East Harlem
HIV Care Network: The HIV CARE Network is a non-profit community
based organization providing treatment counseling and referrals.
AVERT: The 'AIDS Education
& Research Trust' is a non-governmental UK organisation. AVERT's
aims are to prevent people from becoming infected with HIV, to
improve the quality of life for those already infected and to
work with others to develop a cure.
The Body: A Multimedia AIDS
and HIV Information Resource.
BRTA/LRTA: This website
gives information on The Business Responds to AIDS (BRTA) and
Labor Responds to AIDS (LRTA) Programs. The page directs users
to materials and assistance to help workplaces set up effective
HIV/AIDS programs.
HIV InSite: This page
gives medical information about HIV inaddition to addressing prevention,
social issues, community based resources and other key topics.
Rural Center for the Study
and Promotion of HIV/STD Prevention: The major focus of the
Rural Center for the Study and Promotion of HIV/STD Prevention
(Rural Prevention Center or RPC) is the promotion of HIV/STD prevention
in rural America, with the goal of reducing HIV/STD incidence.
Unived Nations Programme on AIDS:
This page is provided by the World
Health Organization.
Webber's Website:
This page is an AIDS/HIV Law and policy resource. The website
is intended to enhance understanding of the legal and policy issues
posed by the AIDS pandemic.
Addiction Resource
Guide: A comprehensive directory of addiction treatment facilities
for substance abuse, alcoholism, drug and chemical dependencies
and other addictions to help professionals and consumers find
resources for dealing with addictive problems.
Alcoholics Anonymous
World Services, Inc.: Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship
of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope
with each other that they may solve their common problem and help
others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership
is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A.
membership and they are self-supporting through our own contributions.
American Society of Addiction Medicine:
ASAM is the nation's medical speciality society dedicated to educating
physicians and improving the treatment of individuals suffering
from alcoholism or other addictions.
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse:
CCSA is a non-profit organization working to minimize the harm
associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
Narcotics Anonymous: Narcotics
Anonymous World Services, Inc., through the WSO, provides this
service in order to improve communications between NA World Services
and those interested in the Fellowship of NA, whether for personal
or professional reasons.
National Association on Alcohol,
Drugs & Disability (NAADD): The National Association on Alcohol,
Drugs and Disability Inc., (NAADD) promotes awareness and education
about substance abuse among people with co-existing disabilities.
The mission of NAADD is to create public awareness of issues related
to alcoholism, drug addiction, and substance abuse faced by persons
with other co-existing disabilities, and to provide a peer approach
to enhance access to services, information, education and prevention
through the collaborative efforts of interested individuals and
organizations nationwide.
The National Center on Addiction
and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA): CASA's
mission is to inform Americans of the economic and social costs
of substance abuse and its impact on their lives; assess what
works in prevention, treatment, and law enforcement; encourage
every individual and institution to take responsibility to combat
substance abuse and addiction; provide those on the front lines
with the tools they need to succeed; remove the stigma of abuse
and replace shame and despair with hope.
The National Clearinghouse for
Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI): The National Clearinghouse
for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) is the information service
of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention of the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in the U.S. Department
of Health & Human Services. NCADI is the world's largest resource
for current information and materials concerning substance abuse.
Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence: The National Council
on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence provides education, information,
help, and hope in the fight against the chronic, often fatal disease
of alcholism and other drug addictions.
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: The National Institute
on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) supports and conducts
biomedical and behavioral research on the causes, consequences,
treatment, and prevention of alcoholism and alcohol-related problems.
The Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration: The Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration is the Federal agency charged with
improving the quality and availability of prevention, treatment,
and rehabilitation services in order to reduce illness, death,
disability, and cost to society resulting from substance abuse
and mental illnesses.
Allergy and Asthma Network / Mothers
of Asthmatics, Inc.: This page describes some of the common
symptoms, triggers, and medications used in the treatment of asthma.
Academy of Allergy & Immunology: The purpose of the AAAAI
is to advance the knowledge and practice of allergy and immunology
through discussion at meetings; to foster the education of medical
personnel, students and the public; to promote and stimulate allergy
and immunology research study; and to encourage the unity of and
cooperation among those engaged in the field of allergy and immunology.
Association: The Alzheimer's Association is the National Voluntary
Health Agency dedicated to researching the preventions, cures
and treatments of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, and
providing support and assistance to afflicted patients and their
Guide to Alzheimer's Disease Information and Resources: The
latest medical news and information for patients or friends/parents
of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's-related
Lateral Sclerosis
ALS Association: The ALS Association
is the only national non-profit voluntary health organization
dedicated solely to the fight against ALS. The ALS Association's
mission is to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and
improve living with ALS.
ALS Survival Guide:
Provides resources and other information on ALS.
American Autoimmune Related Diseases
Association, Inc.: The American Autoimmune Related Diseases
Association is dedicated to the eradication of autoimmune diseases
and the alleviation of suffering and the socioeconomic impact
of autoimmunity through fostering and facilitating collaboration
in the areas of education, research, and patient.
Center: This page gives information on diet options, drugs,
dealing with pain, and resources for different types of arthritis.
Arthritis and
Glucosamine Information Center: At the Arthritis & Glucosamine
Information Center you'll find top quality information on arthritis
and glucosamine, the latest research, details on arthritis medications
and treatments, and tips for effectively managing your pain.
Arthritis Foundation:
The mission of the Arthritis Foundation is to support research
to find the cure for and prevention of arthritis and to improve
the quality of life for those affected by arthritis.
Central Missouri
Regional Arthritis Center: The Missouri Rehabilitation Research
and Training Center (MARRTC) is the only federally funded arthritis
rehabilitation research and training center in the US. The MARRTC
web site includes practical information about ways to manage arthritis
and arthritis-related conditions.
National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin: The National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) is one component
of NIH that conducts research and disseminates information on
arthritis and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the skin.
National Osteoporosis Foundation:
The National Osteoporosis Foundation is a leading resource for
people seeking information on the causes, prevention, detection
and treatment of osteoporosis.
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of
America: A not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding
a cure for asthma nd allergic diseases.
Allergy and Asthma Network / Mothers
of Asthmatics, Inc.: This page describes some of the common
symptoms, triggers, and medications used in the treatment of asthma.
Atlanta Allergy & Asthma
Clinic: Atlanta Allergy & Asthma Clinic is one of the largest
allergy & asthma practices in the country.
Society of Canada: The Asthma Society of Canada is a national
volunteer-based organization devoted to enhancing the quality
of life of people living with asthma and to eliminating the disorder.
Canadian Lung Association
Doctor's Guide-Asthma
Information and Resources: The latest medical news and resources
for people interested in knowing more about asthma and asthma-
related disorders.
Telagiectasia Children's Project:
A-T Children's Project was formed to raise funds through events
and contributions from corporations, foundations and friends.
These funds are then used to accelerate first-rate, international
scientific research aimed at finding a cure and improving the
lives of all children with Ataxia Telangiectasia.
Ataxia Foundation: The National Ataxia Foundation is a nonprofit
organization established in 1957 with the primary mission of encouraging
and supporting research into Hereditary Ataxia, a group of neurological
disorders which are chronic and progressive conditions affecting
Deficit Disorder/ADHD
Resources: A collection of ADD related links.
Warehouse: They offer the broadest assortment of materials
on ADD and related disorders currently available. Their online
catalog offers some popular products. They also provide ADD related
articles and announcements online.
This page highlights the organization Children and Adults with
Attention Deficit Disorder (C.H.A.D.D.). C.H.A.D.D. is the nation's
largest ADD-related information organization.
Attention Deficit Disorder Association: It is especially focused
on the needs of ADDults and young adults with ADD. Parents of
children with ADD are also welcome This site provides a wide range
of information about Attention Deficit Disorder and its related
Association for Persons in Supported
Employment: The Association for Persons in Supported Employment
is a membership organization formed to improve and expand integrated
employment opportunities, services, and outcomes for persons experiencing
Autism Society of America:
They promote lifelong access and opportunities for persons within
the autism spectrum and their families, to be fully included,
participating members of their communities through advocacy, public
awareness, education, and research related to autism.
Center for the Study of Autism
(CSA): The Center provides information about autism to parents
and professionals, and conducts research on the efficacy of various
therapeutic interventions. Much of our research is in collaboration
with the Autism Research Institute in San Diego, California.
Division TEACCH:
The Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication
Handicapped Children is from the University of North Carolina
and is a statewide service, research, and training program for
persons with autism and their families. The site features articles
and information from TEACCH faculty and staff, material from the
Autism Society of North Carolina, and other items of interest
on autism.
Families for Early Autism Treatment:
FEAT is a non-profit organization of parents, educators, and other
professionals who provide education, advocacy, and support for
the Northern California Autism Community.
University of
Suderland, Autism Research Unit: This site has information
on current research in US and Europe.
Atresia: What is biliary atresia?
Mental Health: BiPolar Disorder: This site provides general
information and links about Bipolar Disorder.
Pendulum Resources: The
Pendulum Pages is an information source for bipolar disorders
and other mood disorders.
Alberta Burn Rehabilitation
Society: The Alberta Burn Rehabilitation Society (ABRS) is
dedicating this site to international burn rehabilitation, prevention
and awareness.
American Burn Association:
The American Burn Association and its members dedicate their efforts
to the problems of burn injuries and burn victims throughout the
United States, Canada, and other countries.
Burn Survivor Resource Center
Flicker of Hope Foundation
(FHF): FHF was founded with the purpose of providing emotional
and practical support for burn survivors and their families. This
support is presented in the form of counseling, scholarship opportunities
and the sharing of useful information.
Foundation for Burns and Trauma,
Inc.: The Foundation for Burns & Trauma, Inc. is a non-profit
501(C)(3) organization, founded and incorporated in Phoenix, Arizona
in 1967 by two Maricopa County surgeons, Dr. MacDonald Wood and
Dr. William Price and by attorney, George Randoph.
International Society
for Burn Injuries: The Society aims to disseminate knowledge
and stimulate prevention in the field of burns.
Pheonix Society:
Founded by Alan Jeffery Breslau, a burn survivor, the society
is the nation's longest standing and largest organization of burn
survivors and care providers dedicated to helping burn survivors
and their families. Through individual help, support and information
we aim to facilitate a successful rehabilitation and reintegration
into our society.
Shriners: The Shrine of North
America is an International fraternity of approximately 500,000
members throughout the United
States, Mexico, Canada and Panama. The Shrine's official philanthropy
is Shriners Hospitals for Children, a network of 22
hospitals that provide expert, no-cost orthopaedic and burn care
to children under 18.
American Brain Tumor Association:
The American Brain Tumor Association is a not-for-profit organization
dedicated to the elimination of brain tumors through research
and patient education services.
American Cancer Society:
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based
voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer.
American Institute for Cancer Research:
The American Institute for Cancer Research is the nation's leading
charity in the field of diet, nutrition, and cancer prevention.
Association of Cancer Online Resources
(ACOR): ACOR creates, produces, hosts and manages a very large
number of specific online resources for cancer patients, caregivers,
healthcare professionals and basic research scientists.
Cancer Information
Service: The Cancer Information Service (CIS) is a nationwide
network of 19 regional offices supported by the National Cancer
Institute, the Federal Government's primary agency for cancer
research. Through its toll-free phone service, the CIS provides
accurate, up-to-date information on cancer to patients and their
families, health professionals, and the general public. Through
the outreach program, the CIS serves as a resource for state and
regional organizations by providing printed materials and technical
assistance to cancer education, media campaigns, and community
programs. The CIS offices are located at NCI-designated cancer
centers and other health care institutions.
International Cancer Alliance:
The International Cancer Alliance (ICARE) is an organization which
assists cancer patients, their families, and their support groups
in assuring that new, high-quality, directly relevant, value-added,
patient-driven cancer information is available to support the
needs of each patient.
Leukemia & Lymphoma
Society: The Leukemia Society & Lymphoma Society is a national
voluntary health agency dedicated to curing leukemia, lymphoma,
Hodgkin's disease and myeloma - and to improving the quality of
life of patients and their families. Since its inception in 1949,
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has been committed to finding
cures for all blood-related cancers.
Lymphoma Research Foundation
of America, Inc.: Lymphoma Research Foundation of America
is the foremost non-profit organization funding research grants
for projects seeking to cure lymphoma and improve treatments;
and provides educational information and support to lymphoma patients.
National Alliance of Breast Cancer
Organizations: This page gives information on breast cancer
research, support groups, and other resources.
National Bone Marrow Transplant
Link: The National Bone Marrow Transplant Link is a reference
for bone marrow transplantation, finances and medical insurance,
information about peer support and survivor stories.
National Cancer Institute:
The National Cancer Institute is the Nation’s primary agency for
cancer research.
National Marrow Donor Program:
The National Marrow Donor Program is an organization helping patients
through stem cell transplantation. Pancreatica
provides a concentrated wealth of current and topical scientific
and medical information about pancreatic cancer.
Wigs for Kids: Wigs
for Kids is a not-for-profit organization providing hair replacement
solutions for children affected by hair loss due to chemotherapy,
alopecia, burns and other medical conditions.
Cerebral Palsy
- A Resource for Parents and Families: Describes Athetoid,
Ataxic, and Spastic Cerebral Palsy in children, including history,
causes, symptoms, therapy and treatments.
Cerebral Palsy FYI is a resource for information on cerebral palsy.
United Cerebral Palsy: United
States Cerebral Palsy is the leading source of information on
cerebral palsy, prividing information on advocacy, research, and
other resources.
United Cerebral Palsy
of Northern Nevada: United Cerebral Palsy has expanded to
serve a larger population that includes people with disabilties
as well as other traditional barriers to employment. This website
has job hotlines, job openings, community resources and community
events local to Northern Nevada.
Association: Excellent Web site that it is intended to provide
current useful information about CMT.
CMTnet is a repository of information for research and treatment
of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT). CMTnet is intended to provide information
for both the medical and non-medical communities.
offers support for anyone with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, including
family members. This site has a daily, global email discussion
group, 85 links to resources, monthly polls, a database, special
files for medications and members photos, searchable archives
by topic or date.
(CMT): Site that provides a good overview of CMT.
Fatigue Syndrome
American Association for Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome: AACFS is a membership organization for clinicians
as well as research and health care workers professionally engaged
in CFS activities.
Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction
Syndrome Association of America: The CFIDS Association of
America is the nation's leading charitable organization dedicated
to conquering CFIDS, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
and myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E.).
Fatigue Syndrome Treatment: All about symptoms and treatment
of chronic fatigue syndrome, including new research, book, resources,
support, FAQ; Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.
American Chronic Pain Association:
The American Chronic Pain Association, Inc. is a nonprofit organization
that supports self-help groups which teach positive ways to deal
with chronic pain.
American Pain Foundation:
The American Pain Foundation is a nonprofit information resource
and patient advocacy organization serving people with pain. The
mission is to improve the quality of life of people with pain
by providing practical information for patients, raising public
awareness and understanding of pain, and advocating against barriers
to effective treatment.
American Pain Society:
The AMERICAN PAIN SOCIETY (APS) is a multidisciplinary educational
and scientific organization dedicated to serving people in pain.
International Association
for the Study of Pain: IASP is an international, multidisciplinary,
non-profit professional association dedicated to furthering research
on pain and improving the care of patients with pain.
North American Chronic
Pain Association of Canada: NACPAC is a self-help organization
dedicated to providing support to people in chronic pain, and
to giving them assistance in living their lives to the fullest.
Trauma Disorders, i.e., Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
American Industrial Hygiene Association
(AIHA): Founded in 1939, AIHA is an organization of more than
12,000 professional members dedicated to the anticipation, recognition,
evaluation, and control of environmental factors arising in or
from the workplace that may result in injury, illness, impairment,
or affect the well-being of workers and members of the community.
American National Standards Institute:
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has served in
its capacity as administrator and coordinator of the US private-sector
voluntary standardization system for 80 years. ANSI promotes voluntary
consensus standards.
American Society of Safety Engineering:
ASSE's mission is to
foster the technical, scientific, managerial and ethical knowledge,
skills and competency of safety, health, and environmental professionals.
Association for Repetitive
Motion Syndromes (A.R.M.S.): ARMS is a national clearinghouse
that provides support and information to at-risk and injured workers,
their employers, workers' compensation professionals, the press,
and the public at large regarding preventive, therapeutic, medical,
and legal aspects of repetitive motion syndromes.
CTDNews (Cumulative Trauma Disorders):
CTDNews is produced
by the Center for Workplace Health. The Center for Workplace Health
is a wholly independent organization dedicated to the promotion
of workplace health and the prevention of occupational illness.
ErgoWeb: ErgoWeb provides information
case studies and references addressing ergonomics in the workplace.
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society:
The Society's mission is to promote the discovery and exchange
of knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that
are applicable to the design of systems and devices of all kinds.
National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health: NIOSH is part of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is the only federal
Institute responsible for conducting research and making recommendations
for the prevention of work-related illnesses and injuries.
National Safety Council:
The mission of the National
Safety Council is "to educate and influence society to adopt
safety, health and environmental policies, practices and procedures
that prevent and mitigate human suffering and economic losses
arising from preventable causes."
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
(OSHA): OSHA establishes protective standards, enforces those
standards, and reaches out to employers and employees through
technical assistance and consultation programs.
Rehabilitation Engineering Society
of North America (RESNA): RESNA's purpose is to promote and
support the development, dissemination, integration, and utilization
of knowledge in rehabilitation engineering and to assure that
these efforts result in the highest quality of care and service
delivery for all citizens.
and Related Affective Disorders Association: DRADA is an independent
non-profit organization that provides materials and information
about depression and related affective disorder.
Depression and Bipolar Support
Alliance (DBSA): The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
(DBSA) is the nations largest patient-directed, illness-specific
organization. DBSA is a not-for-profit organization (501c[3])
that educates the public concerning the nature of depressive and
bipolar illnesses as treatable medical diseases.
American Diabetes Association:
The mission of the American Diabetes Association is to prevent
and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected
by diabetes.
Information for the Diabetic DataCentre: This set of pages
is intended to provide a point of access to as much information
as possible on the subject of Diabetes, in all its forms, and
related conditions and complications.
Diabetes Net: Providing
Information, Research, and Contacts Relating to Diabetes
Down Syndrome Page:
Individual contributions of persons concerning Down Syndrome.
Includes information and personal stories.
National Association for Down Syndrome:
The NADS web site provides information in the following areas
: news, resources, science, and people.
National Down Syndrome Society:
NDSS supports young researchers seeking the causes of, and answers
to, many of the medical, genetic, behavioral and learning problems
associated with Down syndrome.
Institute on Drug Addiction: NIDA attempts to understanding
how drugs abuse affects the brain and behavior, as well as works
to ensure the rapid and effective transfer of scientific data
to policy makers, drug abuse practitioners, other health care
practitioners and the general public.
Eating Disorder Referral
and Information Center: The Eating Disorder Referral and Information
Center is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating
disorders and provides information and treatment resources for
all forms of eating disorders.
National Eating
Disorders Association: The National Eating Disorders Association
came into being in 2001, when Eating Disorders Awareness &
Prevention (EDAP) joined forces with the American Anorexia Bulimia
Association (AABA) to create the largest eating disorders prevention
and advocacy organization in the world.
Something Fishy:
This site provides information on eating disorders.
American Epilepsy Society:
The Society seeks to promote interdisciplinary communication,
scientific investigation, and exchange of clinical information
about epilepsy. Their membership consists of clinicians, scientists
investigating basic and clinical aspects of epilepsy, and other
professionals interested in seizure disorders.
Center for
Epilepsy of Southern Illinois University: The center provides
care for persons with all types of epilepsy, through advanced
diagnostic techniques, specialized pharmacologic therapy, new
investigational drugs and devices, and epilepsy surgery. The Center
also provides educational programs for physicians and other health
care workers on management of epilepsy.
Epilepsy Foundation of America:
National programs include a toll-free public information and referral
service (1-800-EFA-1000), research, professional education, public
and family education, legal and legislative advocacy and employment
assistance. Has great articles on epilepsy ,as well as information
on new research that is being done.
Epilepsy Ontario: Epilepsy
Ontario's Mission is to improve the quality of life for all people
in Ontario affected by epilepsy. Through a network of chapters,
contacts and associates, Epilepsy Ontario provides client services,
counselling, information and referral services, education and
advocacy services for children and adults with epilepsy, and for
their families.
Arthritis Foundation: The Arthritis Foundation provides information
and referral on issues involving arthritis.
Fibromyalgia Partnership, Inc. (NFP): The National Fibromyalgia
Partnership (NFP), has been in existence since June 1992. Originally
known as the Fibromyalgia Association of Northern Virginia, Inc.
(FMANV) and then the Fibromyalgia Association of Greater Washington,
Inc. (FMAGW), the organization has quickly evolved into a large
non-profit association offering a wide array of services and activities
to patients and professionals.
National Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Foundation:
The National CFIDS Foundation, Inc. was founded in February 1997
by two 14 year activists of the movement. The goals of the Foundation
are to help fund medical research to expedite a treatment and
eventual cure, to provide information, education, and support
to those people who have Chronic Fatigue Immune Dynsfunction (CFIDS)
-- also known as Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME) and Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome CFS) -- and related illnesses such as Gulf War Illness.
Oregon Fibromyalgia Foundation:
OFF provides information literature and treatment options for
individuals with FMS.
National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS): The National
Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)
is one component of NIH that conducts research and disseminates
information on arthritis and diseases of the musculoskeletal system
and the skin.
Barre Syndrome
Guillain-Barré Syndrome Foundation
International: This organization was founded in 1981 by Robert
& Estelle Benson to help others deal with this disorder. The Foundation
has over 130 chapters in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia,
and South Africa.
Alexander Graham Bell Association
for the Deaf: Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf
The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf is a nonprofit
membership organization that was established in 1890 to empower
persons who are hearing impaired to function independently by
promoting universal rights and optimal opportunities to learn
to use, maintain, and improve all aspects of their verbal communications,
including their abilities to speak, speechread, use residual hearing,
and process both spoken and written language.
American Academy of Audiology:
The American Academy of Audiology is a professional organization
of individuals dedicated to providing quality hearing care to
the public. We enhance the ability of our members to achieve career
and practice objectives through professional development, education,
research and increased public awareness of hearing disorders and
audiological services.
American Speech Language Hearing
Association (ASHA): ASHA is the professional, scientific,
and credentialing association for more than 96,000 audiologists,
speech-language pathologists, and speech, language, and hearing
scientists. The mission of the American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association is to promote the interests of and provide the highest
quality services for professionals in audiology, speech-language
pathology, and speech and hearing science, and to advocate for
people with communication disabilities.
American Tinnitus Association -
ATA: American Tinnitus Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization dedicated to promoting the relief, prevention, and
the eventual cure of tinnitus for the benefit of present and future
Council for the Hearing Impaired: A state agency serving the
needs of Arizona's deaf and hard of hearing residents through
information and referral.
Association of Medical Professionals
with Hearing Losses: AMPHL was formed in the year 2000 by
a group of such professionals with several goals in mind. These
goals are to provide information and mentorship, promote advocacy,
and create a network for individuals with hearing losses who are
working in or interested in health care fields.
AudiologyNet is an audiology and hearing healthcare informational
web site for a large populous. It is dedicated to providing web
site links in audiology for patients, family members, students,
and healthcare providers. The information and web links listed
at AudiologyNet are intended for informational purposes only and
do not substitute for medical consultation with your personal
physician or hearing healthcare provider.
of Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: A non-profit
agency providing an objective approach to meeting the diverse
needs of families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing
and the professionals who serve them.
Deaf Empowerment: Deaf
Empowerment's mission is to empower Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals
to lead more productive lives through advocacy, education and
community involvement.
Deaf Web: A resource for
the deaf, deaf-blind, & hard of hearing.
Dogs for the Deaf: Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. rescues and professionally
trains dogs to assist people & enhance the lives of hard of hearing
individuals. This is done free of charge to the the recipient.
Gallaudet University:
Gallaudet University is a four-year liberal arts university for
deaf and hard of hearing students.
HealthyHearing: An
impressive search engine for audiology, hearing loss, hearing
aids, and the ear.
Impairment: Provides links to Organizations for the Hearing
Impaired, General Resources for the Hearing Impaired Schools for
the Deaf, Publications/Newsletters for the Hearing Impaired, Sign
Language, and Additional Resources for the Deaf/Hearing Loss.
National Association of the Deaf:
The NAD safeguards the accessibility and civil rights of 28 million
deaf and hard of hearing Americans in a variety of areas including
education, employment, health care and social services, and telecommunications.
Self Help for Hard of Hearing:
Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc., founded in 1979, is
a consumer, educational organization devoted to the welfare and
interests of those who cannot hear well, their relatives and friends.
T-Gone Tinnitus Remedies:
site provides information on homeopathic remedies for tinnitus
relief and gives general information on tinnitus/hyperacusis and
Meniere's Disease.
The American Heart Association:
The American Heart Association is committed to reducing disability
and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. This Web Server
will help spread information to the public.
Cardiovascular Institute of the
South: The Coronary Institute of the South (CIS), a center
for the advanced diagnosis and treatment of heart and circulatory
disease, presents for your education and republication, a wide-ranging
library of doctor column-style reports on this vital and rapidly
evolving aspect of medicine.
The Heart: A Virtual
Exploration: Explore the heart. Discover the complexities
of its development and structure. Follow the blood through the
blood vessels. Wander through the weblike body systems. Learn
how to have a healthy heart and how to monitor your heart's health.
Look back at the history of heart science.
Heart and Stroke Foundation
of Canada: The mission of the Heart and Stroke Foundation
of Canada is to further the study, prevention, and reduction of
disability and death from heart disease and stroke through research,
education, and the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute (NHLBI): As one of 23 institutes and centers
at the National Institutes of Health, the NHLBI goals are to 1)
prevent, diagnose, treat and cure heart and blood vessel and lung
and blood diseases and 2) provide a safe and adequate blood supply
for the nation.
drkoop.como: This site gives a general description of HUS.
Deficiencies (other than AIDS/HIV)
Academy of Allergy & Immunology: The purpose of the AAAAI
is to advance the knowledge and practice of allergy and immunology
through discussion at meetings; to foster the education of medical
personnel, students and the public; to promote and stimulate allergy
and immunology research study; and to encourage the unity of and
cooperation among those engaged in the field of allergy and immunology.
Deficiency Foundation: The Immune Deficiency Foundation is
a national not for profit organization devoted to research and
education for the primary immune deficiency diseases.
National Jewish Center for Immunology
and Respiratory Medicine: This Center provides patient care,
research and medical education for chronic lung, allergic and
immunologic diseases such as asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis,
tuberculosis, occupational and environmental lung disease, lupus
and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
American College of Gastroenterology:
The American College of Gastroenterology was founded in 1932 to
advance the study and medical treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation
of of America: This page offers comprehensive information
about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
International Foundation
for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: International Foundation
for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD), formerly known
as the International Foundation for Bowel Dysfunction (IFBD),
addresses issues surrounding functional GI disorders or incontinence
through education and research.
National Institute of Diabetes
& Digestive & Kidney Diseases: The National Institute
of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases conducts and supports
research on many of the most serious diseases affecting public
health. The Institute supports much of the clinical research on
the diseases of internal medicine and related subspecialty fields
as well as many basic science disciplines.
United Ostomy Association, Inc.:
The United Ostomy Association is a volunteer-based health organization
dedicated to assisting people who have had or will have intestinal
or urinary diversions.
Kidney & Urology Foundation
of America: The Kidney & Urology Foundation of America
is a national, not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping
people avoid the debilitating effects of kidney and urologic diseases.
The Foundation is focused aggressively on kidney and urologic
research, to nurture the development of new therapies and to make
research and new therapies more accessible to people in need.
International Foundation for Functional
Gastrointestinal Disorders: International Foundation for Functional
Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) addresses issues surrounding
functional GI disorders or incontinence through education and
Life Options: Since 1993,
the Life Options Rehabilitation Program has been developing, collecting,
and integrating rehabilitation resources to help patients with
kidney disease lead active, productive lives. The program is guided
by the Life Options Rehabilitation Advisory Council (LORAC), a
multi-disciplinary team of dialysis patients, professionals, researchers,
and business leaders who deal with the care of patients with end-stage
renal disease.
National Association for Continence
(NAFC): Formerly Help for Incontinent People (HIP), NAFC is
a leading source of education, advocacy, and support to the public
and to the health profession about the causes, prevention, diagnosis,
treatments, and management alternatives for incontinence.
National Kidney Foundation:
The National Kidney Foundation, Inc., a major voluntary health
organization, seeks to prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases,
improve the health and well-being of individuals and families,
and increase the availability of organs for tranplantation.
United Ostomy Association, Inc.:
The United Ostomy Association is a volunteer-based health organization
dedicated to assisting people who have had or will have intestinal
or urinary diversions.
Ostomy Resource: The primary function is to list links to
all Ostomy sites in the world, thereby making it easier for everyone
to locate the information available. These pages are constantly
being updated with new sites as new sites are found and added.
Updates are generally uploaded once a week.
Liver Foundation: The American Liver Foundation is the only
national, voluntary non-profit health agency dedicated to preventing,
treating and curing hepatitis and all liver diseases through research,
education and support groups.
to Latex Education and Resource Team: A.L.E.R.T., Inc. is
a non-profit, tax exempt organization which provides information
about latex allergy and supports natural rubber latex (NRL) allergic
College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology: The American College
of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology is a professional organization
representing the scientific and other interests of allergist-immunologists.
Increasing evidence has accumulated that latex allergy has become
a major occupational health problem, particularly among highly
exposed health care workers and in others with significant occupational
Bright Solutions: Bright
Solutions is a training and consulting firm dedicated to creating
effective resources for children and adults with dyslexia by educating
the general public, parents, teachers, volunteer tutors, and clinicians
on Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder.
Foundation for
People with Learning Disabilities: The Foundation aims to
work with people with learning disabilities to improve the quality
of their lives through research, service, policy, information
dissemination, and public awareness.
International Dyslexia Association
(IDA): The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) (formerly
The Orton Dyslexia Society) is an international, 501(c)(3) non-profit,
scientific and educational organization dedicated to the study
and treatment of dyslexia.
LD OnLine: LD OnLine is
the exciting new home on the Internet for anyone interested in
learning disabilities . . . parents, educators, and the kids we
care about. It's a place to learn, a place to find help, a place
to exchange ideas.
LD Perspectives:
A Web site designed to help people with learning disabilities
take charge.
National Center for Learning Disabilities:
NCLD's Mission is to promote public awareness and understanding
of children and adults with learning disabilities, and to provide
national leadership on their behalf, so they may achieve their
potential and enjoy full participation in our society.
American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, Inc.: The
American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association is dedicated
to the eradication of autoimmune diseases and the alleviation
of suffering and the socioeconomic impact of autoimmunity through
fostering and facilitating collaboration in the areas of education,
research, and patient services in an effective, ethical, and efficient
Arthritis Foundation:
The Arthritis Foundation provides information and referral on
issues involving arthritis or lupus.
Canada: Lupus Canada, as a national voluntary organization,
in partnership with its members, promotes research to find the
causes and a cure for lupus, advocates on behalf of the lupus
community, facilitates and coordinates education and public awareness,
and supports organizational growth and development.
Lupus Healthnet: The Lupus Healthnet mission is to apply knowledge
gained from scientific investigation to clinical care, to improve
patient outcomes through research and programs, to encourage knowledge
and self-responsibility, to use technology to improve communication
and information transfer between healthcare providers and sectors,
and to share knowledge gained in the HealthNet with other chronic
illness populations.
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal
and Skin Diseases (NIAMS): The National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) is one component
of the National Institutes of Health. The NIAMS conducts and supports
basic, clinical, and epidemiologic research and disseminates information
on many forms of arthritis and diseases of the musculoskeletal
system and the skin.
National Jewish Medical and Research Center:
National Jewish is the
only medical and research center in the United States devoted
entirely to respiratory, allergic, and immune system diseases,
including asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema, severe allergies, AIDS,
cancer, and diseases such as lupus.
- Lyme
Of Links On Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease Network
Lyme Disease Foundation:
The Lyme Disease Foundation, Inc. (LDF) is a nonprofit medical
healthcare agency dedicated to finding solutions to tick-borne
disorders. The LDF is the first, largest, most influential,
and most scientific such organization.
MEDLINEplus: Lyme Disease
Foundation: The
National Marfan Foundation was founded in 1981 to provide
accurate and timely information about the disorder to patients,
family members and physicians; to serve as a resource for
medical information and patient support; and to support and
foster research.
American Academy of Psychiatry
and the Law: The
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL, pronounced
"apple") is an organization of psychiatrists dedicated to
excellence in practice, teaching, and research in forensic
psychiatry. Founded in 1969, AAPL currently has more than
1,500 members in North America and around the world.
American Psychiatric Association:
The American Psychiatric Association is a medical specialty
society recognized world-wide. Its 40,500 U.S. and international
physicians specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of mental
and emotional illnesses and substance use disorders.
American Psychological
Association: This page gives information on American Psychological
Association contact numbers.
Anxiety Disorders Association
of America: The ADAA promotes the prevention and cure
of anxiety disorders and works to improve the lives of all
people who suffer from them. The association is made up of
professionals who conduct research and treat anxiety disorders
and individuals who have a personal or general interest in
learning more about such disorders.
Harvesting Our Personal
Efforts (HOPE): This Web site is made possible as part
of a mental health recovery grant funded by the Ohio Department
of Mental Health (ODMH) and the Hamilton County (Cincinnati,
OH) Community Mental Health Board (Board).
Internet Mental Health:
Internet Mental Health is a free encyclopedia of mental health
Hopkins Psychiatric Day Hospital: The Psychiatric Day
Hospital has been in operation since July 27, 1983. It provides
comprehensive multi-disciplinary assessment and treatment
for individuals suffering from psychiatric illness. Acute
intensive time limited care is available for most psychiatric
conditions. The goal of this program is to provide an alternative
to those patients who would otherwise require inpatient hospitalization,
and those for whom outpatient care does not suffice.
Research Institute: The mission of Matrix Research Institute
is to create and apply knowledge through research and evaluation,
training, dissemination, demonstration of innovative practices
and consultation/technical assistance in order to improve
the personal, social and economic liberty of persons with
Health Infosource: This site provides mental health information
and education to all who want to increase their knowledge
of mental illness, and the advances being made in its treatment
and prevention.
Alliance for the Mentally Ill: This site provides mental
health information ranging from available scholarships to
new research.
National Association
of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists: The National Association
of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists is an organization dedicated
to serving cognitive-behavioral therapy.
New York Hospital Online
Access to Health: This is a page describing ways to combat
the stigma of psychiatric illness.
Self-Help Psychology Magazine:
Self-Help Psychology Magazine is an educational publication
written by mental health professionals for the discussion
of general psychology as applied to our everyday lives.
The Arc: The Arc is a
voluntary organization committed to the welfare of all children
and adults with mental retardation and their families.
Association for Persons in Supported
Employment: The Association for Persons in Supported Employment
is a membership organization formed to improve and expand
integrated employment opportunities, services, and outcomes
for persons experiencing disabilities.
American Council for Headache
Education: The American Council for Headache Education
(ACHE) is a nonprofit patient-health professional partnership
dedicated to advancing the treatment and management of headache
and to raising the public awareness of headache as a valid,
biologically based illness.
JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association
National Headache Foundation
Chemical Sensitivity, Fragrance, and Related Sites
Chemical Injury Information Network:
The Chemical Injury Information Network (CIIN) is a tax-exempt,
non-profit, charitable support and advocacy organization run by
the chemically injured for the benefit of the chemically injured.
It focuses primarily on education, credible research into Multiple
Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), and the empowerment of the chemically
Environmental Health Network:
EHN's focus is on issues of access and developments relating to
the health and welfare of the environmentally sensitive. The organization
promotes public awareness of environmental sensitivities and causative
Fragranced Products Information Network (FPIN): The Fragrance
Products Information Network Web site was developed to help fill
the void of information that exists regarding scented products.
General Information on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Articles
on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.
Health Risks from Perfume
MCS Referral & Resources:
Professional outreach,
patient support, and public advocacy devoted to the diagnosis,
treatment, accommodation, and prevention of Multiple Chemical
Sensitivity Disorders.
Extensive MCS resource site including general information, articles
on MCS/EI, on-line libraries, physician referrals, treatment centers
and legal aid.
National Air Duct Cleaners Association:
The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) is a dynamic
non-profid membership organization. NADCA Regular Members are
companies which perform residential and/or commercial air duct
cleaning services, while NADCA Associate Members are suppliers
of equipment to the air duct cleaning industry.
National Pesticide
Telecommunications Network: A toll-free telephone service
that provides pesticide information to any caller in the United
States, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands. A service that provides
objective, science-based information about a wide variety of pesticide-related
subjects, including: pesticide products recognition and management
of pesticide poisoning toxicology environmental chemistry.
MedSupport FSF International:
MedSupport FSF International is a non-profit Internet site that
provides support and information for Multiple Sclerosis patients
and their families.
MS Central: Multiple
Sclerosis Central provides the following: 1. Support Board for
MS patients, family members, friends and those interested in learning
about MS, 2. A summary of MS, including symtpoms and much more,
3. Glossary, 4. Quarterly Newsletters, and 5. Articles.
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation:
Founded in 1986, the MSF is the oldest national MS support organization
that focuses on both complementary and conventional health care
options to address the varied symptoms associated with this lifelong
neurological disorder.
Multiple Sclerosis Society of
Canada: To be a leader in finding a cure for multiple sclerosis
and enabling people affected.
Myelin Project: The Myelin Project
aims to accelerate research on myelin repair. Myelin, the white
matter insulating the nerves, allows the conduction of impulses
from one part of the body to another. It can be destroyed by hereditary
metabolic disorders such as the leukodystrophies, and in acquired
diseases such as multiple sclerosis.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society:
This page provides basic information on MS and a description of
services provided by National MS Society.
Dystrophy Association Web Sites: This page gives several links
to various MD home pages.
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation
of America: The Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA)
is the only national volunteer health agency dedicated solely
to the fight against myasthenia gravis. MGFA, a nonprofit organization,
was established to carry out the following: "To facilitate
the timely diagnosis and optimal care of individuals affected
by myasthenia gravis and closely related disorders and to improve
their lives through programs of patient services, public information,
medical research, professional education, advocacy and patient
care." The vision of the Foundation is to have a "World
Without MG."
National Neurofibromatosis: Founded by a group of individuals
with OCD in 1986, the mission of the OCF is to educate the public
and professional communities about OCD and related disorders;
to provide assistance to individuals with OCD and related disorders,
their family and friends; and to support research into the causes
and effective treatments of OCD and related disorders.
Compulsive Disorders
Institute of Medicine Obsessive Compulsive Information Center:
Founded in 1990, the Obsessive Compulsive Information Center is
a resource for information on obsessive compulsive disorder and
related disorders such as obsessive compulsive personality disorder,
trichotillomania, body dysmorphic disorder, and hypochondriasis.
Compulsive Foundation: Founded by a group of individuals with
OCD in 1986, the mission of the OCF is to educate the public and
professional communities about OCD and related disorders; to provide
assistance to individuals with OCD and related disorders, their
family and friends; and to support research into the causes and
effective treatments of OCD and related disorders.
Compulsive Anonymous
Panic, and PTSD Resources Panic-Anxiety Page: This page gathers
information of interest to those with the characteristic symptoms
of debilitating anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, obsessive thoughts,
and/or depression.
American Parkinson's Disease
Association: This website provides links to local resources,
publications, videos, and referrals.
Michael J. Fox Foundation
for Parkinson's Research: The Michael J. Fox Foundation for
Parkinson's Research is born out of Michael's determination to
raise the significant new monies required to fund the Parkinson's
cure and the Parkinson's Action Network's (PAN) track record of
accomplishment in raising national awareness of Parkinson's disease
and the need for government support of Parkinson's research. The
new foundation is dedicated to fast-forwarding the cure for Parkinson's
Parkinson's Disease Foundation:
The Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF) was founded in 1957 to
encourage and promote research into Parkinson's disease, a chronic,
degenerative neurological disorder that exhibits itself in such
symptoms as tremor, stiffness and slowness of movement.
Parkinson's Disease:
Hope Through Research: Published by the National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, this pamphlet provides a
wealth of general information on Parkinson's Disease.
Parkinson's Foundation of Canada:
This page provides contact information for residents of Canada.
The Parkinson's
Institute: The Parkinson's Institute is an independent, not-for-profit
organization conducting patient care and research activities in
the neurological specialty area of movement disorders. Their mission
is to find the cause and cure for these disorders, to investigate
better treatment and diagnostic tools, and to develop prevention
strategies. Physicians at the Institute focus solely on movement
disorders; in fact, the Institute was founded to provide patient
services and carry out medical research for these difficult diseases.
PKU News: The page provides news
and information about Phenylketonuria, including dietary and support
Polio Connection of
America: Polio Connection's purpose includes finding and alerting
all Polio Survivors as to the 'Late Effects of Polio' and directing
them to appropriate areas for assistance, be it medical or financial,
doing what is possible to eliminate future cases of Polio, in
particular eliminating the use of the Sabin Vaccine, developing
a Polio Movement into a Polio Advocacy Group, and securing funding
for research on the 'Late Effects of Polio' and meeting other
National Jewish Center for Immunology
and Respiratory Medicine: This Center provides patient care,
research and medical education for chronic lung, allergic and
immunologic diseases such as asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis,
tuberculosis, occupational and environmental lung disease, lupus
and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Respiratory Hot-Links: Provides links to web sites in the following categories:
RC Societies, Sleep Disorders Medicine, Schools, Educational,
Books/Publications/Reviews, Hospital Web sites, Employment, Situations
Wanted, Personal Web pages of individual practitioners, Commercial
Web sites (Pharmaceutical, Disposables and Equipment Manufacturers)
Medical Information Sites in Related Disciplines such as Critical
Care Medicine, Anesthesiology, Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care
Nursing, Emergency Medical Service. Also includes Medical Information
sites devoted to basic medical sciences, infectious diseases,
allergies and a whole host of interesting educational links that
can help round out the RCP's online education.
Respirator Links Page: Provides links to respiratory therapy societies/AARC
Chapters/related medical societies and organizations.
Guidelines about Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) for
Persons in the General Workplace Environment: Information
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Affective Disorder
Circadian Lighting Association:
The CLA is the international association of manufacturers who
supply lights for 'circadian' applications including improving
winter mood. The Association was formed in 1993 with the aim of
ensuring that the industry was well run and that customers could
feel confident in the products and services of all CLA companies.
Alliance for the Mentally Ill: This site provides mental health
information ranging from available scholarships to new research.
Norman Rosenthal:
SAD was named by Dr. Norman Rosenthal working at the National
Institute of Mental Health.
Society for Light Treatment and
Biological Rhythms: The Society for Light Treatment and Biological
Rhythms is a not-for-profit international organization founded
in 1988, dedicated to fostering research, professional development
and clinical applications in the fields of light therapy and biological
United States National Association
for Seasonal Affective Disorder: This page provides information
on Combating Seasonal Depression
Mental Health Infosource:
This is a mental health infosource page.
A Handbook For Families: Published by Health Canada in Co-operation
with the Schizophrenia Society of Canada.
Schizophrenia Home Page:
This page provides information on schizophrenia; a newsletter;
an e-mail discussion list; area for professionals, etc.
American Sleep Apnea Association: The ASAA promotes education
and awareness, the ASAA A.W.A.K.E. Network of voluntary mutual
support groups, research, and continuous improvement of care.
This site also provides links to other websites on the subject.
APNEA NET: This Web site is published by The Apnea Patient's
News, Education & Awareness Network -- A.P.N.E.A. NET, for
short. It provides news and education on the subject of sleep
Narcolepsy Network: The Narcolepsy Network members are people
who have narcolepsy (or related sleep disorders), their families
and friends, and professionals involved in treatment, research,
and public education regarding narcolepsy. Has a list of publications
on narcolepsy that can be purchased.
Cord Injury
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Association:
The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation (CRPF) is committed
to funding research that develops treatments and cures for paralysis
caused by spinal cord injury and other central nervous system
disorders. The Foundation also vigorously works to improve the
quality of life for people living with disabilities through its
grants program, paralysis resource center and advocacy efforts.
National Spinal Cord Injury Association: The National Spinal Cord Injury
Association is an international nonprofit organization for people
living with spinal cord injury. Their mission is to enable people
with spinal cord injuries to make choices and take actions so
that they might achieve their highest level of independence and
personal fulfillment.
Reeve-Irvine Research Center:
Named for actor Christopher Reeve, the center is part of the College
of Medicine of the University of California, Irvine. The Reeve-Irvine
Research Center will be located in the recently dedicated Center
for the Health Sciences, and will be led by a yet-to-be named
scientist of international standing. Activities undertaken under
the center's auspices will promote the coordination and cooperation
of scientists around the world seeking a cure for paraplegia and
quadriplegia, and amelioration of diseases impacting neurological
Spinal Cord Injury Information
Network: This site provides a comprehensive and organized
source of spinal cord injury information and resources from recognized
centers, organizations, researchers and educators.
Spinal Cord Injury Network
International: SCINI was founded in 1986 to respond to the
needs experienced by spinal-cord-injured individuals and their
families, meeting those needs with information & referral
services is the purpose of SCINI.
Spinal Cord Injury Project: The Rehabilitation Research Center
(RRC) for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Spinal Cord Injury
(SCI) conducts research to better understand and improve outcomes
after TBI and SCI.
Cord Society: SCS is a large grass roots organization linked
by over 200 chapters, a monthly Newsletter, and thousands of members
throughout North America and 24 other countries. Its goal is cure
of spinal cord injury paralysis. It is an organization of the
spinal cord injured, their families and friends, and dedicated
scientists and physicians who are aiming at the ultimate goal
of cure through improved treatment and research.
The Spina Bifida Association of America: BAA was founded in
1973 to address the specific needs of the spina bifida community
and serves as the national representative of over 70 chapters
nationwide. SBAA is comprised of individuals with spina bifida,
family members, parents, professionals, adults with spina bifida
and interested members of the general public.
SpinaBifida.Net offers free information about Spina Bifida, Hydrocephalus,
physical disabilities, special needs children, latex allergies,
physically challenged teens, folic acid, plus personal stories
from people with Spina Bifida.
Tourettes Syndrome Association:
TSA is a national non-profit voluntary health organization with
54 chapters in the USA and over 30 contacts in other countries.
Members include people with TS, their relatives and other interested,
and concerned supporters. National TSA remains the primary source
of accurate and up-to-date information about TS, its treatment,
relevant scientific research, and consumer services. TSA publishes
a quarterly Newsletter (40,000 readers), maintains a crisis hotline,
and produces valuable literature for people with TS and their
families, medical and allied professionals, educators, and legislators.
TS+: This website
summarizes general information on Tourette Syndrome, including
definitions, links, and other resources.
Brain Injury
Injury Association: The mission of the Brain Injury Association
is to create a better future through brain injury prevention,
research, education and advocacy.
Traumatic Brain Injury Project: The TBI Project at Santa Clara
Valley Medical Center (SCVMC) is interested in the care, treatment,
rehabilitation and community integration of persons with severe
disabilities and catastrophic injuries.
American Council of the Blind:
Welcome to the American Council of the Blind's home page on the
Internet. This service provides general information about the
Council including recent issues of our monthly publication, The
Braille Forum.
Foundation for the Blind:
Is a national nonprofit organization providing information and
referral service regarding people who are blind or visually impaired.
AFB's CareerConnect
is a free resource for people who are blind or visually impaired
to learn about the range and diversity of the jobs that are performed
throughout the United States and Canada by adults who are blind
or visually impaired.
Links": "Blind Links" of interest on topics
related to blindness, from assistive technology to employment
to World Wide Web information.
Blinded Veteran's Association:
Blinded Veteran's Association (BVA) provides information for all
legally blind veterans who became blind during or after they were
on Active Duty. This site contains information about BVA's services
and membership, current BVA Bulletin, and links to related websites.
(Speech Friendly Site)
Blindness Resource Center:
The Blindness Resource Center is a listing of several websites
containing inforamtion related to vision impairments.
BLIST: The Comprehensive Index of Blindness-Related Emailing Lists
which includes how to join a wide number of email lists and newsgroups,
as well as information on accessibility and pan-disability lists.
List: Listing of Braille producers nationally and internationally.
Canadian National Institute for the Blind Library: The CNIB Library for
the Blind, located in Toronto, Ontario, offers nation-wide library
and information services for approximately 500,000 blind and print
disabled Canadians. It is Canada's largest producer of materials
in alternate formats--braille, tactile, audio, and electronic
Descriptive Video:
Descriptive Video Service, a service of the WGBH Educational Foundation
of Boston, provides information about DVS, samples of DVS, and
Internet links for related sites.
International Braille Research
Center Resource Library: The primary purpose of this web site
is to provide a place where people can find a collection of scholarly
papers related to Braille.
Low Vision Gateway: The
Low Vision Gateway is a starting point to access information on
the Internet related to fields of low vision and blindness. Sponsored
by Internet Low Vision Society with support and staffing from
the Low Vision Centers of Indiana.
Macular Degeneration Foundation:
The Macular Degeneration Foundation provides information about
its services, report summaries on macular degeneration and current
developments in research on causes, mechanisms, and treatment
of macular degeneration, and links to other related information
National Broadcast
Reading Service page: The world's largest reading service
for blind and vision-diminished Canadians. This free service helps
everyone stay informed about daily events, with 24 hour broadcasts
(free on cable television) of news stories from hundreds of magazines
and newspapers. They are also an equal access employer with job
opportunities and training courses.
National Federation of the Blind:
The ultimate purpose of the National Federation of the Blind is
the complete integration of the blind into society on a basis
of equality.
Rehabilitation Research
and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision: The Rehabilitation
Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision, by Mississippi
State University, provides information on the Research and Training
Center, Internet links on blindness and low vision, available
publications and job openings.
Royal National Institute for
the Blind: The Royal National Institute for the Blind provides
over 60 different services for visually impaired people, actively
campaigns for the elimination of discrimination and works towards
the prevention of blindness.
Trace Research and Development
Center: The goal of the center is to improve the accessibility
of computers and information systems to individuals with disabilities,
and to raise the level of information and training of the professionals
in the assistive technology field.
United States Association for
Blind Athletes: The USABA provides competitive sports opportunities
for visually impaired youth and adults in the US. Participants
can take part in a variety of training and competitive events
from local to national to international levels in a variety of
sports including Judo, track and field, swimming, tandem cycling,
wrestling, power lifting, and many more.