
(じょせい female)

Woman is to man as the slave to the master, the manual to the mental worker, the barbarian to the Greek. Woman is an unfinished man, left standing on a lower step in the scale of development. The male is by nature superior, and the female inferior; the one rules and the other is ruled; and this principle extends, of necessity, to all mankind. Woman is weak of will, and therefore incapable of independence of character or position; her best condition is a quiet home life in which, while ruled by the man in her external relations, she may be in domestic affairs supreme. Women should not be made more like men, as in Plato's republic; rather the dissimilarity should be increased; nothing is so attractive as the different. "The courage of a man and that of a woman are not, as Socrates supposed, the same: the courage of a man is shown in commanding; that of a woman in obeying ... As the poet says, `Silence is a woman's glory.'"

---Will Durant, on Aristotle's philosophy

地球を支配する種族の半数を占める生物。 一説によると、金星から来たらしい。

女嫌いのことを`misogyny'というが、 哲学者の多くがいかに女嫌いで女性差別的だったかについては、 下記の本を参照せよ。





KODAMA Satoshi <kodama@ethics.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Last modified: Wed May 17 01:02:12 2000