Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Vol48,No5

A Case of One-Stage Surgical Treatment of Subclavian Steal Phenomenon Coexisting with Ischemic Heart Disease without Extra-corporeal Circulation
Toshihiro Ishikawa* Kazuyoshi Hatada* Keisuke Miyajima**
Masao Takahashi**

(Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Odawara Municipal Hospital*, Odawara, Japan, and Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kokkakoumuinkyousairenngoukai Hiratsuka Kyousai Hospital**, Hiratsuka, Japan)

A 49-year-old man presented with subclavian steal phenomenon and severe stenosis of LMT. His SSP was composed of severe stenosis of the innominate artery, and the greater part of the blood supply to the right subclavian artery was through the collateral circuit of the vertebral arteries and the internal thoracic arteries. We performed replacement of the innominate artery with a prosthetic graft and coronary artery bypass using LITA in one-stage surgery.


Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 48:365-370(2019)

Keywords:subclavian steal phenomenon;innominate artery stenosis;collateral circulation;internal thoracic artery;angina pectoris

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