Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Vol47,No5
Kousuke Mori* | Mitsuhiro Yano* | Masakazu Matsuyama* |
Masanori Nishimura* | Katsuya Kawagoe* | Ayaka Iwasaki* |
(Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Miyazaki Medical Association Hospital*, Miyazaki, Japan)
A 77-year-old-woman was hospitalized at our institution following the diagnosis of severe aortic and mitral stenoses. Although she had thrombocytopenia before surgery, bone marrow examination revealed no abnormality. Thrombocytopenia was thought to be caused by shear stress accompanying valvular diseases. She underwent surgery for the replacement of aortic and mitral valves and the resection of left ventricular outflow tract myocardium. Because the mitral valve involved the calcification of the annulus the valve replacement was performed after decalcification using CUSA. After surgery, she experienced a transient sick sinus syndrome;however, the overall course was good, and the platelet counts spontaneously recovered. More than 12 months have passed since surgery, but the platelet counts remains around 110,000.
Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 47:220-223(2018)
Keywords:aortic stenosis;mitral stenosis;thrombocytopenia;shear stress
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