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- Suka M, Shimazaki T, Yamasuchi T, Yanagisawa H. Development of a rating scale for measuring resistance to persuasive health messages. Environ Health Prev Med 2022; 27: 20.
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- Shimazaki T, Okoshi H, Yamauchi T, Takenaka K, Suka M. The process of behavioral change in individuals who are uninterested in health: a qualitative study based on professional health knowledge. Environ Health Prev Med 2022; 27: 32.
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- 須賀万智, 橋本純次. 「人生会議」ポスターは本当に失敗だったのか: パブリックヘルスコミュニケーションにおけるユーモア表現の受容性. 社会情報研究 2021; 3: 13-21.
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- Kiryu S, Ito Z, Suka M, Bito T, Kan S, Uchiyama K, Saruta M, Hata T, Takano Y, Fujioka S, Misawa T, Yamauchi T, Yanagisawa H, Sato N, OhkusaT, Sugiyama H, Koido S. Prognostic value of immune factors in the tumor microenvironment of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. BMC Cancer 2021; 21: 1197.
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- 山内貴史,須賀万智,柳澤裕之.中小企業における就業配慮を要する状況下での治療と仕事の両立支援を促進し得る要因:協働的風土ならびに被援助に対する態度に着目して.産業衛誌 2022; 64: 69-80.
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- Suka M, Yamauchi T, Yanagisawa H. Persuasive messages can be more effective when repeated: a comparative survey for assessing depression help-seeking messages in Japanese adults. Patient Educ Couns 2020;103:811-8.
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- Suka M, Kido T, Yoshioka W, Hachisuka E, Okoshi H, Yamauchi T, Hano H, Oknao T, Yokoyama M, Yanagisawa H. Single intratracheal administration of cross-linked water-soluble acrylic acid polymer causes acute alveolo-interstitial inflammation and the subsequent fibrotic formation possibly via the TGF-β1 pathway in the lung of rats. Toxicology 2020;448:152647.
- 須賀万智, 橋本純次. 公衆衛生活動における紙媒体広報の視覚素材をめぐる問題:「人生会議」騒動から考える. 社会情報研究 2020;2:47-53.
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- 須賀万智, 山内貴史, 和田耕治, 柳澤裕之. 治療と仕事の両立支援の現状と課題: 労働者と経営者に対するアンケート調査. 産業衛生学雑誌2019;61:59-68.
- Yoshida S, Ito Z, Suka M, Bito T, Kan S, Akasu T, Saruta M, Okamoto M, Kitamura H, Fujioka S, Misawa T, Akiba T, Yanagisawa H, Sugiyama H, Koido S. Clinical significance of tumor-infiltrating T cells and programmed death ligand-1 in patients with pancreatic cancer. Cancer Invest 2019; 37:463-77.
- Takao T, Matsuyama Y, Suka M, Yanagisawa H, Kasuga M. Analysis of the duration and extent of the legacy effect in patients with type 2 diabetes: a real-world longitudinal study. J Diabetes Complications 2019; 33: 516-522.
- Kobayashi N, Nishiyama T, Yamauchi T, Shimada K, Suka M, Kondo K, Yanagisawa H. Attenuation of human herpescirus 6B reactivation by aging. J Med Virol 2019; 91:1335-41.
- Futagawa Y, Yanaga K, Kosuge T, Suka M, Isaji S, Hirano S, Murakami Y, Yamamoto M, Yamaue H. Outcomes of pancreaticoduodenectomy in patients with chronic hepatic dysfunction including liver cirrhosis: results of a retrospective multicenter study by the Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2019; 26:310-24.
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- Yamauchi T, Sasaki T, Takahashi K, UmezakiS, Takahashi M, Yoshikawa T, Suka M, Yanagisawa H. Long working hours, sleep-related problems, and near-misses/injuries in industrial settings using a nationally representative sample of workers in Japan. PLoS One 2019; 14(7):e0219657.
- Kido T, Ishiwata K, Suka M, Yanagisawa H. Inflammatory response under zinc deficiency is exacerbated by dysfunction of the T helper type 2 lymphocyte-M2 macrophage pathway. Immunology 2019; 156(4): 356-72.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration. Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults. Nature 2019; 569:260-4.