


Message from the Chairperson

New Expansion in the Japanese Red Cross Society of Nursing Science Activities

Japanese Red Cross Society of Nursing Science

Minako Morita RN, PhD, Chairperson of the Executive Board

I am Minako Morita, and I have been appointed as the chairperson for the 8th term. I will undertake these duties with the cooperation and support of the new directors.
The members of the Japanese Red Cross Society of Nursing Science are working in diverse settings—hospitals and other medical institutions, education and research institutions such as universities and vocational schools, community visiting nursing stations, and welfare institutions. The activities of the Nursing Science aim to meet the needs of all its members.
In the 8th term, I would like to develop the activities of the committee to support more the creation of a cycle of nursing practices, education, and research.
In line with the Nursing Science’s theme of “Expanding knowledge rooted in practice,” I would like to undertake activities that can contribute to the creation of a cycle in which practices based on the ideals of the Red Cross take form as knowledge and accumulate, and are then verified in education and practical settings to expand our knowledge.
I would also like to move ahead with detailed investigations of issues such as promoting coordination between clinical settings and education, efforts to raise the interest of young members, and efforts to strengthen the characteristics of the Japanese Red Cross Society of Nursing Science.
Since 2020, the world has experienced the spread of novel coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) and the frequent occurrence of natural disasters. Moreover, conflicts and war are never-ending. In such an era, we actively continue to work with nurses around the world to be active toward realizing Sustainable Development Goal 3, which is to “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”.
Based on the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross, Humanity, I would like to develop our activities to go beyond the specialization of nursing and strengthen bonds as a community that pursues nursing based on humanity so that we can contribute to both Japanese and international societies.