R. Sakata
Mitral Valve Plasty for Mitral Regurgitation in Hypertropic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
S. Hoshino et al.…1
Initial and Mid-term Results of Thoracic Endovascular Repair(TEVAR)
H. Midorikawa et al.…6
Minimally Invasive Approach(Para-sternum Small Incision)for Aortic Valve Replacement
G. Fujii et al.…11
Evidence-Based Optimal Myocardial Revascularization
A. Marui et al.…16
Surgeon-Modified Zenith Stent Graft System for Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with Short Proximal Neck
A. Aoki et al.…23
Case Reports
Aorto-left Ventricular Fistula with the Unruptured Aneurysm of the Sinus of Valsalva due to the Infective Endocarditis
T. Higuchi et al.…30
Surgical Experience of Superior Mesenteric Venous Aneurysm
J. Hayashi et al.…34
Endovascular Treatment of Axillofemoral Bypass Graft Stump Syndrome
K. Ishikawa et al.…38
Postoperative Progress of a Patient Who Underwent Massive Small Intestine Resection for NOMI after AVR
H. Fujii et al.…42
A Case of Concomitant Surgery for Funnel Chest and Ventricular Septal Defect
K. Kihara et al.…46
Successful Open Graft Replacement for Acute Stanford Type B Aortic Dissection with Bilateral Lower Limb Ischemia and Postoperative Myonephropathic Metabolic Syndrome
T. Tarui and M. Ikeda…50
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting through Thoracoabdominal Spiral Incision in a Patient with Tracheotomy and Severe Obesity
M. Hibino et al.…54
Importance of Selective Cerebral Perfusion(SCP)to Prevent Intraoperative Ischemic Spinal Cord Injury in Surgical Case of Acute Type A Aortic Dissection
J. Fukada et al.…59
A Case of Right Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm Dissecting into the Interventricular Septum
N. Kanemitsu et al.…63
Successful Replacement of the Dissecting Aneurysm of the Brachiocephalic Artery
T. Suzuki et al.…67
A Case of Acute Type A Aortic Dissection Complicated with Cerebral Malperfusions
A. Omura et al.…71
Study of Event Database for Improving Efficiency and Reliability of Data Input to JACVSD
S. Wakui et al.…76
Editor's Postscript
H. Arai