Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Vol50,No.1

Systemic-Pulmonary Shunt and Pulmonary Artery Banding
Yoshie Ochiai*

Systemic-pulmonary shunt for neonate and small infant with decreased pulmonary blood flow is an important first palliative surgery as simple palliation or complex palliative open-heart surgery to affect the completeness of subsequent radical or second surgery. It is important to understand the hemodynamics according to each disease and determine the shunt design considering the “shape” and “flow rate” of the shunt. In recent years, Blalock-Taussig shunt(BT shunt)and central shunt through median sternotomy have become mainstream, however conventional BT shunt through lateral thoracotomy is still an important basic procedure which pediatric cardiac surgeons should learn. Pulmonary artery banding(PAB)or bilateral PAB is also an important palliative procedure to protect the right and left pulmonary vascular beds equally for pulmonary high-flow complex heart disease and functional single ventricle. It is essential to perform secure PAB or bilateral PAB, which leads to the next procedure smoothly.


Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 50:1. xviii-xxv(2021)

Keywords:systemic-pulmonary shunt;pulmonary artery banding;lateral thoracotomy;median sternotomy

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