Effect of Ultra-Short-Acting À-Blocker Landiolol after Cardiovascular Surgery
iDepartment of Cardiovascular Surgery, Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital, Hamamatsu, Japanj
Tadahisa Sugiura |
Masaaki Koide |
Yoshifumi Kunii |
Nobuhiro Umehara |
Kazumasa Watanabe |
Tachycardia caused by increased sympathetic nerve activity after cardiovascular surgery can induce an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption and myocardial ischemia. À-Blockers are expected to reduce myocardial oxygen consumption, but traditional À-blockers are long acting so it is difficult to use after cardiovascular surgery. >>From January 2007 to September 2007, 24 out of 60 patients who underwent cardiovascular surgery were administered landiolol. The average heart rate before landiolol infusion was 99.5}16.5bpm and decreased to 89.5}10.7bpm after landiolol infusionip0.0008). Average systolic blood pressure before and after landiolol infusion was 109}16mmHg and 103}13mmHg, respectivelyip0.15). Average cardiac indexi14 patientsjbefore and after landiolol infusion was 3.29}0.83l/min/m2and 3.26}0.9l/min/m2, respectivelyip0.75). Four patientsi17%jhad atrial fibrillation during these hospital stay, whereas 20 patients out of 50 patientsi40%jwho underwent cardiovascular surgery before landiolol was usedifrom June 2006 to January 2007jhad atrial fibrillationip0.045). Landiolol can be effective and used safely after cardiovascular surgery.
Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 38:179-183i2009j