Prognosis of Aortic Dissection
(Type A) with a Thrombosed False Lumen\CT Findings and Operative
Timing\ |
(Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Tokyo Metropolitan
Hiroo General Hospital, Tokyo, Japan)
Kiyoshi Tamura |
Hideki Nakahara |
Hitoshi Furukawa |
Several investigators have reported
that aortic dissections with thrombosed false lumens has a better
prognosis than those with open false lumens. However, the method
of treating dissecting aorta with a thrombosed false lumen has
not yet been clearly determined. The purpose of the present study
is to determine the factors that would indicate surgical treatment
for dissecting aorta with thrombosed lumen. Sixteen consecutive
cases of type A dissecting aorta with a thrombosed lumen were
classified into two groups: event-free group (group R, n=10),
recanalization or ulcer-like projection group (group P, n=6).
The maximum aortic diameter and thrombosed lumen diameter in
group P were significantly greater than in group R (45.00}1.78
vs. 36.00}2.16mm: p=0.0182, 8.00}0.00 vs.
4.00}0.40mm: p=0.0004). In group P, the thrombosed lumen
diameter significantly decreased after 1 month. In conclusion,
the maximum aortic diameter (45mm), the maximum lumen diameter
(8mm), and no decrease of the thrombosed lumen diameter are
useful predictors for the risk of recanalization or ulcer-like
projection. These cases would require surgical treatment.
@Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 31F325-327 (2002) |