Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Using Coronary Shunt Tubes

Hiroshi Sunami Hiroyuki Irie
Yu Oshima Kozo Ishino
Masaaki Kawada Koichi Kino
Toshihiko Nagao* Hidetaka Iida**
Takeo Tedoriya*** Shunji Sano

(Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Okayama University School of Medicine, Okayama, Japan, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Ako Chuo Hospital*, Hyogo, Japan and Department of Cardiology** and Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Tsukazaki Kinen Hospital***, Hyogo, Japan)

Between February 1999 and November 1999,33 patients(age 67.0±7.6years old)underwent off-pump CABG using coronary shunt tubes. The number of graft anastomoses per patient was 2.8±0.8. The operative mortality was 0%. There was no incidence of on-pump conversion, low cardiac output syndrome, IABP insertion, mediastinitis or stroke. The maximum CPK-MB during the perioperative period was 25.9±18.8IU/l. One patient had perioperative myocardial infarction probably due to native coronary artery spasm. In patients with off-pump CABG, the intubation time, the ICU stay and the hospital stay were shorter. The number of patients who were extubated in the operating room was higher and the cost was lower than those with on-pump CABG. An early phase study revealed patency ratios of 85%(the previous term)and 97%(the latter term). Off-pump CABG is a safe and effective means of revascularization with no mortality, minimal morbidity and good short-term patency.
 Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 31:37-39(2002)