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information site about Asbestos for children and parents

Have you ever heard of Asbestos?
Asbestos has very small natural mineral fibres. They can be many times thinner than a human hair.
Because Asbestos is resistant to fire it has been extensively used for building materials.
When building materials are damaged or disturbed then Asbestos fibres are released into the air. 
If Asbestos fibres are breathed in then they can cause diseases decades later.
In Japan, much of the asbestos that was used in the past remains to this day.

Let’s learn about Asbestos so that we can avoid breathing in its fibres.

Department of Global Health Nursing
St. Luke's College of Nursing
Yasuko Nagamatsu

for children
What is Asbestos?
What is Asbestos?
Whre is Asbestos?
Where is Asbestos?
Dangerous Asbestos
Dangerous Asbestos
What to do if I find Asbestos.
What to do if I find Asbestos.
What happens if I inhale Asbestos
What happens if I inhale Asbestos?

English virson was edited by our friend, Michael Lees who lost his dearest wife, Gina by asbestos.
She was a teacher of primary and nursery school in England.
He is working hard to eliminate asbestos in shcools.
Please see his website. http://www.schoolasbestosaction.co.uk/default.htm
