Melanesian Health and Nutrition Network (mehn)

Latest update on 13 November 2012

Purpose of this mailing list

This mailing list aims to ease the information sharing among the researchers, officers, practitioners, students and living people in Melanesia (Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia).

In the 21st century, Melanesian countries widely suffer from the double-burden problem of health and are going to suffer from triple-burden problem in urban area. In such situation, health and nutrition must be targeted by all stakeholders including living people. There are common risk factors like betel-chewing and socio-cultural factors like WANTOK system and pigin language, so that it will be fruitful to widely discuss and share information of health and nutrition in this area.

General information

Who will join?
Anybody who has interest or relation with Melanesian health and nutrition.
This mailing-list uses the MiLion service provided by UMIN.AC.JP.
It's free, no adverticement.
The author holds copyrights of oneself. Anybody who cites the information submitted to the mailing list in other place must obtain the permission by the author. Nonetheless, the contents uploaded to the web (only if explicitly indicated by the author) can be freely refered in anywhere as citation with its URL. The internet link (by A tag) can be freely done, of course.
Minato Nakazawa [web], Professor, Department of International Health, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences (E-mail:minato-nakazawa[atmark]
Minato Nakazawa (see, above)
Takuro Furusawa [web], Associate Professor, Division of Southeast Asian Area Studies, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Taro Yamauchi [web], Associate Professor, Laboratory of Human Ecology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
Masahiro Umezaki [web], Associate Professor, Department of Human Ecology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, University of Tokyo

How to join/quit?

Join, Quit, Change address, etc.
All administration jobs (join, quit, change address, etc.) of this mailing list in UMIN.AC.JP is manually done by the administrator. Therefore, please request what you want to do the administrator by e-mail in English, Melanesian Tok Pigin or Japanese.
Submit mail
Just send e-mail to mehn[atmark] (Note: [atmark] should be replaced by @) from the registered address. Before sending, please check whether the contents of the e-mail is appropriate for the shared information.
General notice
The subject of e-mail should be given, adequately representing the contents.
The mail-format should be plain text. 2 byte characters (Kanji, Chinese, etc) should be avoided.
The MiLion of UMIN.AC.JP cannot reject the attachment or html-format. However, for the security purpose, the format should be plain-text as long as possible.


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