1998 (Jan.-Sep.) / news archive / weakly news

weakly news 1997


Hello. The sun is about to come up for us all as usual. I stayed here in the ethics lab - or should I say the students' room majoring in ethics - as usual. I stay here overnight about three times a week. Why? Well, let me see.

For one thing, I have to take trains to go back home and it's tiring. (I'm really thinking about moving close to this college - if I have enough money to move)

Another reason is that here I can use computers (for free). I can't edit my home page at home and I can't spend a day without updating it.

Well, that's about it for today. Got to take some sleep. Today I'll read Locke's "Human Understanding" and Sidgwick's "The Methods of Ethics" with my friends.


Hello. It's extremely hot today. I really wonder how we were possibly able to live without air conditioners.

Maybe I'm spoiled, corrupted. But if you open the windows to get some breeze, you'll also get all the noize from outside. How can we peacefully study then?

I have to say that an air conditioner is a must in summer in Japan, especially you need some silence to concentrate on your work.

(I don't use it when I go back home to sleep, though.)

What do you think????


Bonjour. It rained hard this morning, and is now cloudy. We are having a REAL rainy season.

I'm studying environmental ethics. Mr Kan**ki and I have been reading Garrett Hardin's Lifeboat Ethics. His view sounds very egoistic (nationalistic) to me. He doesn't seem to have given any real solution.

O well, I'm becoming quite a critic!


Guten Tag. Last night I saw a movie called Blade Runner on VCR. The movie was based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. The movie wasn't so exciting as Star Wars or anything, but I liked the mood of decadence it had, especially that of the future Los Angeles.

Anyway, science fiction gives moral scientists a lot to think about, really. (For instance, how can we make a computer or robot that can make moral judgements? Considering this might give us a useful insight into the distinctions between moral judgements and other kinds of judgements.)

And today, I have studied environmental ethics and gonna translate a little bit of Henry Sidgwick's Method of Ethics.


Good afternoon. We, the students majoring in ethics, are going to lodge together and study environmental ethics this weekend.

As I said before, Mr K**zaki and I are going to present or review one of Garett Hardin's theses, Lifeboat Ethics.

Other groups too will have presentations of the articles written by major figures in environmental ethics, although I don't know who are the major figures. Well, that's what I'm gonna learn then!


Good morning. Actually, it's still in the middle of the night.

We went to Keihoku-cho last weekend to study there. I had a lot of fun, really. Too bad the supper in the first day was a barbecue, since I only eat fish and vegetables!

This week has been very busy studying and I have a part-time job to teach kids next week. I need another body to do all this!! Help!!


The typhoon the ninth is coming up! (How do I say? "The ninth typhoon?"--According to Mr. Is*da, 'this season's ninth typhoon' is correct.)

Wind is going strong. Hope I can go home.


Hello. I did a part-time job last week. What kind? Teaching kids at a cram school. I haven't got paid yet, so I'm awfully poor right now.

With a little help from my spiritual master, I'm now making 'Japan Bentham Mailing List', but it's really tough to learn how to administrate it. (This ML will be mostly in Japanese, so if you read Japanese, please join when it's ready.)


Good evening everybody. Though I've been reading English almost every day at least for an hour or two, yet I don't get much skilled in English composition.

Anyway, I'm now reading Jeremy Bentham's A Fragment on Government. This book is one of those upon which I'll write my master's thesis. I have many more books and articles to read before I begin to write the thesis...


Good afternoon. I don't drink coffee, I take tea my dear.

I've been reading some of Milton Friedman's essays. Man, he's a genious! I don't know much about economics, but I can tell he is a great man. I've got to know more about him.

Adam Smith is of course a classical economist, and so is Jeremy Bentham. Why not I learn more about economics? I sure can study it, since the faculty of economics (and also law) is right next to that of literature in Kyoto University. (Phisically so close, mentally so remote)


Good Morning. Ethics Homepage's URL has been changed.The new address is: a href="http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp./~ethics/".

As you know, since this spring I've been translating one chapter of Henry Sidgwick's The Methods of Ethics. And I guess I must dedicate my whole precious summer to it, too. O, great, great.


Good afternoon. It's September already! In two weeks, the second semester will begin. I'm afraid that I will be more busy than I am now.

I've been working on anti-abolishing capital punishment. I'll have a presentation on it in an applied ethics class in October, so I have to read books and make a resume.


I've finally moved! Now I live alone. I rented a room near the university. I hate to use a public bath (I haven't been to one for a long time), but since I don't have enough money to rent a so-called "one-room mansion", which has a kitchen and a bath room and all, I guess I have to get used to it.


Yesterday was my first anniversary. Anniversary of what? The first anniversary of my homepage! It's hard to believe I've been writing all that nonsense for one whole year. Time flies. I hope I'll still be writing nonsense when the second anniversary comes.

Right now, I have to write a report quick. I should have done it a long time ago.


I haven't written in this page for a while. Since I moved here, I have become somewhat busier. It's for sure that I hang around here as much as I used to do, but when I do, I almost always have something to do, something to study. Maybe I'm getting a little tired of writing this homepage.

Anyway, next Saturday my sister's husband is coming to Osaka. He's a rock drummer and coming to play some gigs in a band called BARKMARKET. I'm going to see his band with several friends. I must practice speaking English before I see him!


Well, since some guys are occasionally visiting here, I guess I'd better occasionally update this page too.

I've been so busy or I've been FEELING so busy that I haven't had much time to write silly jokes and stuff in my home page (right here, I bet some guys will say, "I didn't know this man CAN write SILLY jokes).

I feel I have a long way to go before ever being able to write down the first word of my master's thesis. It's this feeling that makes me feel busy and urged. (I think I must try to get away with this feeling of urgedness some time--It's becoming something like a mental disease.)

Well, forget it.

It's getting colder day by day here. Leaves have turned yellow and red. November Festival's coming up this weekend. NF is the school festival of Kyoto University. I'm going to play some music then.

KODAMA Satoshi <kodama@socio.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Last modified: Tue Jan 20 04:26:43 JST 1998