Replacement of an Infected Prosthetic Graft with an Autogenous Superficial Femoral Vein: A Report of Two Cases |
(Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kanazawa Medical University, Ishikawa, Japan)
Hiroo Shikata |
Yasuhisa Noguchi |
Takashi Kobata |
Kenji Hida |
Shigeru Sakamoto |
Junichi Matsubara |
We experienced the usefulness of the superficial femoral vein as an autogenous graft replacement of an infected prosthetic graft. Case 1: A 75-year-old man complained of right leg intermittent claudication due to arteriosclerosis. Prosthetic femoro-femoral crossover bypass was performed. Three months after the operation, prosthetic bypass graft infection was diagnosed. Case 2: A 72-year-old man underwent an aortobifemoral graft surgery for an abdominal aortic aneurysm (5cm in diameter). Ten days after the operation, the patient suddenly had a high fever and bacterial culture of the blood demonstrated Gram-negative bacilli. Prosthetic bypass graft infection was diagnosed. Both cases were resistant to conservative therapies including antibiotics. The infected prosthetic grafts were removed and autogenous reconstructions were performed extra-anatomically using the superficial femoral vein: in Case 1, with femoro-femoral crossover bypass, and in Case 2, with axillo-unifemoral bypass with anastomosis of bilateral common iliac arteries. Both infections eventually resolved. Since the deep femoral vein had been preserved during harvesting of the superficial femoral vein, no problems, such as venous congestion of the leg, occurred in either of the two cases. Their postoperative courses were uneventful and the patients were given ambulatory their own feet. We reviewed the literature about the utility of superficial femoral veins as arterial substitutes.
@Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 35: 226-230 (2006) |