
Day Three: Volterra and San Gimignano





Volterra is famous for its alabaster craftwork. This nativity scene made of alabaster is found in a baptistry.



Incredibly enough, these clothes too are made of alabaster.


[Roman Theatre]


[View from Volterra]

[san gimignano]

[San Gimignano]

Famous for its towers and skylines.

You can go up one of the towers, but looks like we missed it.

[san gimignano]

[Piazza Della Cisterna]

There is a very famous ice-cream shop here, but it looks like we missed it too.

Should have checked the guidebook more carefully.

[san gimignano]

[san gimignano]

[San Gimignano]

[san gimignano]

[san gimignano]

[San Gimignano]

[san gimignano]

[San Gimignano]

[san gimignano]

[San Gimignano]



Just out of San Gimignano.



KODAMA Satoshi <>
Last modified: Fri Oct 9 08:33:43 JST 1998