
マクマーン先生はNew England Journal of MedicineのEditorとして、同誌の生涯教育プログラムの開発などにも取り組んでおられる、医学教育研究者&糖尿病内分泌内科医です。
日 時 2010年11月12日(金) 18:00〜19:30
場 所 東京大学医学部図書館3階 333会議室
講 師 グレアム・マクマーン先生
Graham McMahon, MD, MMSc
Chairman, Test Development Committee,
USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills Examination
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Project Associate Professor, the International Research
Center for Medical Education, the University of Tokyo
演 題 "Assessing Clinical Competence: Lessons from the USMLE Clinical Skills Examination"
概 要 The USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills exam consists of a series of patient encounters in which the examinees must see 12 simulated patients over 8 hours of testing. All medical school graduates in the U.S., and all incoming foreign medical graduates must take the examination. Examinees take a history, do a physical examination, determine differential diagnoses, and then write a patient note based on their determinations. Examinees are expected to investigate the simulated patient's chief complaint, as well as obtain a thorough assessment of their past medical history, medications, allergies, social history, and family history.
The introduction of the examination was very controversial, and many obstacles to the examination had to be overcome. Once introduced in 2004, the examination resulted in substantial changes to emphasis given to clinical skills in U.S. medical schools. Gradual but meaningful changes in examinee performance were detected over time, but there continues to be controversy about the strengths, weaknesses and costs of the program.
As the Japanese medical community works to enhance its own assessment systems, it is hoped that this session will illuminate some of the positive and negative lessons learned from the USMLE experience. We will discuss metrics of clinical competence, the establishment of validity and reliability, and how a summative assessment could be usefully developed in Japan.

錦織 ・ 三浦
電話:03-5841-3583 学内内線 23583
E-mail: ircme-lec@m.u-tokyo.ac.jp