A Case of Successful Aortic Fenestration for Renal Failure Associated with Aortic Dissection |
(Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgey, Saga Medical School, Saga, Japan)
Junichi Murayama |
Tsuyoshi Itoh |
Masafumi Natsuaki |
Yukio Okazaki |
Koujirou Furukawa |
Satoshi Ohtsubo |
Kazuhisa Rikitake |
A 72-year-old woman suffered sudden back pain 42 days after ascending aortic replacement for retrograde acute type A aortic dissection. Computed tomography (CT) revealed type B aortic dissection and a stenotic true lumen at the abdominal aorta. The celiac artery and the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) branched from the true lumen, but bilateral renal arteries were not found by DSA. Infrarenal abdominal aortic fenestration was performed at 6th day from onset, because of progressive renal dysfunction. Intestinal ischemia was not confirmed by laparotomy. After the infrarenal aorta was clamped and transected, the proximal intima was resected in a U-shape. The proximal stump which was reinforced with teflon felt was anastomosed to an 18mm woven graft. Distal anastomosis was carried to the true lumen was carried out with closure of the false lumen. Regaining flow into the collapsed true lumen was observed by epiaortic echography. Postoperatively, continuous hemofiltration was required for several days until renal dysfunction was improved. CT showed reasonable expansion of the true lumen, and no findings of visceral ischemia except for partial infarction of the left kidney. DSA revealed that bilateral renal arteries were perfused from the true lumen through the fenestration. Neither aortic dilatation nor new ischemia have been recognized, but further close observation is necessary.
@Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 33: 106-109 (2004) |