Risk Factors for Prolonged Pleural Effusion after Total Cavopulmonary Connection by Multivariate Analysis

(Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyushu Kosei-Nenkin Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan)

Fumio Fukumura* Akira Sese Yasutaka Ueno
Masato Sakamoto Yoshihisa Tanoue Yoshie Ochiai
Hiromichi Sonoda
We evaluated risk factors for prolonged pleural effusion after surgery in 35 children who underwent total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC). Duration of their chest tube drainage was 5.4}7.0 days (1-41, median 3). In univariate analysis, significant risk factors for prolonged pleural drainage over 7 days were preoperative body weight (p0.03), preoperative cardiothoracic ratio (p0.03), cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time (p0.02), homologous blood transfusion (p0.03), serum protein concentration at CPB weaning (p0.04), central venous pressure (CVP) averaged during 3 postoperative days (p0.01) and body weight change during 3 postoperative days (p0.01). However multivariate analysis showed only CVP averaged during 3 postoperative days was a significant risk factor for prolonged chest tube drainage (p0.03, odd's ratio 3.3). In conclusion, to keep the central venous pressure as low as possible during the early postoperative period might decrease the duration of pleural drainage.
@Jpn. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. 30: 223-225 (2001)