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● 移植後動脈硬化の成因に関する新知見

Nature Medicine 2001年 4月号に掲載されました。(Nature Medicine 2001. vol 7. pp 382-383) この結果を発展させた関連の研究も着実に進行しています。 

* 第16回「大学と科学」公開シンポジウム


● 動脈硬化と造血幹細胞に関する新知見

上記のプロジェクトを発展させたFull Paperが Nature Medicine 2002年 4月号に掲載 予定です。4/1/2002以降に内容を紹介します。 


● マウスの血管傷害モデルの開発



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Published Articles in which this model has been used.

By us

1. A mouse model of vascular injury that induces rapid onset of medial cell apoptosis followed by reproducible neointimal hyperplasia.

2. Acute and chronic smooth muscle cell apoptosis after mechanical vascular injury can occur independently of the Fas-death pathway.

3. Hematopoietic stem cells differentiate into vascular cells that participate in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.

4. Mouse genetic evidence that tranilast reduces smooth muscle cell hyperplasia via a p21(WAF1)-dependent pathway.

5. Absence of p53 Leads to Accelerated Neointimal Hyperplasia After Vascular Injury.

6. Diverse Contribution of Bone Marrow Cells to Neointimal Hyperplasia After Mechanical Vascular Injuries.

7. Temporal and spatial characterization of cellular constituents during neointimal hyperplasia after vascular injury: Potential contribution of bone-marrow-derived progenitors to arterial remodeling.

8. Comparison of various bone marrow fractions in the ability to participate in vascular remodeling after mechanical injury.

9. Potent inhibitory effect of sirolimus on circulating vascular progenitor cells.


By others

1. Platelets activated by collagen through immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif play pivotal role in initiation and generation of neointimal hyperplasia after vascular injury.

2. Role of adiponectin in preventing vascular stenosis- the missing link of adipo-vascular axis -

3. Rosiglitazone facilitates angiogenic progenitor cell differentiation toward endothelial lineage: a new paradigm in glitazone pleiotropy.

4. R-Ras is a global regulator of vascular regeneration that suppresses intimal hyperplasia and tumor angiogenesis.

5. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) accelerates reendothelialization and reduces neointimal formation after vascular injury in mice.

6. Erythropoietin-mobilized endothelial progenitors enhance reendothelialization via Akt-endothelial nitric oxide synthase activation and prevent neointimal hyperplasia.

7. Tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency exaggerates intimal hyperplasia after vascular injury.

8. A role for muscle LIM protein (MLP) in vascular remodeling.

9. Stem cell factor deficiency is vasculoprotective: unraveling a new therapeutic potential of imatinib mesylate.

10. Inflammatory response to acute myocardial infarction augments neointimal hyperplasia after vascular injury in a remote artery.

11. Stem Cell Factor Attenuates Vascular Smooth Muscle Apoptosis and Increases Intimal Hyperplasia After Vascular Injury.

12. Leptin regulates neointima formation after arterial injury through mechanisms independent of blood pressure and the leptin receptor/STAT3 signaling pathways involved in energy balance.

13. Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase promotes endothelial repair after vascular injury.





● 血管新生の薬物療法

ある薬剤が血管新生を劇的に促進することを見出しました。臨床へのImplicationが大きいと非常に期待しています。 スタチンの興味深い薬理作用に関する続編もいろいろ投稿中です。








● 遺伝子改変マウスの開発

(1) 血管内皮特異的トランスジェニックマウス



(2) 血管内皮特異的コンディショナルノックアウトマウス



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