1999年 フルブライトの登録票 / 願書


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登録票を郵送すると、願書を送ってくれる。 (ちなみに今年の願書の〆切は7月31日だった)


A. 登録票−フルブライト・プログラム 大学院留学

a. 氏名: (漢字) 児玉 聡 英語名 (Last) KODAMA (First) SATOSHI
b. 生年月日: 1974年02月25日生
c. 性別: 男性
d. 国籍: 日本国籍
e. 現住所: ふりがな: きょうとし さきょうく ***** *****
〒606-**** 京都市左京区********
f. 自宅のTEL/FAX/e-mail: TEL *********** e-mail kodama@ethics.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
g. 勤務先名又は在学大学名: (日) 京都大学 (英) Kyoto U.
h. 所属部又は学部/研究科名: (日) 文学研究科 (英) Fac. of Letters
i. 課又は学科/専攻名: (日) 思想文化学専修倫理学専攻 (英) Division of General Culture, Dept. of Ethics
j. 役職名又は在学年度: (日) 博士後期課程一回生 (英) Doctoral Student, 1st year
k. 勤務先叉は在学先住所: 〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田本町
l. TEL/FAX/e-mail: TEL 075-753-2709 FAX 075-761-0692 e-mail ethics@ethics.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
m. Occupational Category: 11
n. 同一年度に応募(予定)の他の奨学金名: 無
o. 海外滞在/留学/研究経験: 有 その期間: 1990 年08月 〜 1991 年06月 国名 米国 所属機関名 Groveport Madison High School
p. TOEFL(大学院留学のみ): 1. 1999年04月 ______点

a. 予定専攻分野: 哲学
b. Discipline : PHILOSOPHY
c. Discipline Code : 5-0600
d. Topic (within 25 words): A close reexamination of modern right theories based on the study of Jeremy Bentham, and the application of its results to contemporary ethical problems
e. Project Area: 2. Problems of Contemporary Society [CS]

a. 学位: Institution Attended Major Field of Study Degree Obtained Month / Year
Kyoto U. Philosophy B.A. 03/1997
Kyoto U. Philosophy M.A. 03/1999


This form should be carefully completed in English (except for 3.-a. below) since the initial determination of your eligibility for a grant will be based on your statements. Refer to the original announcement for detailed descriptions of eligibility, fields of study, the Commission's Project Areas, and other matters before completing this form.

Name: (Romaji): KODAMA SATOSHI (Kanji) 児玉 聡

1. Grant Category: Graduate Study
2. Field of study/research (copy from 2-b in A.登録票): PHILOSOPHY
3. Academic proposal in U.S. (Do NOT attach extra page.)
a. A. 登録票2-d に書いた研究テーマの和文抄訳 (約50字以内)

J・ベンタム研究を基礎にした現代権利論の再検討、 およびその研究成果を現代の倫理的諸問題に適用する試み

b. Summary description (250 〜350 words):

An English Utilitarian Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) is also known as one of the most outspoken opponents of modern right theories along with Edmund Burke and Karl Marx. Bentham's criticism of natural or moral rights, though frequently referred to by many contemporary thinkers such as Peter Singer and Joel Feinberg, has not been sufficiently examined in the light of contemporary debates on human rights. This project aims (1) to give a thorough explication of Bentham's theory of rights by contrasting his theory with those of contemporary proponents and opponents of rights and, based on the insights obtained by (1), (2) to see how his theory of rights is still relevant to the contemporary ethical problems by examining from a Benthamite point of view a variety of contemporary issues such as privacy, patients' rights, and animal rights.
Concerning (1), an intensive reading of Bentham's works and the secondary literature on his theory of rights will be indispensable. A survey of the history of rights and a close examination of contemporary right theories such as Dworkin's and Feinberg's will also be required. As for (2), the focus will be on the contemporary issues (privacy and intellectual property for example) relating to the field of study now known as information ethics or computer ethics, but some of the biomedical issues (the patients' right to make an informed consent for one) will also be examined. Since many of the contemporary ethical problems cannot be properly handled without a fair knowledge of the existing law, a study of American legal system will have to be needed.

c. If your proposed field of study in the U.S. (2. in A. 登録票 & 2. above) is different from your current/previous academic training/degrees (3. in A. 登録票), please explain the reason and the feasibility of your plan in the U.S.

d. If you have checked one of Project Areas in A. 登録票 (2-e.) please give specific reasons why your proposal falls in that Project area.

This project falls in the Project Area 2. (Problems of Contemporary Society) because it deals with contemporary ethical problems such as privacy and patients' rights from the standpoint of Bentham's theory of rights.

Signature (署名)Satoshi Kodama (児玉聡) Date(日付)05/31/99 (1999年05月31日)




19. Proposed major field of study, and specialization (Provide the title and a capsule summary of no more than 50 words of your proposed activity in the U.S.):

A close reexamination of modern right theories from a Benthamite point of view, and the application of its results to contemporary ethical problems.

20. Proposed study program in the United States (Describe your academic objectives in the United States in detail. Your description must enable Japanese and American reviewers and the Commission to determine the significance and feasibility of your plan. Therefore, your language should be clear and direct; specialized concepts should be defined, and technical terms should be kept to a minimum. Your proposed program should be closely related to your previous academic and professional training and background, and to your future plans which you describe elsewhere in the application.):

This project involves a close reexamination of modern right theories from a Benthamite point of view, and the application of its results to contemporary ethical problems. The English Utilitarian Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) is also known as one of the most outspoken critics of modern right theories along with Edmund Burke and Karl Marx. Indeed, he was one of the first writers to warn us against the anarchical tendency of the Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen issued during the French Revolution. Not only did he reject the talk of moral or natural rights as 'Nonsense upon Stilts,' he also gave a thorough analysis of the concept of rights, which has had special relevance to the contemporary debates over the status of rights. While his analysis of rights has had much attention in jurisprudence, his criticism of moral rights - though sporadically touched upon by writers such as Robert Nozick, Joel Feinberg, and Peter Singer - has scarcely been examined in the light of contemporary philosophical debates on moral (human) rights. This project therefore aims (1) to give a thorough explication of Bentham's theory of rights by contrasting his theory with those of contemporary proponents and opponents of rights. Based on the insights obtained by (1), it also aims (2) to show the relevance of his theory to the contemporary ethical problems, by examining from a Benthamite point of view a variety of contemporary issues such as privacy, patients' rights, and animal rights.

Concerning (1), an intensive reading of Bentham's works and the secondary literature on his theory of rights will be indispensable. A survey of the history of rights and a close examination of contemporary right theories such as Ronald Dworkin's and Joseph Raz's will also be needed. As for (2), the focus will be on the contemporary issues (privacy and intellectual property, for example) relating to the field of study now known as information ethics or computer ethics, but some of the biomedical issues (e.g. the patients' right to make an informed consent) will also be examined. Since many of contemporary ethical problems cannot be properly handled without a fair knowledge of the existing law, a study of legal systems will also be needed.

This project might seem to be better carried out in the United Kingdom than in the United States, given that Bentham was a British philosopher. Debates over rights both in and out of universities, however, seem much more active in the United States than anywhere else, and what is more, most of the well-known exponents of rights (such as Joel Feinberg, David Lyons and Jeremy Waldron) teach in American universities. These considerations make it preferable that this project be performed in the United States, since this project is not only concerned with Bentham's theory of rights itself, but also with its applications to current ethical issues related to rights.

(最後に「なぜ米国でベンタムの研究をするのか」あるいは 「なぜ米国でなければならないのか」という点に関してコメントをしておいた)

28. Personal essay (Please provide any other information, e.g. extra-curricular activities, that will contribute to a better understanding of why you are applying for a Fulbright grant to pursue your academic objectives. This is an important part of your application and should not be a repetition of information provided elsewhere.):

Since my undergraduate years, I have been studying Jeremy Bentham's moral and political philosophy. In my graduate thesis 'Bentham on the distinction between law and morality,' I focused on the problem of governmental interference in individual lives. I found that his utilitarian justification of the limits of governmental interference was very convincing and that his arguments also anticipated J. S. Mill's better-known arguments on the same topic in many ways.

Then I became interested in his theory of rights. It was quite a surprise to learn that he explicitly denied the existence of moral or natural rights. Today many political and ethical talks rely on the concept of right and we are so used to speaking ethical matters in terms of rights that we take them for granted. Bentham says, however, that talk of rights is stark nonsense unless they are tied to positive law. To learn more about rights, I started to study contemporary theories of rights and found that the area I was to investigate was too large to be dealt with in my master's thesis. So I decided to postpone the examination of Bentham's theory of rights until I became a doctoral student, and focused my master's thesis on one of the difficulties involved in his utilitarianism ('Bentham's principle of utility: concerning the alleged inconsistency between his theory of ethics and that of human nature').

Now as a doctoral student I am ready to examine theories of rights by Bentham and contemporary writers, but unfortunately hardly anybody studies Bentham's theory of rights in Japan. What is worse, only a small number of philosophers in Japan are concerned with the theory of rights, while it attracts considerable attention of philosophers in the United States. Given my interest, I have concluded that the best place for me to study is the United States.

KODAMA Satoshi <kodama@ethics.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Last modified: Wed Aug 11 00:20:02 JST 1999