Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Vol.51, No.5

A Case of Anastomotic Pseudoaneurysm due to Late Dysruption of Knitted Dacron Graft Treated by Hybrid Operation
Shinya Takimoto* Takanori Taniguchi** Atsushi Iwakura*
Kyokun Uehara* Manabu Morishima* Yasue Fujiwara*
Junpei Kobiki* Yosuke Sugita* Taku Shirakami*

(Department of Cardiovascular Surgery*, and Department of Radiology**, Tenri Hospital, Tenri, Japan)

Knitted Polyester prosthetic grafts can cause long-term dilatations and formation of anastomotic or non-anastomotic aneurysms, and rupture in result. We experienced a case of anastomotic pseudoaneurysm and recurrent non-anastomotic dilatation of the ascending aorta-abdominal aorta bypass by Cooley Double Velour Knitted Dacron (CDVKD) graft for a patient with atypical coarctation of the aorta (Takayasu Aortitis, type III), which case needed treatment two times over 30 years after the initial operation. The first additional treatment was Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) for non-anastomotic aneurysm was done as 1st operation. Thirty-two years after the initial operation, the second treatment was a hybrid operation consisting of 4 procedures: bilateral axillo-external iliac bypass, taking down of the CDVKD graft at the proximal anastomotic site, endovascular repair (EVAR) with modified Double D Technique, and coil packing at the distal anastomotic site of the CDVKD graft. The patient was discharged at 37-POD. No complication and no endoleak has occurred in the 2.5 years since the operation.


Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 51: 314-320 (2022)

Keywords:late dysruption of knitted Dacron graft; cooley double velour knitted Dacron graft; EVAR; Double D Technique

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