A Successfully Operated Case of a Pseudoaneurysm-Rectal Fistula after Surgical Repair of a Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm |
(Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Hachinohe City Hospital, Hachinohe, Japan)
Katsuo Matsuki |
Hidenori Fujiwara |
Aneurysmectomy with bifurcated graft replacement was initially performed on a patient with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, and an emergency operation was performed successfully on a proximal anastomosis pseudoaneurysm-rectal fistula that was diagnosed by bloody stool a year after operation. On the 10th postoperative month, CT detected a small pseudoaneurysm at the anastomosed prosthetic aortic graft. On the 1st postoperative year the patient first passed a slight amount of bloody stool, after which there was a large amount of bloody stool. Emergency CT and barium enema showed a pseudoaneurysm extending from near the anastomosed prosthetic aortic graft to the upper margin of the rectum and perforation into the upper rectum (Rs). An abscess covered the prosthetic aortic graft in the pseudoaneurysm, extending to the retroperitonerum on the left. We judged the case to be prosthetic aortic graft infection caused by the abscess and performed an emergency operation. The operation consisted of removal of the bifurcated prosthetic aortic graft, right axillo-bifemoral artery bypass, debridement, lavage, and packaging of the gastrocolic omentum. We report a successfully operated case of prosthetic aortic graft infection caused by pseudoaneurysm, rectal perforation and retroperitoneal abscess.
@Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 37: 32-35 (2008) |