A Case of Primary Cardiac Lymphoma with Complete Atrio-Ventricular Block and Superior Vena Cava Syndrome |
(Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital, Matsuyama, Japan)
Hiromichi Sonoda |
Kunihiko Jouo |
Masayoshi Umesue |
Koji Matsuzaki |
Kanzi Matsui |
Primary cardiac malignant lymphoma (PCL), which is defined as an extra-nodal malignant lymphoma involving only the heart and/or pericardium, is extremely rare. Its prognosis is reported to be very poor because the PCL grows rapidly and frequently causes fatal heart failure or arrhythmias. We report a 65-year-old woman with PCL accompanied with superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome 6 weeks following a pacemaker implantation for complete atrio-ventricular block. She underwent a partial resection of the tumor to release the SVC syndrome and subsequent systemic chemotherapy. This combined therapy successfully induced complete remission, and improvement of the atrio-ventricular conduction disturbance was also observed.
@Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 35: 264-267 (2006) |