
東京大学医学部附属病院薬剤部 届出研究員

豊田 優
豊田 優  Yu TOYODA
1985年1月 神奈川県に生まれる
Tel 03-3815-5411 ext. 35297
E-mail ytoyoda-tky@


researchmap; ORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-7411-0531


2003年 3月 私立駒場東邦高等学校 卒業
2003年 4月 東京工業大学 第7類 入学
2007年 3月 東京工業大学 生命理工学部生命工学科 卒業
四大学連合「複合領域コース」総合生命科学コース 修了
2009年 3月 東京工業大学大学院 生命理工学研究科 修士課程修了
生体分子機能工学専攻 生体機能制御工学講座
2009年 4月 東京工業大学大学院 生命理工学研究科 博士課程進学
日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1 (~2012年3月)
2012年 3月 東京工業大学大学院 生命理工学研究科 博士課程修了 博士(工学)授与
生体分子機能工学専攻 生体材料設計講座
2012年 4月 東京大学医学部附属病院 薬剤部
日本学術振興会特別研究員SPD (~2015年3月)
2015年 4月 東京大学医学部附属病院 薬剤部 特任助教
2017年 4月 東京大学医学部附属病院 薬剤部 特任研究員
2021年 1月 防衛医科大学校 医学科 分子生体制御学講座 助教
2022年 10月 防衛医科大学校 医学科 分子生体制御学講座 講師
2024年 4月 防衛医科大学校 医学科 分子生体制御学講座 講師(学内准教授)(現職)
2021年 1月 卓越研究員(文部科学省事業)
東京大学医学部附属病院 薬剤部 届出研究員






(#: Equally contributed, *: Corresponding author)

Awards and Honors(本人のみ)

  1. 優秀研究奨励賞. 第42回日本ヒト細胞学会学術集会(2024年8月)
  2. トピックス賞. 第78回日本栄養·食糧学会大会(2024年5月)
  3. 学内准教授称号付与. 防衛医科大学校(2024年4月)
  4. トピックス賞. 第77回日本栄養·食糧学会大会(2023年5月)
  5. 優秀演題賞. 第56回日本痛風・尿酸核酸学会総会(2023年2月)
  6. 学内講師称号付与. 防衛医科大学校(2022年4月)
  7. 令和2年度卓越研究員. 文部科学省卓越研究員事業(2021年1月)
  8. 優秀発表賞. 第5回トランスポーター研究会関東部会(2020年11月)
  9. 優秀発表賞. 第14回トランスポーター研究会年会(2019年7月)
  10. 優秀発表賞. 日本薬学会レギュラトリーサイエンス部会主催 第4回次世代を担う若手のためのレギュラトリーサイエンスフォーラム(2018年9月)
  11. 優秀発表賞. 第12回トランスポーター研究会年会(2017年7月)
  12. Corresponding Chair, Gordon Research Seminar on Multi-Drug Efflux Systems, Galveston, TX, USA, 2017.
  13. 優秀発表賞. 第11回トランスポーター研究会年会(2016年7月)
  14. 優秀研究発表賞. 第43回日本毒性学会学術年会(2016年7月)
  15. 優秀発表賞. 日本薬学会医療薬科学部会主催 第9回次世代を担う若手医療薬科学シンポジウム(2015年11月)
  16. 1st Place on Poster Presentation. Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar on Multi-Drug Efflux Systems (Apr. 2015)
  17. Associate Chair, Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar Multi-Drug Efflux Systems, Lucca(Barga), Italy, 2015
  18. ABC2014 Student Fellowship. The FEBS -ABC2014- 5th FEBS Special Meeting on ABC Proteins: From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Diseases. (Mar. 2014)
  19. 最優秀発表賞. 第8回トランスポーター研究会年会 (2013年6月)
  20. 第5回「Merck Award for Young Biochemistry Researcher」 優秀賞 (Aug. 2012)
  21. Award of excellence.  TOIN International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2011 (Nov. 2011)
  22. 最優秀発表賞. 生化学若い研究者の会主催 第51回生命科学夏の学校 (2011年9月)
  23. 経済産業省・財団法人バイオインダストリー協会主催
    インターカレッジ・バイオリーダーズ2010 特別賞 (2010年7月)
  24. 特に優れた業績による大学院第一種奨学生返還免除の認定. 日本学生支援機構 (2009年5月)
  25. ベストインパクト賞. トランスポーター研究会第2回関東部会 (2008年12月)
  26. Award of excellence. TOIN International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2008 (Oct. 2008)
  27. 在校生総代. 平成17年度 東京工業大学学部・大学院授与式 (2006年3月)


  • [研究代表者] 科研費 基盤研究B(令和3~6年度:21H03350/23K21618)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 基盤研究B(令和6~9年度:24K02852)(代表:山梨義英)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 基盤研究B(令和6~9年度: 24K02695)(代表:中山昌喜)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 海外連携研究(令和6~8年度:24KK0177)(代表:松尾洋孝)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 挑戦的研究(萌芽)(令和6~7年度:24K22217)(代表:松尾洋孝)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 挑戦的研究(萌芽)(令和4~5年度:22K19369)(代表:高田龍平)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 国際共同研究強化B(令和3~5年度:21KK0173)(代表:松尾洋孝)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 基盤研究C(令和3~5年度:21K09589)(代表:楠威志)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 基盤研究A(令和3~5年度:20H00566)(代表:松尾洋孝)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 基盤研究B(令和2~5年度:20H04100)(代表:山梨義英)
  • [研究代表者] 科研費 若手研究(平成31~令和2年度:19K16441)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 国際共同研究強化B(平成30~令和2年度:18KK0247)(代表:高田龍平)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 基盤研究C(平成30~令和2年度:18K09356)(代表:楠威志)
  • [研究代表者] 科研費 若手研究A(平成27~30年度:15H05610)
  • [研究代表者] 科研費 挑戦的研究(萌芽)(平成29~30年度:17K19895)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 挑戦的萌芽研究(平成28~29年度:16K15155)(代表:高田龍平)
  • [研究代表者] 科研費 挑戦的萌芽研究(平成27~28年度:15K15470)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 基盤研究C(平成27~29年度:15K10763)(代表:楠威志)
  • [研究分担者] 科研費 挑戦的萌芽研究(平成26~27年度:26670073)(代表:高田龍平)
  • [研究分担者] 厚労科研 第3次対がん総合戦略研究事業(平成25年度:201313073A)(代表:高田龍平)
  • [研究代表者] 科研費 特別研究員奨励費SPD(平成24~26年度:12J03163)
  • [研究代表者] 科研費 特別研究員奨励費DC1(平成21~23年度:09J09415)



(#: Equally contributed, *: Corresponding author)

  1. Matake I, Yasujima T, Matsuo H, Toyoda Y, Kawamura Y, Takada T, Inoue K, Yamashiro T, Yuasa H.
    Functional characteristics of equilibrative nucleoside transporter 2 (ENT2/SLC29A2) for the transport of urate as a newly identified substrate. Open Access
    Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics in press.

  2. Nakayama A, Kawamura Y, Nakatochi M, Toyoda Y, Nakajima M, Maehara K, Kirihara M, Shimizu S, Matsuo K, Matsuo H.
    Strong genetic effect on gout revealed by genetic risk score from meta‑analysis of two genome‑wide association studies. Open Access
    Human Cell 2025 38:16.

  3. Kawamura Y, Nakayama A, Nakatochi M, Aoki Y, Toyoda Y, Nakamura T, Shimizu S, Matsuo K, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H.
    Identification of novel gout loci from trans-ethnic meta-analysis of serum urate level. Open Access
    Human Cell 2025 38:15.

  4. Major TJ, Takei R, Matsuo H, Leask MP, Sumpter NA, Topless RK, Shirai Y, Wang W, Cadzow MJ, Phipps-Green AJ, Li Z, Ji A, Merriman ME, Morice E, Kelley EE, Wei WH, McCormick SPA, Bixley MJ, Reynolds RJ, Saag KG, Fadason T, Golovina E, O'Sullivan JM, Stamp LK, Dalbeth N, Abhishek A, Doherty M, Roddy E, Jacobsson LTH, Kapetanovic MC, Melander O, Andrés M, Pérez-Ruiz F, Torres RJ, Radstake T, Jansen TL, Janssen M, Joosten LAB, Liu R, Gaal OI, Crişan TO, Rednic S, Kurreeman F, Huizinga TWJ, Toes R, Lioté F, Richette P, Bardin T, Ea HK, Pascart T, McCarthy GM, Helbert L, Stibůrková B, Tausche AK, Uhlig T, Vitart V, Boutin TS, Hayward C, Riches PL, Ralston SH, Campbell A, MacDonald TM, Nakayama A, Takada T, Nakatochi M, Shimizu S, Kawamura Y, Toyoda Y, Nakaoka H, Yamamoto K, Matsuo K, Shinomiya N, Ichida K, Lee C, Bradbury LA, Brown MA, Robinson PC, Buchanan RRC, Hill CL, Lester S, Smith MD, Rischmueller M, Choi HK, Stahl EA, Miner JN, Solomon DH, Cui J, Giacomini KM, Brackman DJ, Jorgenson EM, Liu H, Susztak K, Shringarpure S, So A, Okada Y, Li C, Shi Y, Merriman TR.
    A genome-wide association analysis reveals new pathogenic pathways in gout.
    Nature Genetics 2024 56(11):2392-2406.
    本論文はUniversity of OtagoによりMedia releaseされました。また、防衛医科大学校から解説が発表され、朝日新聞などで取り上げられました。

  5. Hara S, Kusunoki T, Nakagawa H, Kamiya K, Toyoda Y, Takata Y, Anzai T, Furukawa M, Okada H, Nakayama T, Ikeda K, Matsumoto F.
    Impact of Reduced Acidic Earwax pH and Earwax-Determinant Genotypes in Acquired Middle Ear Cholesteatoma.
    Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery 2024 171(5):1511-1517.

  6. Takada T, Miyata H, Toyoda Y, Nakayama A, Ichida K, Matsuo H.
    Regulation of Urate Homeostasis by Membrane Transporters. Open Access
    Gout, Urate, and Crystal Deposition Disease 2024 2(2):206-219.

  7. Toyoda Y, Takada T, Nakayama A, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H.
    Biochemical characterization of renal hypouricemia-associated mutations in urate transporter genes using human cells.
    Human Cell 2024 37(4):1231-1234.

  8. Toyoda Y*, Matsuo H, Takada T.
    Functional characterization of variants in human ABCC11, an axillary osmidrosis risk factor.
    Human Cell 2024 37(4):1070-1079.

  9. Toyoda Y, Matsuo H, Tanaka M, Stiburkova B, Takada T.
    Biochemical characterization of Jr(a−) blood type‐related ABCG2 variants: Arg147Trp and Ser572Arg disrupt the plasma membrane localization of ABCG2.
    Transfusion 2024 64(2):412-414.

  10. Nakayama A, Kurajoh M, Toyoda Y, Takada T, Ichida K, Matsuo H.
    Dysuricemia. Open Access
    Biomedicines 2023 11(12):3169.

  11. Toyoda Y, Miyata H, Shigesawa R, Matsuo H, Suzuki H, Takada T.
    SVCT2/SLC23A2 is a sodium-dependent urate transporter: functional properties and practical application. Open Access
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2023 299(8):104976.

  12. Toyoda Y, Miyata H, Uchida N, Morimoto K, Shigesawa R, Kassai H, Nakao K, Tomioka HN, Matsuo H, Ichida K, Hosoyamada M, Aiba A, Suzuki H, Takada T.
    Vitamin C transporter SVCT1 serves a physiological role as a urate importer: functional analyses and in vivo investigations. Open Access
    Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology 2023 475(4):489-504.

  13. Toyoda Y, Cho SK, Tasic V, Pavelcová K, Bohatá J, Suzuki H, David VA, Yoon J, Pallaiova A, Šaligová J, Nousome D, Cachau R, Winkler CA, Takada T, Stiburkova B.
    Identification of a dysfunctional exon-skipping splice variant in GLUT9/SLC2A9 causal for renal hypouricemia type 2. Open Access
    Frontiers in Genetics 2023 13:1048330.

  14. Toyoda Y, Nakatochi M, Nakayama A, Kawamura Y, Nakaoka H, Wakai K, Matsuo K, Matsuo H.
    SNP-based heritability estimates of gout and its subtypes determined by genome-wide association studies of clinically defined gout. Open Access
    Rheumatology 2023 62(5):e144-e146.

  15. Ohashi Y, Kuriyama S, Nakano T, Sekine M, Toyoda Y, Nakayama A, Takada T, Kawamura Y, Nakamura T, Matsuo H, Yokoo T, Ichida K.
    Urate Transporter ABCG2 Function and Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia: A Retrospective Cohort Study of CKD Progression. Open Access
    American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2023 81(2):134-144.e1.

  16. Yamanashi Y, Takada T, Tanaka Y, Ogata Y, Toyoda Y, Ito SM, Kitani M, Oshida N, Okada K, Shoda J, Suzuki H.
    Hepatic Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1 exacerbates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by re-absorbing specific biliary oxysterols. Open Access
    Biomedicine & Pharmacotherpy 2022 156:113877.

  17. Shirai Y, Nakayama A, Kawamura Y, Toyoda Y, Nakatochi M, Shimizu S, Shinomiya N, Okada Y, Matsuo H.
    Coffee Consumption Reduces Gout Risk Independently of Serum Uric Acid Levels: Mendelian Randomization Analyses Across Ancestry Populations. Open Access
    ACR Open Rheumatology 2022 4(6):534-539.

  18. Toyoda Y, Kawamura Y, Nakayama A, Morimoto K, Shimizu S, Tanahashi Y, Tamura T, Kondo T, Kato Y, Ichida K, Suzuki H, Shinomiya N, Kobayashi Y, Takada T, Matsuo H.
    OAT10/SLC22A13 acts as a renal urate re-absorber: clinico-genetic and functional analyses with pharmacological impacts. Open Access
    Frontiers in Pharmacology 2022 13:842717.

  19. Toyoda Y, Nakayama A, Nakatochi M, Kawamura Y, Nakaoka H, Yamamoto K, Shimizu S, Ooyama H, Ooyama K, Shimizu T, Nagase M, Hidaka Y, Ichida K, Inoue I, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H.
    Genome-wide meta-analysis between renal overload type and renal underexcretion type of clinically defined gout in Japanese populations. Open Access
    Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 2022 136(3):186-189.

  20. Toyoda Y, Takada T, Saito H, Hirata H, Ota-Kontani A, Tsuchiya Y, Suzuki H.
    Identification of Inhibitory Activities of Dietary Flavonoids against URAT1, a Renal Urate Re-Absorber: In Vitro Screening and Fractional Approach Focused on Rooibos Leaves. Open Access
    Nutrients 2022 14(3):575.

  21. Miyata H#, Toyoda Y#, Takada T#, Hiragi T, Kubota Y, Shigesawa R, Koyama R, Ikegaya Y, Suzuki H.
    Identification of an exporter that regulates vitamin C supply from blood to the brain. Open Access
    iScience 2022 25(1):103642.

  22. Chang SJ#, Toyoda Y#, Kawamura Y#, Nakamura T, Nakatochi M, Nakayama A, Liao WT, Shimizu S, Takada T, Takeuchi K, Wakai K, Shi Y, Shinomiya N, Chen CJ, Li C, Okada Y, Ichida K, Matsuo H.
    A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies using Japanese and Taiwanese has revealed novel loci associated with gout susceptibility. Open Access
    Human Cell 2022 35(2):767-70

  23. Nakayama A, Kawamura Y, Toyoda Y, Shimizu S, Kawaguchi M, Aoki Y, Takeuchi K, Okada R, Kubo Y, Imakiire T, Iwasawa S, Nakashima H, Tsunoda M, Ito K, Kumagai H, Takada T, Ichida K, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H.
    Genetic-epidemiological analysis of hypouricemia from 4,993 Japanese on nonfunctional variants of URAT1/SLC22A12 gene. Open Access
    Rheumatology 2022 61(3):1276-81

  24. Hara S, Kusunoki T, Nakagawa H, Toyoda Y, Nojiri S, Kamiya K, Furukawa M, Takata Y, Okada H, Anzai T, Matsumoto F, Ikeda K.
    Association Between Earwax-Determinant Genotypes and Acquired Middle Ear Cholesteatoma in a Japanese Population.
    Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2022 166(1):139-45.

  25. Ogura M#, Toyoda Y#, Sakiyama M#, Kawamura Y, Nakayama A, Yamanashi Y, Takada T, Shimizu S, Higashino T, Nakajima M, Naito M, Hishida A, Kawai S, Okada R, Sasaki M, Ayaori M, Suzuki H, Takata K, Ikewaki K, Harada-Shiba M, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H.
    Increase of serum uric acid levels associated with APOE ε2 haplotype: a clinico-genetic investigation and in vivo approach. Open Access
    Human Cell 2021 34(6):1727-33.

  26. Kawamura Y, Nakayama A, Shimizu S, Toyoda Y, Nishida Y, Hishida A, Katsuura-Kamano S, Shibuya K, Tamura T, Kawaguchi M, Suzuki S, Iwasawa S, Nakashima H, Ibusuki R, Uemura H, Hara M, Takeuchi K, Takada T, Tsunoda M, Arisawa K, Takezaki T, Tanaka K, Ichida K, Wakai K, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H.
    A Proposal for Practical Diagnosis of Renal Hypouricemia: Evidence from Genetic Studies of Nonfunctional Variants of URAT1/SLC22A12 among 30,685 Japanese Individuals. Open Access
    Biomedicines 2021 9(8):1012.

  27. Sakiyama M, Matsuo H, Toyoda Y, Yonekura Y, Ishikawa T, Nakayama A, Higashino T, Kawamura Y, Fujimoto N, Shinomiya N, Satoh T.
    Porphyrin accumulation in humans with common dysfunctional variants of ABCG2, a porphyrin transporter: potential association with acquired photosensitivity. Open Access
    Human Cell 2021 24(4):1082-6.

  28. Nakatochi M#, Toyoda Y#, Kanai M, Nakayama A, Kawamura Y, Hishida A, Mikami H, Matsuo K, Takezaki T, Momozawa Y, Kamatani Y, Ichihara S, Shinomiya N, Yokota M, Wakai K, Okada Y, Matsuo H.
    An X chromosome-wide meta-analysis based on Japanese cohorts revealed that non-autosomal variations are associated with serum urate. Open Access
    Rheumatology 2021 4;60(9):4430-2.

  29. Toyoda Y, Kawamura Y, Nakayama A, Nakaoka H, Higashino T, Shimizu S, Ooyama H, Morimoto K, Uchida N, Shigesawa R, Takeuchi K, Inoue I, Ichida K, Suzuki H, Shinomiya N, Takada T, Matsuo H.
    Substantial anti-gout effect conferred by common and rare dysfunctional variants of URAT1/SLC22A12. Open Access
    Rheumatology 2021 60(11):5224-32.

  30. Toyoda Y, Pavelcova K, Bohata J, Jesina P, Kubota Y, Suzuki H, Takada T, Stiburkova B.
    Identification of two dysfunctional variants in the ABCG2 urate transporter associated with pediatric-onset of familiar hyperuricemia and early-onset gout. Open Access
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 22(4):1935.

  31. Kawamura Y#, Toyoda Y#, Ohnishi T, Hisatomi R, Higashino T, Nakayama A, Shimizu S, Yanagi M, Kamimaki I, Fujimaru R, Suzuki H, Shinomiya N, Takada T, Matsuo H.
    Identification of a dysfunctional splicing mutation in the SLC22A12/URAT1 gene causing renal hypouricaemia type1: a report on two families. Open Access
    Rheumatology 2020 59(12):3988-90.

  32. Saito H#, Toyoda Y#*, Hirata H, Ota-Kontani A, Tsuchiya Y, Takada T, Suzuki H.
    Soy Isoflavone Genistein Inhibits an Axillary Osmidrosis Risk Factor ABCC11: In Vitro Screening and Fractional Approach for ABCC11-Inhibitory Activities in Plant Extracts and Dietary Flavonoids. Open Access
    Nutrients 2020 12(8):2452.

  33. Toyoda Y*, Takada T, Suzuki H.
    Febuxostat inhibited axillary osmidrosis risk factor ATP‐binding cassette transporter C11 in vitro.
    Journal of Dermatology 2020 47:1198-9.

  34. Toyoda Y, Takada T, Miyata H, Matsuo H, Kassai H, Nakao K, Nakatochi M, Kawamura Y, Shimizu S, Shinomiya N, Ichida K, Hosoyamada M, Aiba A, Suzuki H.
    Identification of GLUT12/SLC2A12 as a urate transporter that regulates the blood urate level in hyperuricemia model mice. Open Access
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020 117(31):18175-7.

  35. Saito H#, Toyoda Y#, Takada T#, Hirata H, Ota-Kontani A, Miyata H, Kobayashi N, Tsuchiya Y, Suzuki H.
    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids inhibit the function of human URAT1, a renal urate re-absorber. Open Access
    Nutrients 2020 12(6):1601.

  36. Nakayama A, Nakatochi M, Kawamura Y, Yamamoto K, Nakaoka H, Shimizu S, Higashino T, Koyama T, Hishida A, Kuriki K, Watanabe M, Shimizu T, Ooyama K. Ooyama H, Nagase M, Hidaka Y, Matsui D, Tamura T, Nishiyama T, Shimanoe C, Katsuura-Kamano S, Takashima N, Shirai Y, Kawaguchi M, Takao M, Sugiyama R, Takada Y, Nakamura T, Nakashima H, Tsunoda M, Danjoh I, Hozawa A, Hosomichi K, Toyoda Y, Kubota Y, Takada T, Suzuki H, Stiburkova B, Major TJ, Merriman TR, Kuriyama N, Mikami H, Takezaki T, Matsuo K, Suzuki S, Hosoya T, Kamatani Y, Kubo M, Ichida K, Wakai K, Inoue I, Okada Y, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H.
    Subtype-specific gout susceptibility loci and enrichment of selection pressure on ABCG2 and ALDH2 identified by subtype genome-wide meta-analyses of clinically defined gout patients. Open Access
    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2020 79(5):657-65.

  37. Toyoda Y, Takada T, Saito H, Hirata H, Ota-Kontani A, Kobayashi N, Tsuchiya Y, Suzuki H.
    Inhibitory effect of Citrus flavonoids on the in vitro transport activity of human urate transporter 1 (URAT1/SLC22A12), a renal re-absorber of urate. Open Access
    npj Science of Food 2020 3:4.

  38. Higashino T#, Morimoto K#, Nakaoka H#, Toyoda Y#, Kawamura Y#, Shimizu S#, Nakamura T, Hosomichi K, Nakayama A, Ooyama K, Ooyama H, Shimizu T, Ueno M, Ito T, Tamura T, Naito M, Nakashima H, Kawaguchi M, Takao M, Kawai Y, Osada N, Ichida K, Yamamoto K, Suzuki H, Shinomiya N, Inoue I, Takada T, Matsuo H.
    Dysfunctional missense variant of OAT10/SLC22A13 decreases gout risk and serum uric acid levels. Open Access
    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2020 79(1):164-6.

  39. Toyoda Y, Takada T, Yamanashi Y, Suzuki H.
    Pathophysiological importance of bile cholesterol reabsorption: hepatic NPC1L1-exacerbated steatosis and decreasing VLDL-TG secretion in mice fed a high-fat diet. Open Access
    Lipids in Health and Disease 2019 18:234.

  40. Toyoda Y, Pavelcová K, Klein M, Suzuki H, Takada T, Stiburkova B.
    Familial early-onset hyperuricemia and gout associated with a newly identified dysfunctional variant in urate transporter ABCG2. Open Access
    Arthritis Research & Therapy 2019 21(1):219.

  41. Toyoda Y, Mančíková A, Krylov V, Morimoto K, Pavelcová K, Bohatá J, Pavelka K, Pavlíková M, Suzuki H, Matsuo H, Takada T, Stiburkova B.
    Functional Characterization of Clinically-Relevant Rare Variants in ABCG2 Identified in a Gout and Hyperuricemia Cohort. Open Access
    Cells 2019 8(4):363.

  42. Toyoda Y, Takada T, Umezawa M, Tomura F, Yamanashi Y, Takeda K, Suzuki H.
    Identification of hepatic NPC1L1 as an NAFLD risk factor evidenced by ezetimibe-mediated steatosis prevention and recovery. Open Access
    FASEB BioAdvances 2019 1(5):283-95.

  43. Toyoda Y, Takada T, Suzuki H.
    Inhibitors of human ABCG2: from technical background to recent updates with clinical implications. Open Access
    Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019 10:208.

  44. Takada T, Yamamoto T, Matsuo H, Tan JK, Ooyama K, Sakiyama M, Miyata H, Yamanashi Y, Toyoda Y, Higashino T, Nakayama A, Nakashima A, Shinomiya N, Ichida K, Ooyama H, Fujimori S, Suzuki H.
    Identification of ABCG2 as an Exporter of Uremic Toxin Indoxyl Sulfate in Mice and as a Crucial Factor Influencing CKD Progression. Open Access
    Scientific Reports 2018 8(1):11147.

  45. Nakagawa H#, Toyoda Y#, Albrecht T, Tsukamoto M, Praetorius M, Ishikawa T, Kamiya K, Kusunoki T, Ikeda K, Sertel S.
    Are human ATP-binding cassette transporter C11 and earwax associated with the incidence of cholesteatoma?
    Medical Hypotheses 2018 114:19-22.

  46. Nakamura M, Fujita K, Toyoda Y, Takada T, Hasegawa H, Ichida K.
    Investigation of the transport of xanthine dehydrogenase inhibitors by the urate transporter ABCG2.
    Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 2018 33(1):77-81.

  47. Higashino T#, Takada T#, Nakaoka H#, Toyoda Y#, Stiburkova B, Miyata H, Ikebuchi Y, Nakashima H, Shimizu S, Kawaguchi M, Sakiyama M, Nakayama A, Akashi A, Tanahashi Y, Kawamura Y, Nakamura T, Wakai K, Okada R, Yamamoto K, Hosomichi K, Hosoya T, Ichida K, Ooyama H, Suzuki H, Inoue I, Merriman TR, Shinomiya N, Matsuo H.
    Multiple common and rare variants of ABCG2 cause gout. Open Access
    RMD Open 2017 3(2):e000464.

  48. Toyoda Y, Kashikura K, Soga T, Tagawa YI.
    Metabolomics of an in vitro liver model containing primary hepatocytes assembling around an endothelial cell network: comparative study on the metabolic stability and the effect of acetaminophen treatment. Open Access
    Journal of Toxicological Sciences 2017 42(4):445-54.

  49. Toyoda Y, Takada T, Suzuki H.
    Spontaneous production of glutathione-conjugated forms of 1,2-dichloropropane: comparative study on metabolic activation processes of dihaloalkanes associated with occupational cholangiocarcinoma. Open Access
    Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2017 2017:9736836.

  50. Nakayama A#, Nakaoka H#, Yamamoto K#, Sakiyama M#, Shaukat A#, Toyoda Y#, Okada Y, Kamatani Y, Nakamura T, Takada T, Inoue K, Yasujima T, Yuasa H, Shirahama Y, Nakashima H, Shimizu S, Higashino T, Kawamura Y, Ogata H, Kawaguchi M, Ohkawa Y, Danjoh I, Tokumasu A, Ooyama K, Ito T, Kondo T, Wakai K, Stiburkova B, Pavelka K, Stamp LK, Dalbeth N, Eurogout Consortium, Sakurai Y, Suzuki H, Hosoyamada M, Fujimori S, Yokoo T, Hosoya T, Inoue I, Takahashi A, Kubo M, Ooyama H, Shimizu T, Ichida K, Shinomiya N, Merriman TR, Matsuo H.
    GWAS of clinically defined gout and subtypes identifies multiple susceptibility loci that include urate transporter genes. Open Access
    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2017 76(5):869-77.

  51. Toyoda Y*, Takada T, Gomi T, Nakagawa H, Ishikawa T, Suzuki H.
    Clinical and Molecular Evidence of ABCC11 Protein Expression in Axillary Apocrine Glands of Patients with Axillary Osmidrosis. Open Access
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2017 18(2):417.

  52. Miyata H#, Takada T#, Toyoda Y#, Matsuo H, Ichida K, Suzuki H.
    Identification of febuxostat as a new strong ABCG2 inhibitor: potential applications and risks in clinical situations. Open Access
    Frontiers in Pharmacology 2016 7:518.

  53. Toyoda Y*, Takada T, Miyata H, Ishikawa T, Suzuki H.
    Regulation of the Axillary Osmidrosis-Associated ABCC11 Protein Stability by N-linked Glycosylation: Effect of Glucose Condition. Open Access
    PLoS One 2016 11(6): e0157172.

  54. Toyoda Y, Takada T, Suzuki H.
    Halogenated hydrocarbon solvent-related cholangiocarcinoma risk: biliary excretion of glutathione conjugates of 1,2-dichloropropane evidenced by untargeted metabolomics analysis. Open Access
    Scientific Reports 2016 6:24586.
    [UTokyo Research(和文解説)] [東大病院だより No.88(研究紹介)]

  55. Toyoda Y*, Gomi T, Nakagawa H, Nagakura M, Ishikawa T.
    Diagnosis of human axillary osmidrosis by genotyping of the human ABCC11 gene: Clinical practice and basic scientific evidence. Open Access
    BioMed Research International 2016 2016:7670483.

  56. Ishikawa T and Toyoda Y.
    Human ABC transporter ABCC11:Looking back pioneers' odyssey and creating a new path toward clinical application.
    in: Anthony M. George (Ed.)
    ABC Transporters - 40 Years On Springer Inc. 2016, 297-318.

  57. Stiburkova B, Miyata H, Zavada J, Tomcik M, Pavelka K, Storkanova G, Toyoda Y, Takada T, Suzuki H.
    Novel dysfunctional variant in ABCG2 as a cause of severe tophaceous gout: biochemical, molecular genetic and functional analysis. Open Access
    Rheumatology 2016 55(1):191-4.

  58. Ito N, Ito K, Ikebuchi Y, Toyoda Y, Takada T, Hisaka A, Oka A, Suzuki H.
    Prediction of Drug Transfer into Milk Considering Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP)-Mediated Transport.
    Pharmaceutical Research 2015 32(8):2527-37.

  59. Takada T, Yamanashi Y, Konishi K, Yamamoto T, Toyoda Y, Masuo Y, Yamamoto H, Suzuki H.
    NPC1L1 is a key regulator of intestinal vitamin K absorption and a modulator of warfarin therapy. Open Access 
    Science Translational Medicine 2015 7(275):275ra23.
    [UTokyo Research(和文解説)]

  60. Satake K, Toyoda Y, Nakagawa H.
    Drugs affecting epigenetic modifications of ABC transporters for drug resistance.
    in; Thomas Efferth (Ed.)
    Resistance to Targeted ABC Transporters in Cancer Springer Inc. 2015, 273-97.

  61. Ito N, Ito K, Ikebuchi Y, Kito T, Miyata H, Toyoda Y, Takada T, Hisaka A, Honma M, Oka A, Kusuhara H, Suzuki H.
    Organic cation transporter/solute carrier family 22a is involved in drug transfer into milk in mice.
    Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014 103(10):3342-8.

  62. Magdy T, Arlanov R, Winter S, Lang T, Klein K, Toyoda Y, Ishikawa T, Schwab M, Zanger UM.
    ABCC11/MRP8 polymorphisms affect 5-fluorouracil-induced severe toxicity and hepatic expression.
    Pharmacogenomics 2013 14(12):1433-48.

  63. Toyoda Y and Ishikawa T.
    Chapter 17 MRP8 (ABCC11).
    in; Toshihisa Ishikawa, Richard B. Kim, Jorg Konig (Eds.)
    Pharmacogenomics of Human Drug Transporters: Clinical Impacts John Wiley Sons Inc. 2013 387-400.

  64. Ito M, Yamanashi Y, Toyoda Y, Izumi-Nakaseko H, Osa S, Sugiyama A, Kuroda M, Suzuki H, Takada T, Adachi-Akahane S.
    Disruption of Stard10 gene alters the PPARα-mediated bile acid homeostasis.
    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 2013 1831(2):459-68.

  65. Ishikawa T, Toyoda Y, Yoshiura K, Niikawa N.
    Pharmacogenomics of human ABC transporter ABCC11:  New insight into apocrine gland growth and metabolite secretion. Open Access
    Frontiers in Genetics 2013 3:306.
    Selected for the Key Scientific Article in Global Medical Discovery [ISSN 1929-8536]
    In a Frontiers eBook as part of the Research Topic titled "Functional Polymorphisms of Xenobiotics Metabolizing Enzymes (XME)"

  66. Toyoda Y, Tamai M, Kashikura K, Kobayashi S, Fujiyama Y, Soga T, Tagawa Y.
    Acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in a liver tissue model consisting of primary hepatocytes assembling around an endothelial cell network.
    Drug Metabolism & Disposition 2012 40(1):169-77.

  67. Nakagawa H, Toyoda Y, Wakabayashi-Nakao K, Tamaki H, Osumi M, Ishikawa T.
    Ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation of ABC transporters:  A new aspect of genetic polymorphisms and clinical impacts. Open Access
    Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2011 100(9):3602-19.

  68. Aw W, Ota I, Toyoda Y, Lezhava A, Sakai Y, Gomi T, Hayashizaki Y, Ishikawa T.
    Pharmacogenomics of Human ABC Transporters: Detection of Clinically Important SNPs by SmartAmp2 Method.
    Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 2011 12(4):693-704.

  69. Ota I, Sakurai A, Toyoda Y, Morita S, Sasaki T, Chishima T, Yamakado M, Kawai Y, Ishidao T, Lezhava A, Yoshiura K, Togo S, Hayashizaki Y, Ishikawa T, Ishikawa T, Endo I, Shimada H.
    Association between breast cancer risk and the wild-type allele of human ABC transporter ABCC11. Open Access
    Anticancer Research 2010 30(12):5189-94.

  70. Toyoda Y and Ishikawa T.
    Pharmacogenomics of Human ABC Transporter ABCC11 (MRP8): Potential Risk of Breast Cancer and Chemotherapy Failure. Open Access
    Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 2010 10(8):617-24.

  71. Wakabayashi-Nakao K, Tamura A, Koshiba S, Toyoda Y, Nakagawa H, Ishikawa T.
    Production of cells with targeted integration of gene variants of human ABC transporter for stable and regulated expression using the Flp recombinase system. Open Access
    Methods in Molecular Biology 2010 648:139-59.

  72. Inoue Y, Mori T, Toyoda Y, Sakurai A, Ishikawa T, Mitani Y, Hayashizaki Y, Yoshimura Y, Kurahashi H, Sakai Y.
    Correlation of axillary osmidrosis to a SNP in the ABCC11 gene determined by the Smart Amplification Process (SmartAmp) method.
    Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2010 63(8):1369-74.

  73. Nakagawa H, Wakabayashi-Nakao K, Tamura A, Toyoda Y, Koshiba S, Ishikawa T.
    N-linked glycosylation enhances ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation of human ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCG2. Open Access
    FEBS Journal 2009 276(24):7237-52.
    Selected for the Virtual Issue of FEBS Journal "Virtual Issue on Glycosylation 2012 February"

  74. Toyoda Y, Sakurai A, Mitani Y, Nakashima M, Yoshiura K, Nakagawa H, Sakai Y, Ota I, Lezhava A, Hayashizaki Y, Niikawa N, Ishikawa T.
    Earwax, osmidrosis, and breast cancer: why does one SNP (538G>A) in the human ABC transporter ABCC11 gene determine earwax type? Free to read
    FASEB Journal 2009 23(6):2001-13. Cover story of The FASEB Journal's June 2009.
    本論文の内容は、FASEB(米国実験生物学会連合)によってパブリックリリースされ、AAAS(アメリカ科学振興会)が運営する EurekAlert! に取り上げられました。

  75. Toyoda Y, Hagiya Y, Adachi T, Hoshijima K, Kuo MT, Ishikawa T.
    MRP class of human ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters: historical background and new research directions.
    Xenobiotica 2008 38(7-8):833-62.
    Special Issue: Xenobiotic and Endobiotic Transporters: Structure, Function and Regulation.


  • 豊田 優, 宮田 大資, 高田 龍平.
    日本栄養・食糧学会誌, 日本栄養・食糧学会, 976(4):193–198, 2023.
  • 豊田 優, 宮田 大資, 高田 龍平.
    生化学, 日本生化学会, 94(4): 599-604, 2022.
  • 豊田 優, 高田 龍平, 松尾 洋孝, 市田 公美, Blanka Stiburkova, 鈴木 洋史.
    電気泳動, 日本電気泳動学会, 65(1): 1-5, 2021.
  • 豊田 優, 高田 龍平.
    メタボロミクスを活用した職業性胆管がんの研究 ―トランスポーターに着目した生体外異物の体内動態制御の視点から
    医学のあゆみ, 医歯薬出版株式会社, 270(5): 485-90, 2019.
  • 豊田 優.
    ファルマシア, 日本薬学会, 54(8): 814, 2018.
  • 豊田 優, 高田 龍平, 鈴木 洋史.
    化学, 株式会社化学同人, 71(6): 73, 2016.
  • 豊田 優, 高田 龍平.
    生活習慣病とトランスポーター ―コレステロール動態を中心に
    医学のあゆみ, 医歯薬出版株式会社, 245(1): 23-9, 2013.
  • 豊田 優, 中川 大, 石川 智久.
    Chapter IV ABCC11遺伝子の機能. 細川 亙, 坂井 靖夫 編.
    腋臭症・多汗症実践マニュアル, 株式会社全日本病院出版会. 123-9, 2012.
  • 石川 智久, 豊田 優, 坂井 靖夫, 五味 常明.
    迅速SNP診断技術の臨床応用: 腋臭症の診断におけるヒトABCC11 (MRP8) 遺伝子のSNP検出
    Surgery Frontier, 株式会社メディカルレビュー社, 18(2):48-51, 2011.
  • 中川 大, 豊田 優, 中尾 (若林) 香菜子, 石川 智久.
    小胞体におけるABCトランスポーターの品質管理 ―ユビキチン-プロテアソーム経路による新生ABCG2蛋白質の除去―
    遺伝子医学, 株式会社メディカルドゥ, 19: 230-5, 2011.
  • 豊田 優, Wanping Aw, Alexander Lezava, 中川 大, 林崎 良英, 石川 智久.
    遺伝子医学, 株式会社メディカルドゥ, 19: 160-7, 2011.


  • 豊田 優.  バイオ系研究室のイクボス:嬉しかった気遣い.
    実験医学, 羊土社, 36(1): 129, 2018.
  • 有澤 琴子, 豊田 優.  文献紹介を有効に活用するために.
    実験医学, 羊土社, 33(16): 136, 2015.
  • 白井 福寿, 豊田 優.  指導教員が異動! さぁどうする?
    実験医学, 羊土社, 32(11): 136, 2014.
  • 梅澤 雅和, 谷中 冴子, 豊田 優.  必要な理解と支援 研究と育児の両立に向けて.
    実験医学, 羊土社, 31(11): 136, 2013.
  • 豊田 優, 久保田 佐綾, 松原 惇高.  研究テーマ引継ぎ―現場からみた3つの提言. 
    実験医学, 羊土社, 30(18): 136, 2012.  
  • 飯島 玲生, 豊田 優, 梅澤 雅和 (生化学若い研究者の会).  ひろば 生化学若い研究者の会による被災若手研究者への支援活動 ~東北地方太平洋沖地震~ 生化学, 84(3): 232-4, 2012.
  • 豊田 優, 三田村 圭祐, 中原 庸裕.  理系大学院生活で養いたい三つの力.
    実験医学, 羊土社, 30: 136, 2012. 
  • 豊田 優.  食べ過ぎが脂肪肝につながる理由.
    Rikejo, 講談社, 13: 32, 2011.
  • 豊田 優.  大学ではどんな講義を学ぶのか?
    Rikejo, 講談社, 9: 49, 2011.
  • 豊田 優, 谷 友香子.  若手会のススメ -研究者交流促進のために.
    実験医学, 羊土社, 29(1): 136, 2011.
  • 豊田 優.  遺伝子配列だけでは決まらない細胞の性質 ―エピジェネティクスとは?― 
    , 講談社, 3: 49, 2010.


  • 『これだけ! 生化学 第2版』, 株式会社秀和システム, 2021.
    『これだけ! 生化学』, 株式会社秀和システム, 2014.
    稲垣 賢二 監修.  飯島 玲生, 瀧 慎太郎, 豊田 優, 藤原 慶 編.   生化学若い研究者の会 著. (分担執筆)
  • 『高校生からのバイオ科学の最前線―iPS細胞・再生医学・ゲノム科学・バイオテクノロジー・バイオビジネス・iGEM』, 株式会社日本評論社, 2014.
    石浦 章一 監修.  片桐 友二 編.  生化学若い研究者の会 著. (分担執筆)


  • 豊田 優.
    第3回日本医学会連合Rising Star リトリート(2024.06.19-21)(日本栄養・食糧学会推薦)
  • 豊田 優, 宮田 大資, 鈴木 洋史, 高田 龍平.
    ビタミン C の排出型輸送体の発見:分子同定ならびに生理的役割の解明.
    第77回 日本栄養·食糧学会大会(2023.05.12-14) トピックス演題に採択
  • Toyoda Y, Takada T, Suzuki H.
    ABCC2-mediated biliary excretion of glutathione conjugates of 1,2-dichloropropane evidenced by untargeted metabolomics.
    Gordon Research Conference 2017 "Multi-Drug Efflux Systems" Integrated Approaches to Understanding the Role of Multi-Drug Efflux Systems in Health and Disease, Galveston, TX, USA, (2017.03.26-03.31.) [Invited talk]
  • Toyoda Y and Ishikawa T.
    Biomolecular characterization of human ABCC11 and its clinical implications.
    Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar 2015 “Multi-Drug Efflux Systems” Learning from the Past to Innovate the Future, Lucca (Barga), Italy (2015.04.25-04.26.) [Talk by young scientist]
  • Toyoda Y, Takada T, Suzuki H.
    Biliary excretion of glutathione-conjugates of 1,2-dichloropropane: potential influence on the cholangiocarcinoma risk induced by the exposure to halogenated hydrocarbon solvent.
    Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar 2015 “Multi-Drug Efflux Systems”  Learning from the Past to Innovate the Future, Lucca (Barga), Italy (2015.04.25-04.26.)
    1st Place on Poster Presentation.
  • 豊田 優, 高田 龍平, 鈴木 洋史.  有機溶剤成分に起因する胆管癌リスクの検討.
    日本薬学会第135年会(2015.03.25-28) 講演ハイライトに採択







