Welcome to FAOPS web site.
(1) Promote the science and art of perinatology,
(2) Promote maternal, fetal and neonatal welfare,
(3) Maintain liaison and promote co-operation and goodwill with other perinatal organisations,
(4) To provide expert advice to governmental and other bodies pertaining to perinatology,
(5) To promote research and training in perinatology.
Message from the President
Welcome to the FAOPSf home-on-the-web!
Welcome to FAOPS (The Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies). FAOPS
is dedicated to improving perinatal care in Asian and Oceanian regions by advancing
the science and practice for women and newborns during the perinatal period. It is
an honor and pleasure to welcome you as the 22nd President of the FAOPS (2021-2022).
FAOPS was founded in 1978 with G Thorburn (Australia) as the first president with
more than 40 years of history, and currently, 15 countries are participating. The
Society Congress has been held every two years, and the 21st Congress was formerly
scheduled to be in Tokyo in 2020. However, it was canceled due to the Covid-19
pandemic. After 2020, the Society Congress was scheduled to be held once a year due
to the increased number of countries wishing to host it. However, the Society
Congress in Indonesia in 2021 was also canceled due to the pandemic. Therefore,
the next Society Congress will be in Malaysia in 2022. In this way, the activities
of FAOPS are currently greatly affected by the pandemic, but the whole activities
of the association itself are continuing. In addition to the Society Congress,
FAOPS supports the holding of workshops in each region to solve regional problems.
In addition, in 2020, FAOPS formally agreed with the World Association of Perinatal
Medicine (WAPM) to reinforce each other's activities. Furthermore, we amended our
Constitution and By-laws in 2020, and Oceania has been divided into an independent
region consisting of 4 regions instead of 3 regions of East, Central, and West.
Also, four new committees were inaugurated to develop FAOPS activities further.
Furthermore, several countries have indicated their intention to join FAOPS. In
this way, FAOPS has taken a new step. FAOPS is run with the cooperation of the
Secretary General and other council members, representatives of participating
countries, committee chairs, advisors, and others. We look forward to your
cooperation in improving society's activities and regional perinatal care.
December, 2020
Satoshi Kusuda
President, Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Associations
Han-Suk Kim
Secretary General, FAOPS