Manabe Lab.

Department of Systems Medicine, Chiba University

We are interested in molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular, metabolic and kidney diseases and translation of the basic science into novel therapeutic strategies. Our current projects focus on immunometabolic mechanisms in chronic inflammatory diseases and maintenance of homeostasis via the multi-system interaction. We are analyzing the crosstalk between metabolism and immunity at the cell, tissue and system levels. We are particularly interested in divergent functions and phenotypes of macrophages in physiology and pathobiology. We use a variety of technologies, including NGS, single-cell analysis, FACS, and in vivo imaging.

Our paper showing that hematopoietic stem cells carry a memory of heart failure leading to heart failure recurrence as well as multimorbidity is out.

Science Immunology

Graduate Student positions are available.



Non-communicable disease

Organ crosstalk/Organ system network

Epigenetics/Single cell analysis




Our research

Our long term goals are to elucidate novel molecular mechanisms that maintaine homeostasis through the dynamic crostalk between the multiple systems and control pathobiology of non-communicable diaseases, such as heart failure, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and cancer. We are currently working on the following projects.

  1. Novel function and regulatory mecanism of tissue resident macrophages.

  2. Neuro-immuno-metabolic regulaton of cardiac homeostasis and heart failure.

  3. Epiegenetics in aging.

  4. Physiological and pathological role of chronic inflammation.