1 | How many Emergency Medicine hospitals are there in Japan?
(救急病院は日本にいくつある?) |
2 | What is the difference between an emergency hospital(kyukyu shitei byouin)and a regular hospital?
(救急指定病院とそれ以外の病院の違い) |
3 | What is an emergency medicine physician in Japan? What are Nintei-i and Senmon-i ? How many EM physicians exist in Japan?
(日本の救急医の特徴? 認定医とは? 救急医は日本に何人?) |
4 | What kind of training dose a person need to do in order to become an emergency medicine physician?
(救急医になるためにはどのようなトレーニングが必要か) |
5 | After a doctor completes emergency medicine training ,what so they do? Where do they work?
(トレーニングを受けたあと、救急医はどのような施設で働くのか。) |
6 | What are the responsibilities of an emergency medicine physician?
(救急医の守備範囲は?) |
7 | How many hospitals in Japan have independent emergency medicine department?
(独立した救急部門を持つ病院は日本にいくつある?) |
8 | Are Japanese emergency medicine physicians required to do continuing medical education?
(救急医には生涯教育や資格取得後の研修といった制度があるか) |
9 | When was your association established? How many members do you hold?
(日本救急医学会はいつできたか。会員数は何人か) |