Usefulness of Percutaneous Phrenic Nerve Stimulation for Assessing Phrenic Nerve Injury after Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
  Y. Hachiro, et al.…1
Risk Factors and Treatment for Mediastinitis in Internal Mammary Artery Grafting, with Particular Regard to Diabetic Patients
  Z. Masuda, et al.…5
Treatment of Vascular Graft Infection after Operation for Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms
  H. Inada, et al.…10
Case Reports
Surgical Treatment for Type IIIb Aortic Dissection in Association with a True Aortic Aneurysm
  H. Yasumoto, et al.…17
Lower Mini-Sternotomy for Direct Coronary Artery Bypass on the Beating Heart
  T. Yamamoto, et al.…21
Successful Staged Repair of an Anomalous Origin of the Right Pulmonary Artery from the Ascending Aorta
  T. Funatsu, et al.…25
A Case of Intraoperative Acute Aortic Dissection during Mitral Valve Plasty
  M. Ueno, et al.…29
A Case of Papillary Fibroelastoma of the Left Ventricular Septum Complicated with a Rheumatic Valve
  M. Yoda, et al.…33
An Operated Case of Aortic Regurgitation due to Rheumatoid Arthritis
  F. Kawazuma, et al.…37
An Operative Case of Right Coronary Artery Fistula Communicated to the Left Atrium
  C. Kondo, et al.…41
A Case of Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass for Multivessel Disease Combined with Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Bilateral Common Iliac Artery Aneurysms
  T. Kawata, et al.…45
A Case of Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Clipping the Patent Ductus Arteriosus in a Child
  M. Matsumoto, et al.…49
Two Cases of Aortic Root Replacement Using Anatomic Ventriculoaortic Junction Suture
  S. Hayashi, et al.…53
Successful Surgical Treatment for an Aortic Arch Aneurysm Combined with an Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery
  Y. Sudo, et al.…57
A Case of Vein Graft Bypass for Superior Mesenteric Artery Stenosis
  N. Kanemitsu, et al.…60