. | Horie, H., P. J. Pamplin and Yokota, T.: Inhibition of nociceptive neurons in the shell region of nucleus ventralis posterolateralis following conditioning stimulation of the periaqueductal grey of the cat. Evidence for an ascending inhibitory pathway. Brain Research, 561: 35-42, 1991. |
85. | Nomura, T., Nishikawa, N. and Yokota, T.: Intracellular HRP study of nociceptive neurons within the ventrobasal complex of the cat thalamus. Brain Research, 570: 323-332, 1992. |
86. | Nishikawa, Y., Koyama, N. and Yokota, T.: Ascending inhibition of nociceptive neurons in th thalamic intralaminar nuclei following conditioning stimulation of the mesencephalic periaqueductal gray. Pain Research, 7: 81-91, 1992. |
87. | Nishikawa, Y., Hasegawa, A., Koyama, N. and Yokota, T.: Nucleus ventratlis posteromedialis neurons relaying somatosensory lingual input to the cerebral cortex in the cat. Brain Research, 605: 265-270, 1992. |
88. | Koyama, N. and Yokota, T.: Ascending inhibition of nociceptive neurons in the nucleus ventralis posterolateralis following conditioning stimulation of the nucleus raphe magnus. Brain Research, 609: 298-306, 1993. |
89. | Hanai, F. and Yokota, T.: C-fiber responses of wide dynamic range neurons in the spinal dorsal horn of the cat. Pain Research, 8: 61-69, 1993. |
90. | Koyama, N. and Yokota, T.: Inhibition of activities of VPL nociceptive neurons by dorsal column stimulation. Pain Research, 9: 77-86, 1994. |
91. | Koyama, N., Nishikawa, Y., Chua, A. T., Iwamoto, M. and Yokota, T.: Differential inhibitory mechanisms in VPL versus intalaminar nociceptive neurons of the cat:I. Effects of periaque- ductal gray stimulation. Jpn J. Physiol., 45: l029-1041. |
92. | Koyama, N., Nishikawa, Y., Chen, J., Barderrama, R. P. and Yokota,T.: Differential inhibitory mechanisms in VPL versus intralaminar nociceptive neurons of the cat:II. Effects of systemic morphine and CCK. Jpn J. Physiol., 45: 1029-1041. |
93. | Fujino,Y., Koyama, N. and Yokota, T.: Differential distribution of three types of nociceptive neurons within the caudal bulbar reticular formation in the cat. Brain Res., 715: 225-229. |
94. | Yokota, T., Nishikawa, Y., Koyama, N. and Fujino, Y.: Differential distribution of four types of tooth pulp neurons in the caudl medulla oblongata of the cat. Brain Res., 715: 230-234. |